Thanks for replying.
I don’t know who runs this place, but I’ve had several bug reports removed, eg. What seems like a Forward Intel vs Ghost bug.
I only found out by viewing them in inkognito mode.
Happens Randomly, usually at the start of a match.
Happens about every third match or so.Restarting the game seemingly prevents the error from occuring.
It sounds like the match continues for other players.
I don’t know who runs this place, but I’ve had several bug reports removed, eg. What seems like a Forward Intel vs Ghost bug.
That would be the community moderators. We outline in all of our official items that this is a community-run space. While we work with them on various occasions we don't manage them. It is a friendly symbiotic relationship. (That sounds weird but I'm going with it.)
So you run into the issue once, then restart, then it doesn't happen again throughout your session?