

05 Aug


Originally posted by CubesAndPi

That must be such an amazing feeling to blow through your estimated peak concurrent players like that. Congrats on the launch! Having fun with it on pc. Would love to be able to spectate people in my party instead of scrolling through everyone

This is probably our most requested feature (after working servers of course). Coming very soon!


Originally posted by old_people_driving

Havent been able to play a single match, once the match loads I get disconnected every single time. All that hype for nothing

I'm really sorry you're seeing this. We're trying to get to the bottom of it as quickly as possible.


Originally posted by Funhau5

Hey, Joe. I love the game so far. Are there any plans to add camera settings to the game? There currently is not way to invert the x or y axes, which some folks would appreciate. As someone who plays games with an inverted y-axis, some of the challenges can be a bit awkward if camera movement is required.

Yes! Coming very soon, hopefully in our first hotfix


Originally posted by SenshiLore

Will there be controller options for the PS4 implemented soon?

Yes, hopefully pretty soon

04 Aug


Originally posted by quarlrauq

Hello Joe, is there any tips to recover from slowly rolling rag doll style from the seesaw when you jump and don’t land correctly but you have a pretty long way down so you roll for a very long time? (Sorry english is not my first language). I understand some physic is involved but I felt like I could get back up a lot more often during the technical beta. Thanks a lot.

Use the dive before you land! it's a bit of a hack but it can stop you ragdolling so much. This stays a secret between me and you though, yeah?


Thanks everyone for your patience over the past 24 hours! I'm going to sleep for a bit but should be up fairly early to keep you all updated. Happy launch day!


Originally posted by BTrain17

Thanks for answering questions! Can you tell us if there is skill based matchmaking? I don't want to play too much and give my friends a difficult introduction!

Hi! there is some slight skill based matchmaking yes, but not to the extent of competitive games. You should be fine to get some games in!




Originally posted by SpaceCadetriment

It's weird because it's an option on the PC version but not on PS4. Same with the input delay on jump, only on PS4.

We believe that input lag is tied to performance rather than platform. We're looking into it!


Originally posted by ChewieHanKenobi

As a fellow inverted player this sucks. You telling me there isnt a single inverted player on the dev team to point it out

It's more that we had a bunch of nasty last minute issues crop up with controller issues and we had to make a tough decision to remove control customization from the game. It will be back soon, I promise, but in the last few days of development you have to make really nasty calls like this. I'm really sorry it's affecting your ability to play the game!


Originally posted by thethrowawayable

There is no way for me to change Y Axis inversion which will make it super difficult, if not nearly impossible to play.

I understand there might be a hotfix, but how soon? I may not be able to play until it is added and that breaks my heart.


I'm really sorry this is an issue! I can't give you an exact time frame but I would hope that within the next few days we can get something out.


Originally posted by obscure3rage

Couldn't you solve that by letting us create custom games? Let's say we're a party of 20, just let us create a custom game and we'll run that risk. Loving the game btw! Cheers

During development we were worried about custom games because of how it can split the playerbase. If we don't have enough players in the main queue then the game will suffer. Hopefully the interest over the past few weeks means that shouldn't be so much of a worry going forward!


Originally posted by JohnStamosBRAH

Congrats and good luck! Any chance we get bigger party sizes in the future? Thanks!

hi! So we have to be careful because a) we don't want parties pub-stomping matchmaking, and b) large parties can grief and do all sorts of things we don't expect (blocking finish lines etc.) It's frustrating but with this type of thing you really have to think of the worst case scenario and work backwards from there.

That said, I could see us upping the party size slightly one day. It's probably not our highest priority feature but it's definitely something we'll be looking into once launch settles down!


Originally posted by Donkeyhead

Maybe tether the teams together

haha we actually tried this early on and it was a complete nightmare. Bungee cords and networked physics do not work well together... Maybe I'll unearth the gifs some time!


Originally posted by MrWheelieBin

Fall Guys Devs: please please please keep up this communication to the community. This is something special. Staying in touch will keep everyone around.

Also: level editor would be amazing. Look what it has done for Golf With Your Friends.

We'll do our best! Even if we go quiet rest assured we're here lurking and reading feedback.

I agree that a level creator would be the dream!!!


Originally posted by djtf97

Hi Joe, not sure whether you'll still be answering these, but there have been people in game with different coloured names, could you shed any light on what these mean? TYIA

Hey! yeah I'm still here!
People have figured out that you can have rich text in that part of the game using some clever steam names. Will be fixed soon!


Originally posted by boong_ga

Some may see this as your uphill battle. You already jumped some obstacles but there is more ahead.

That said, I really like the game and actually can wait for updates, stability, content and so on...

This is a great analogy!
Game development is like Slime Climb and we just reached the yellow logs


Pardon our dust everyone!
Things might get a little spicy as US gets online but we've been up since 4am working on these issues and are working as fast as possible to keep things smooth!


Originally posted by Year-Of-The-GOAT

How regular is new content going to be?

Seasons system?

WE have seasonal content drops but we have other things we want to release too. Can't talk about timings right now as so much is in flux!