

26 May

    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by -₪EPIC₪- Fail: ok interesting... now we wait to see how long it takes to show up to download.
If you restart steam it will trigger an update
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
- Adding Fix for p2p and dedicated server multiplayer where a crash could occur while updating Steam presence
- Adding a fix which fixes the backpack slot UI not updating correctly, making it seem like players where losing backpacks

17 Apr

    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
- Fixed mission history being duplicated during prospect save. This would cause the current active mission index for the player to no longer be the current mission when a save is loaded. In turn the reward system would not recognize that players are valid recipients of the current missions rewards when it is completed (causing no credits, exotics, or mission unlocks to be awarded).
- This should fix the large filesizes of saves & missions not rewarding correctly

31 Jan

    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by StellarSkys: i mean i'm sorry what conditions happened to you happened but you also contradict yourself in this post.

here you imply you messed up with your programming and made storms more frequent than you meant to.
"This meant changing several parts of the weather system, which combined to result in much more severe and frequent weather events than we originally intended."

then you go on to say. "
This week we definitely got the message that the storms were too much."

this implies you did intend it and have learned the community does not like and will change it.

like why aren't you just honest instead of trying to sell both stories?
I worded it poorly, we ne... Read more
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Last week we released our Weather Forecasting update - a new system that allows players more advanced notice of incoming storms giving them more time to prepare and make more informed decisions about what to do in-game. This meant changing several parts of the weather system, which combined to result in much more severe and frequent weather events than we originally intended.

One of the most enjoyable parts of the week for our team is seeing reactions from both fans in Discord and content creators on YouTube. This week we definitely got the message that the storms were too much.

Typically we would address this much sooner in a hotfix, but as you may be aware immediately following the update's release Auckland, where our studio is based, experienced an entire season worth of rainfall in a few hours and severe flooding (the irony is not lost on us) and much of the team is now working from home (as weather warnings are still in place) or taking time off to clean up.
... Read more

16 Dec

    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey all - the issue is fixed, we should be all working again! Thanks for your patience while we resolved the issue.
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Possemaster:
Originally posted by Exctoris: If you have have done a migration in the past - you are fine.

If you are a new player - you can click ok and play and it is fine.

If you are returning after not playing for a while and haven't done a migration - the migration is down currently but you can choose to skip and play and migrate when it is back up using the [ForceMigrateButton]. When you Force Migrate it will clear all progress made after the skip, but you wil...
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    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
If you have have done a migration in the past - you are fine.

If you are a new player - you can click ok and play and it is fine.

If you are returning after not playing for a while and haven't done a migration - the migration is down currently but you can choose to skip and play and migrate when it is back up using the [ForceMigrateButton]. When you Force Migrate it will clear all progress made after the skip, but you will have all your old data from when you last played.
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
- Fixing Race Condition caused due to new dropship player initialization which was causing players to die before landing on a prospect
- Added timeout check for retrieving data from the server. If migration fails a backup option is now shown to allow you to play without old data. Migration can be attempted later, however this will lose more recent data.

***New Players can now enter the game after attempting a migration, existing players who haven't migrated will have the option to skip migration. People who have already migrated will be unaffected.***

07 Dec

    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by UnderDoug:
Originally posted by Duckett: BTW.. thanks for the heads up
I imagine it'll be included within the regularly scheduled weekly update.
You are correct, this weekly update
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Pach: Hey, thanks for the heads up!

Is this online characters only, or will offline ones be impacted as well?
Its both, we are merging offline & online with this patch.

03 Dec

    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Its something we really want to add, along with a balance of all the energy / power systems. We are planning to do something early next year after data decentralization.
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Des: i've got questions
1, dedi servers are always on so whats gonna happen to your base
when no one is on at that moment?
lotta storms happen and on styx stone gets damaged
would we have to build all the way to concrete before getting off every time?
There is in option in the config of the server as to how long the game runs when no-one is connected. I believe we default it to 3 minutes, then the server switches to lobby mode, and the next time you connect you will have to load up the session. While the server is in lobby mode the game isn't running so no events or anything will be happenning.

Originally posted by Des: 2, what happens when the mission is finished?
When missions finish players will be instantly rewarded with the Ren / Exotics, no need to go back up in the dropship to collect the rewards... Read more
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Dedicated servers are in active development, over on discord we have some channels set up with how to access the tool, the wiki on how to host and steam branch required for you to connect.
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are looking at adjusting this soon, so that a mission-recipe unlock on one character unlocks for all.
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We are planning to expand the Open World Quests with larger objectives, they will come and take a little time.

28 Nov

In our weekly update we some changes to fix the reload issues where buildings, deployables and deep ore viens would not reload. An unfortunate side-effect of this update meant some of the progression and missions in Styx could not be completed. We also have been experiencing a bug where clients would crash when completing open world missions.

Hotfixes are disruptive due to downloads
We do apologize for doing the hotfix, as we know it is disruptive with how the downloads work and some users experience long times where Steam has to verify the entire game. Unfortunately we really do need to get this change out, as it is badly impacting some players.

  • Fixed SANDBOX, INFLUX & WETWORK missions which where blocked from completion due to them only checking for the pre-mesh swap actors.
  • Fixed a client crash that could occurring when spawning a reward pod upon completion of an open world mission, this was caused by the particl...
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18 Nov

    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The repair tool & building upgrade tool have been combined into a single item.
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I belive in this patch we re-added the ability to hit them with melee weapons and projectiles to damage them. But you can always look at them and press y to pick back up.
    Exctoris on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
There was a bug with this in the initial patch but was fixed in a hotfix. It’s a bluefish greenish box that has smoke coming out of it.