@Teddyash_ Masters is the goal!
@zSunLeft It's basically centered around the distribution of all clubs and matchmaking. We're still adjusting this regularly.
@PocoGamer44BS Ooof! Sorry to hear it. Which rank are you on?
Rough CL week for #THE30! π΅βπ«
A tie-breaker today decided between a chance for promotion vs. rank 5. We also legit screwed up during the first couple of days. Oof.
Let's get the π this week!
#brawlstars #clubleague
@rovid16 π
@Nothing_name114 At least it's warm here.
@Cindy_bs_ Nothing we're disclosing I'm afraid.
@Phoenix_276 @Teddyash_
@CWA π
@IceDarkKnight @rijozera Don't worry about this, we'll fix it soonβ’!
@bigdupen @HalitEfeNDER2 Consequently: the people who are, are some of the most engaged and active players in the community.
@bigdupen @HalitEfeNDER2 Less than 1% of our active player base uses Twitter or Reddit.
@RKRigney @FullFrontage π
@bigdupen @HalitEfeNDER2 "of our active player base."
@2_fenomen Nobody violated anything. There was an offer, people purchased it in good faith. Our mistake.
@jelight1313 A few lines of code.
That's it from our side!
Sorry once again for our mistake, making our players sad obviously wasn't our intention.
What will you do?
Our primary objective is to make sure that the content validation of offers works correctly moving forward, even if there's changes on our end in regards to how offers work, i.e. we're fixing the bug in the system.
Well, the money is gone, the content too. You'll have to contact support. The list unfortunately goes on.
All progress rolled back means if you got a Legendary in a box, well - it's gone and there's no guarantee it'll drop again. Won a Club League match which got you promoted? Not there anymore. You might also not have time for another match. Bought an in-game purchase?