

19 May


Originally posted by roosterGO

Thanks for the there any ETA for the next patch? Safe to assume next Tuesday?

Generally speaking, a two week cadence is our target, but we're still in beta to exercise all of those muscles and understand what works best, so I can't make a commitment yet. Thanks for helping us figure this out!


Hey Youbekay! This is a known issue, and we'll be resolving it next patch, but due to the impact of the current state of the live game, and impact to future development, we think we can make a better experience by focusing on current bugfixes and feature work for the upcoming patch instead of using those same resources to get a fix out for this specific issue now.

We know it sucks, and we've added additional test coverage to some of our test suites to ensure we catch this particular issue in future builds, but we feel like the risk to stability outweighs the value we'd provide to players. But we'll have it fixed during the next planned patch!

08 May


Thank you for posting this! It's super helpful! We've seen (and hopefully fixed) a similar issue where if the spike was planted on the same frame as the attacker team had the last elimination, they would get credit for the elimination win as well as the spike detonation. My guess is it's the same frame perfect issue, but we will definitely investigate!

01 May


Originally posted by CaDoran

As I understood it sova arrow always sees through walls? Every time I am in the radius of a sova arrow it says location revealed no matter what. Even if I am behind a wall....

That's incorrect. Sova arrow only reveals if it has line of sight to you at the moment the pulse passes.

30 Apr


Originally posted by bearflies

There's a similar one on Split A bomb site where a defender Sova can fire his arrow into the back of a billboard and it will scan attackers coming from spawn, and at the same time it's impossible to shoot through the billboard to break the arrow.

That should be resolved in this patch (0.49). If you see it again, please let me know!!!


Hey friends. Sorry about this. Our fix for this failed. While we investigate what went wrong with our dev processes, we'll be keeping this audio SFX for the duration of the patch, and will evaluate how we want it to sound going forward. Thanks for the feedback, and sorry for the miss on our communication here.


That's an interesting find ty. Will talk with Maps and Characters to see what the best way is to resolve. That's probably more vision than is intended given the recon dart placement.


Originally posted by Redztar

I just had a game with someone abusing this bug as well. So it is still possible in live :)

Are you 100% sure? Do you have a video? Because the fix we implemented means I can no longer reproduce after having 100% repro steps.

29 Apr


Hi friends! Thanks for the report. I'm QA on the maps team and I'm trying to track down this issue, but I can't reproduce it on live environment. If you're able to do this consistently, I would love a DM with screenshots about how you're doing it so I can work with our team on fixing it!

edit: thanks for all the help and DMs and videos! found a consistent repro, will work with the team to get out a fix for this asap!


Originally posted by fiddle_funk

- **NA:** - **In Game:** - **Guns randomly do not fire. No specific circumstances or map, might happen any game or round, guns just freeze up and don't fire. Abilities also do not fire:** - **No video not sure how to do that at all:** - **Completely unpredictable when it is going to happen:**- **RTX 2070 16gig Ram i7700**

One more thing, like so many reddit threads, posting on this is a total hassle. Too much formatting requirements, too much moderator red tape. Just let people report there bugs for god sakes, I almost didn't even report this once I saw the mod red tape associated with posting. There's no need for other than for mods to feel like they actually matter. Its a hinderance. Thanks.

Hey fiddle_funk, thanks for the report. As one of the QA folks on VALORANT, the formatting is actually super helpful for us. There are currently 259 different posts in this thread. The patch has been live about 10 hours in EU, and 3 hours in NA. The closed beta launch patch reached 4000 comments.

Warning, napkin math with lots of assumptions for illustration purposes forthcoming: With the formatting in place, a bug will usually take me, or another member of the QA about a minute to parse, understand, and identify next steps. Without that formatting, it's probably closer to 2 minutes (i used a google timer to have somewhat data informed math here). The difference between those times just using the initial thread is about 4000 minutes, which is 66 hours, or the equivalent of just a bit more than 1.5 standard 40 hour work weeks. If redditors spend a little extra time, and our development team gets an extra 1.5 work weeks to fix bugs and work on features, it helps u...

Read more

20 Apr


Yup! This is a bug which will be fixed in an upcoming patch, sorry about that!

Competitive integrity is really important, and we test to make sure that we aren't selling power with our cosmetic content. Sorry this one escape :(


Originally posted by fleta336

Fair enough. In my mind it wasn’t worth the trade off but the volume is far bigger of people playing and not watching tournaments

Making prioritization calls is REALLY hard, and there's a lot that goes into it. It's part art, part science, part black magic, and I'm not going to pretend that we'll always make the right calls. These are just some of the things we have to consider for any of our development choices, so hopefully, over the long term, we get more of them right than wrong, and make a game that folks really enjoy!


Originally posted by fleta336

Why not just disable the feature entirely for now?

Disabling observer slots would solve the issue, but would stop anyone from running tournaments or in houses with viewers...and ultimately, that feels worse than giving additional information to players.

Turning off the spectator count which provides a lot of tension and excitement as you see the number tick off when you're sitting in a 1 v 2 trying to clutch is a fairly high cost, and I'm not intimately familiar with the tech, so I don't know how feasible it would be to do quickly.

Hopefully the overall value of having a spectator count, and the way it can make your exciting moments of VALORANT that much more exciting offsets the fairly rare use case of additional information in tournament or custom game play. And when the fix is live, it won't be a problem at all!


Originally posted by Crypervescent

Quick off topic question, will there be a mmr reset after release or before competitive playlist goes live? I would assume so but just want to make sure.

Nothing that I have the information to answer concretely right now, sorry. We will have additional communication coming, but I can't confirm or deny anything. Sorry :(


Originally posted by Prodigal2k

Don’t feel bad at all. I really appreciate all that you guys have done. It honestly is really fun and you guys did a great job. I know that especially with the outbreak, it isn’t the easiest for you guys to be working on the beta and I’m sure with the full release you will have a working solution. I really appreciate the response though, very well written and clear. As a business student, mad respect. Thanks for taking the time out to respond to me.

Thanks for playing our game :)


Originally posted by Prodigal2k

Please add a forfeit option. My last 5 games were ruined by leavers. I beg of you, free me from the chains of unenjoyable games.

We know the experience down 4 v 5 isn't great, and we're looking at all of our options to improve it. Hopefully the ult orb + other AFK/leaver compensation helps. Some of those systems are still work in progress, but we know that can feel frustrating. I don't know what solutions will be realistic, and ultimately achieve our goals, but that team is actively trying to figure it out. Sorry I can't give a more concrete answer.


Originally posted by fleta336

Yea I’m shocked that riot overlooked this

To be clear, this was an issue we knew about, but we didn't expect folks to spin up tournaments where it was impactful this quickly. That doesn't change the impact, but we knew this existed, we just didn't have time to fix it before we launched our closed beta.

We will always be working to fix and improve our game, as we won't always get it right the first time. And that's why community feedback is so important to us! Ultimately, we only have so many development hours, and we do our best to prioritize the right things. Sometimes though, we get it wrong! And while we try not to, the good news is that we have a lot of chances to improve over the long haul :)


Originally posted by JAM1B


Love the game :)

Really glad you're enjoying it :D it's been super surreal and gratifying to see real players playing it!


Hey JAM1B! Thanks for the report! We're aware and have a fix for this planned! We know it can provide information and compromise competitive integrity for the match. We're absolutely floored by how quickly folks have started organizing and running tournaments where this was impactful.

We have a fix planned for an upcoming patch so it won't be a problem once that goes out. Thanks!