"OMG! We got demoted 2 ranks, what the...?!"
The promotion/demotion table changed with the last season to balance League Divisions better. The table is visible during Club League week. Promotions range from 1-4 divisions/season for Rank 1, demotions from 0-2 ranks for Rank 8.
"The Game says I'm not eligible, but I'm in this Club since forever!"
We're currently looking into this, but it's likely an effect of the increased load and as the servers are catching up this should resolve itself. Should we require a maintenance, we'll let you know. 👊
Club Quest Week started. 🔥
I saw some post and got some questions, answers can be found below! ⬇️
#brawlstars #clubquests
@HugaThaMonsta @YdeGaming Right. Despite what you might think, the biggest draw of Brawl Pass are the Brawlers.
@oezcan03 @YdeGaming Increased load right now, let's see if it resolves by itself.
@Sri_Hellfire @YdeGaming Well, there would be less Mortis. Doh. 🤣 We're not and we will not ban Brawlers for specific modes.
@HugaThaMonsta @YdeGaming How would this help with Mortis? 😅
One of the biggest "balancing" outliers in the game, popularized and reinforced by content creators around the globe like our dear @YdeGaming. 👀❤️
It doesn't even fit within the regular definitions/frame. Brawl Ball truly is #MortisGame...
#mortis #brawlstars #facts
@AshClashYT That's... too much work. lol
@27TvRolo Haha, I remember that he pulled the turret, but I didn't realize that he took himself out by doing so. 😂
@TeddieCasts Normal day traveling in Holiday season it seems. 😂
@SpikeHatesPL @colonbrace_ART @BT21_ Sounds like you and us have different limits there.
@IcyTamTam @instagram @bench_912 That was super useful! Thanks.
@ugmac @TheEconomist Isn't that just a function of income vs. cost of living at location?
@LaPeceraTonta @Paula_Supercell @Dani_Supercell When you tag us and it's redundant, in most cases we won't see it (since we're getting tagged a lot, very much like you just did) and it might take our attention away from when it would be important to see things. Like critical bug reports, etc.
Cheers. 👊
@LaPeceraTonta @Paula_Supercell @Dani_Supercell Not because we wouldn't like to, but because it's impractical and it doesn't scale with millions of daily active players (and consequently thousands of such reports).
@LaPeceraTonta @Paula_Supercell @Dani_Supercell That's exactly why we have the functionality in game. I thought that either you didn't realize that you could report IG or that something didn't work. Our support team will take care of it.
There's no value in reporting here and we don't provide service on social media.
@LaPeceraTonta @Paula_Supercell @Dani_Supercell Ok. Then I'm not quite sure why you tagged us? 🤔
@LaPeceraTonta @Paula_Supercell @Dani_Supercell Did you report the person in game?
@dafoooool That's me. 😂