

31 Jul


Originally posted by themratss

yeah but will it be available for PS4 i dont see the game in the store

Ah sorry! I believe they should go live on August 4th.


Originally posted by xRyanRampage

Not really a question but more of an idea!

Since you guys are very active on social media & communicating with the fall guys community I think it would be an amazing idea to have something in place like having a super rare ultra skin for your wee character that can only be obtained by like winning a "fall guys clip of the month" or maybe the dev team can squad up for a weekend and if you get put into a match with them, they randomly can award people this ultra rare skin or something along the lines like that!

I think this would be another way to really drive people playing more and for longer knowing there's a cool wee incentive? Just an idea guys but would love to flex on other players if I ever got this skin 😝

Thanks for doing this. Been following for a while and really digging what you guys do ✌

I used to be totally obsessed with trying to earn Recon armour in Halo 3, so I love this idea. It's tricky though, as soon as you add an extrinsic reward to this type of stuff players can start to do it for the wrong reasons, and your whole community can end up just begging for the special armour the whole time (see old bungie.net for reference!)


Originally posted by The_Master_Of_Dark

What was the most interesting/exciting part of development?

I think the first time we got 50+ players in a lobby together to play through an entire level. That was the real 'oh wow, this has really got potential' moment for us!


Originally posted by Elusive10101

How will the microtransactions work if there are any I know there is an item shop but there is currency you can earn so will you be able to just purchase with earned currency and then some will be paid shout out to Dev team for an awesome game

So our in-game store runs on a daily rotation, and Kudos/Crowns you earn from playing can be used to buy cosmetics. You can ALSO buy kudos packs from the platform store if you're running a bit short, but crowns CANNOT be bought. If you want those really fancy costumes you're going to have to earn them!

Outside of that we'll have a handful of costumes that appear as a 'pack' similar to our collector's edition pack. These can only be bought with real money, but represent a tiny percentage of costumes that are in the game. 99% of cosmetics can be earned just through playing and we don't have a paid battle pass either.


Originally posted by DinerAtTheStorm

Do you expect people to play this game competitively?

The game isn't really designed to played at the peak of competitiveness but you never know what might happen. The game has a bunch of weird quirks to it and sometimes a boulder is just going to come out of nowhere and ruin your day, so I don't think it's really a great fit for competitive gaming! I think it's most fun when you don't take it too seriously personally, but stranger things have happened in the games industry...


Originally posted by bigguy1027

Could we see the soundtrack being released? Possibly with the Collectors Edition?

The soundtrack is coming to Bandcamp very soon. Jukio Kallio was the composer!


Originally posted by BapLoggTheGod

Will there be any packs similar to the preorder pack for steam for PSN on launch?



Originally posted by themratss

Can we somehow get the outfits from the collectors edition?

Those outfits will stay unique to the collector's edition, but there are dozens of new ones to earn in-game too!