

08 Sep


Originally posted by KingKull71

I think everyone can understand that, as long as "not worth it" doesn't extend to all the topics that players want to talk about (spawning, connectivity, matchmaking, lobbies, visibility, etc) that the devs would prefer to avoid. The first step to managing outrage is to recognize the issues that are making people unhappy... unfortunately, that hasn't been the common practice in the past.

I outlined what that meant. There may be times where I don't have responses to some topics or the response to give is not what some players want. The decision to not engage with those players in that scenario begins when they decide to become uncivil or intellectually dishonest.


Originally posted by DAN1637IEL

Thank you, but can you send a link to the discord channel?

Sure thing, you can find it here. We're using Discord a little differently than most servers because we're an information and content creation hub first. We might explore text and voice channels at a later date, but the goal is to keep the information flow running for those who live on Discord. (I live on Discord.)


Great job and thank you for sending the links! Liked it on Twitter and Instagram from Treyarch. Also added it to our Discord's UGC channel. :)


Originally posted by raisensareterrible

I think it's because it gets over whelming at a point. It's hard trying to fix issues when the angry mobs don't know what they want and say "FIX THIS. YOU LAZY SHITHEADS". Fix what? They're more specific with negative words that they're calling Treyarch , than the complaint itself.

MW, she got death threats and probably even sexual abuse threats, I'd stay tf away too. It's a lot to take in, they're human. We need to realize this. They can get doxxed if someone was pissed enough.

Keep in mind, they're only reporting back what Treyarch/IW has told them. There's no guarantee. We're not in their shoes. We simply play the game and post about it on reddit.

Treyarchs communicator even said /r/Blackops4 was just too toxic.

Treyarchs communicator even said r/Blackops4 was just too toxic.

What I said was:

I intend to remain present but will definitely elect to not engage with those who are intentionally uncivil or intellectually dishonest as in r/BlackOps4. We outlined this in our ...

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07 Sep


Originally posted by JedGamesTV

it must be hard for you especially, trying to find actual feedback.

Frequency of conversation plays a part in the feedback process. Some things are tough and some are not.


Originally posted by JedGamesTV

Anyone else sick of seeing this question 10 times a day? please just search the sub ffs, not hard

I moderated the COD forums from ~2009 to ~2015. Nobody really ever searches. Trust.


Tag me when you're done. :)

05 Sep


"Criticism ≠ Hate" is something we very much understand at the studio. IMHO, "hate" starts when players or posters make the decision to become uncivil or outright abusive. We understand that passion can run high and translate into brief flares, but we reject consistent incivility.


Originally posted by [deleted]


You still reuse the same footstep/explosion/gun sounds from 2012. We kinda all waiting on Treyarch to adapt...

The sound guy needs to be fired asap.

I'm going to make it clear right here that creating posts that paint with the broadest of brush strokes and call for people to be fired are the easiest ways to get blocked, muted, or ignored by us.

If you think your post was a bastion of feedback then you're wrong. There are so many more ways for you to be constructive and contribute positively instead of that.

We called this out specifically in our Welcome to Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War blog. Please...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


Depends on your definition and I feel like a lot of complaints from BO4 are going to be alleviated with how COD operates now.

Plus, everyone should click heads. Mice. Controllers. The crazy kids that use touch pads.


Originally posted by goldnx

This fookin legend’s back

This fookin legend’s back

Waddup waddup.

04 Sep


Originally posted by almightypaca

Ik, just wanna let him know

Ik, just wanna let him know

Trust me when I say that I read most of the threads here. We're going to get to a point where reading everything isn't possible, but I've seen it. We're not talking about various systems yet. We haven't even made it to 9/9 yet. So I appreciate you sharing the feedback, but I'm going to put this out there so you don't feel like you're being left on Read.


Adapt. Click on heads. Drink water. Be good.


Originally posted by Vinjince

I know the community does the same thing with every game released, but I'm here to say that I, as an individual, appreciate the hard work and effort you guys put into this. Thank you for communicating. When the inevitable immature comments are thrown your way, do you what you gotta do but remember there's those of us who appreciate what you do. Cheers!

I know the community does the same thing with every game released, but I'm here to say that I, as an individual, appreciate the hard work and effort you guys put into this. Thank you for communicating. When the inevitable immature comments are thrown your way, do you what you gotta do but remember there's those of us who appreciate what you do. Cheers!

Thank you! This means a lot to our team and I. If you're still here later this year, it's cool some people move on, be sure to help me call out to the community in how we can all do better.


Originally posted by AmusingAnecdote

I think it would be actionable to simply include all the guns, maps, and features that I want, and exclude all the guns, maps, and features I do not want.

(And to do exactly the same for the ~50 million players who buy the game individually.)

Pretty weird that instead of simply doing every single thing I ask, you have an experienced team of developers building the game based on years of trial and error.

Edit: LMAO my first platinum award is for being a sarcastic smart-ass who defends the behavior of a large company. Very on-brand.

I think it would be actionable to simply include all the guns, maps, and features that I want, and exclude all the guns, maps, and features I do not want.

(And to do exactly the same for the ~50 million players who buy the game individually.)

Pretty weird that instead of simply doing every single thing I ask, you have an experienced team of developers building the game based on years of trial and error.

It's like trying to decide only three flavors of pizza for ~50 million people.

03 Sep


Originally posted by emrebay

I understand that it is to late for all these points to be implemted in the game before launch even if they would get aproved. Is it possible that we may see some of these points get implemented over updates? And are there any of these points we don't need to worry about?

I want to talk about multiplayer and features as much as you want me to talk about multiplayer and features. There's a process for this all however and I understand that appetites are insatiable.

For now, continue providing feedback. Let's get to 9/9 and see how your feedback is shaped. My initial post here was to reinforce that I'm currently present and establish some healthy expectations.


Originally posted by DarthPlagueisTragedy

Foxhound sees the posts. I’m sure people are aware. Whether changes will be made is another matter.

Foxhound sees the posts. I’m sure people are aware. Whether changes will be made is another matter.

This. We read and pay attention, but not all feedback or suggestions are actionable.


Just an FYI here that I reached out to our Player Support and forwarded both of your issues. Please reach out, or continue to reach out, to our support teams.

cc: /u/RdJokr1993

01 Sep


Originally posted by Tityfan808

Awesome, thank you!

Certainly. We'll also have an open beta later this year so you'll be able to test with your own setup/rig too. :)


Originally posted by Tityfan808

u/Foxhoundfps would you know the answer to this one? Thank you

Currently don't have an answer to share, but will likely have one once we hit 9/9.