@TreborOP Yeah, as I said, not a realistic scenario. lol
@TreborOP Seriously though, I get your point, but this scenario isn't realistic.
Duplicate Brawlers in general are the last "escalation" of matchmaking. It's still serving a purpose, though to reduce matchmaking times. We'll see if we change our mind on this topic in the future.
@TreborOP Why on earth would a seriously competitive team not play Power Match format? 🤣
@Mehrab02620354 This is referencing Club League week. You should be OK.
@MagnieMakoyana @BrawlStars @brawlstarsfr Really like these! The action peace you've made before also looked really cool, somewhat different than your usual style! 👏
@Srinath_TheHulk Yeah, this is the graph directly coming from our data visualization solution. The small dip in the "V" are the Fridays. I'd assume a lot of players prefer playing on Saturday's if they are within the central region (EMEA & Co).
@BrawlPopTV Crash rates are something we are constantly looking at, and the most critical issues have been fixed with the latest update, which doesn't mean that there aren't potentially some issues left.
The team is now on vacation, we'll be back at it in August.
@cz_nero I don't remember the latest iteration, but I believe we've designed it around ~24 players participating.
While these numbers look very similar on all TR Ranges, participation goes up the more experienced players are.
This being said, it's pretty obvious that not all players see the advantage or playing in a Club and many are missing our on rewards. Sth we gotta look at eventually.
Tomorrow the first Club Quest week starts and personally I am really looking forward to this change and the focus on the Top 24 players. 😌
CL has been super consistent in regards to participation. Below a Graph for 25,000 TR+ players. The dips are Tuesdays.
#brawlstars #clubs
@aliabd_96 They are available for now bi-weekly.
@maxconfer Overall making plays with him and being aggressive will be much harder but still possible, and that's where the challenge for me comes in.
I'd say 7/10 overall in range of skill ceiling.
@maxconfer Using his skills practically isn't that hard. It's fairly easy to hit at least some of his projectiles and he has a decent range and while the Super needs to be aimed, using it defensively against tanks/assassins is easy.
@maxconfer I just like the mechanics a lot. High skill, high reward Brawler. His Super can be game changing, but you still have to hit it and there's ways to mitigate his impact (ex. lining up, etc.).
We're aware that some of you experience and Error 43 at the battle end screen. We've identified the issue but won't be able to resolve it easily today without a maintenance.
Since there's no negative impact on you, we will keep Duels enabled despite the error message.
@SymantecBS So what you are saying is, that Trophies *are* representative of player skill after all...?!
@maxconfer Gene, Gene and Gene.
#homeoffice #glitchdogo
@KeeperEnjoyer @ferrer9572
PS: For those of you who are interested, the Power League distribution is pretty much unchanged with 2/3 of all players being in Bronze/Silver (due to the constant influx of new players).