More fun ways to look at data we have. Below only contain a few Brawlers, data sample is from the last 7d and only statistically relevant sample sizes taken into consideration.
#brawlstars #facts
We're aware that some of you experience and Error 43 at the battle end screen. We've identified the issue but won't be able to resolve it easily today without a maintenance. Since there's no negative impact on you, we will keep Duels enabled despite the error message.
@bs_mihai_andrei The answer to your question is literally in the thread you replied to.
"The Game says I'm not eligible, but I'm in this Club since forever!" We're currently looking into this, but it's likely an effect of the increased load and as the servers are catching up this should resolve itself. Should we require a maintenance, we'll let you know. 👊
@KEgodawatte "Play with at least 1 Club Member to DOUBLE your Club Quest Progress" 😅
@madhav_coc @Paula_Supercell @Dani_Supercell
@Mahesh75815903 @BrawlStars @Dani_Supercell @Paula_Supercell Known issue. Will be fixed with the next update.
@NinorsY Yeah, something like that would be sweet!
@tiigst Don't know, yet!
@oezcan03 Congratulations. 🥳
@tiigst Did you read the thread you are commenting on? 😅
@EHdeadshotYT I think they are counted, but I don't remember 100%.
@NinorsY All structures are build with a Club of 30 players in mind. If you made a decision to have a smaller Club that's completely fine, but you won't get the same rewards or have the same chances to compete in higher Leagues. Both (Quest/League) weeks are optimized for min. 24 players.
@LegendSumanzZz Besides: if you play with other players from the Club, you receive DOUBLE the progress. 👊
@pumpkintron @007XUnknown Yes.
@pumpkintron We've communicated about this:
@LegendSumanzZz An average player wins ~60 games/week. The hardest Quest is 50% less than that. It's completely OK to be less active than the average player, but why would you be eligible for the highest possible reward? 😉
@yuna__yt @YdeGaming Yes, we thought about Achievements. Nothing conclusive for the moment.
This will create a better balance for all leagues since strong clubs move up faster and on the other side will create more competition in higher leagues.
TL;DR: This is working as intended and was visible in-game, but we could have communicated this better.