

25 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Attention prisoners. Weekly community entertainment based on your contributions is being dispatched immediately. Enjoy...while you can... ->

How I look at my vegetable stew when I decide to eat healthy.

''I'm a SCUM girl, in a SCUM wooooorld! Life is drastic, it's fantastic!🎵
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20 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there everyone! Might be a bit chilly outside today, but we're warming things up with a hotfix for the latest update! ->

  • Fixed a very rare bug where map would be completely white.
  • Fixed the issue with flying gardens.

  • Reduced Christmas ornament spawns
  • Drones will now be invisible when logging in, after pressing X they will go back to their old default state.

As always, make sure to follow us on our social media channels for all things SCUM:

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17 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Welcome, prisoners, to your weekly update on the development of the game! Now that the latest update is out, our full focus is on the development of 1.0. Here’s a glimpse of what the team has been working on this past week!

The programming team has been hard at work fixing a variety of issues, focusing on the rain/wetness mechanics, a fix for first-person shadows, and improvements to the ocean opacity map. Additionally, enhancements have been made to the encounter manager, tutorial UI highlighting, and localization. We've added new survival tips, UI highlights, tutorial tasks, and codex pages. More functionalities have also been implemented for armed NPCs. However, make no mistake— overall bugfixing still remains the biggest priority.

... Read more

11 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello prisoners! Perito has been transferred to solitary confinement for no particular reason, which means I'm handling your weekly dose of entertainment. Enjoy an assortment of community contributions and our 'witty' takes on them, oh and an important announcement as well! ->

But before we get to the Community showcase an announcement! You all heard that there will be a new update this week. Well we can confirm that it is happening on Thursday!
And you asked for it and we can confirm, there will be a partial/soft wipe on that update as well. Not for the content that is dropping itself but to ease in implementation of a certain new anti cheat system next month. Consider yourself warned!

Looks like someone has experience with ... Read more

03 Mar

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Prisoners! It's that time of the week again! No, I’m not referring to your weekly hosing, but rather the latest update on the development of SCUM. Enjoy... while you can... ->

Our programmers have been keeping themselves busy with a variety of tasks. First, they’re improving the rain and wetness effects. They’re also working on the NPC spawning mechanic, a new high-loot POI, and new quest functionalities. In addition, they’ve been making major improvements to the server browser and preparing the tractor for its return to the prison island. Several optimizations to overall server functionality are in progress, along with enhancements to the anti-cheat system. Oh and let's not forget the inordinate amount of bugfixing that was conducted as well.
... Read more

25 Feb

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Incoming announcement - Perito fell outta line and is now serving his own sentence. However, don't think that you're getting off the hook. Here's this week's batch of awesome community contributions and our not-so-awesome interpretations ->

First off, we'd like to start this showcase with an exciting event that will take place this weekend and will feature some of our game's biggest streamers. Here's the trailer for the upcoming event, along with the information on the contestants and other details:

  • When?
    01/March/2025 - 5PM EST (2PM PST / 10PM BST / 11PM CET)
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17 Feb

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Prisoners! Your weekly entertainment transmission, containing the latest development progress of SCUM, is ready!

Aside from intensive bug-fixing efforts, the programming team is working on various tasks, including optimizations for the Sentry, improving movement capabilities for armed NPCs, and ensuring the Kinglet Mariner is roaming the skies. Work is also progressing on the UI redesign for the phone, garden health mechanics, and anti-cheat improvements.

Reworking the map has inevitably resulted in some bugs, and the team is ensuring that any issues found are being addressed. Additional tweaks and testing have also been... Read more

11 Feb

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello again prisoners! As part of your incarceration, you are hereby subjected to your weekly punishment consisting of subpar puns, obscure references and outstanding community contributions!

Let's start with a selection of screenshots from the past week:

Can't shake the feeling that a very specific Tom Petty song would fit this visage. Nice shot AerinoKavli!

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03 Feb

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
We wish everyone a warm welcome into the new week with a new update on how things are going with SCUM!

The programming team is heavily focused on bug fixing, with an additional rework being conducted on the overall look of the rain and the look of the terrain affected by it. Further testing has also been conducted on the lighting probes as well. Also, work has continued on the melee combat functionality for the armed NPCs and on the rework of the foliage. Additionally, certain improvements have been implemented with regard to trophy and weapon rack snapping on loophole walls and hatch floors. Work has also started on adding health functionality for the garden so it functions as a proper base building element, meaning that it will be part of raid ... Read more

27 Jan

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Happy Monday, prisoners! Here's a new dev update on your favorite survival game to ease you into the new week!

The programming team has been working on a wide variety of features and fixes. Some crashes caused by gardening are being fixed, along with some reflection probes that weren’t set up properly. Puppet behavior has been tweaked for when they are chasing you (more on that in one of our upcoming updates), and we’ve fixed some bugs related to their behavior when you’re attacking them with a flamethrower. Also, some additional optimizations to the puppet spawns have been added. Multiple UI improvements and additions have been developed for better localization support, as well as subtitles for trader and DLC character dialogues. Snappin... Read more

20 Jan

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there, prisoners! After last weeks irregular post, We're back with the usual weekly updates, so make sure to grab a coffee and enjoy your read!

The programming team is warming up their fingers and gearing up for this year's release! Starting with working on additional admin commands for private server owners and adding support for extra first-person vehicle animations. Foliage is also being further optimized, and new tooltips are being added for localization purposes. Additionally, player collisions are being modified in custom zones, and there are some new developments in the anti-cheat segment—but more on that when we can give out details, NDAs and that. It goes without saying that a significant effort has been invested in bug fixing as wel... Read more

09 Dec

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there, SCUM community! Hope you've started preparations for the holidays and that you're enjoying the new update. Here's a quick look at what the team's been up to last week!

This will be quick. There are still some things that need to be taken care of since the release of the new update, which is why the programmers are exclusively focused on bug fixing. And when I say 'programmers,' I literally mean all of them. It's all hands on deck to make the update and all the features that came with it work as smoothly as possible.

The level design team continues their gargantuan effort of reworking the landscapes across mul... Read more

11 Nov

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there, everyone! Hope you're all doing well! We have a new dev update to help ease those Monday blues.

Be sure to check out last Friday's BTS video, featuring a duo consisting of one our programmers and one of our game designers!

The programming team has been heavily invested in bug fixing. And when we say "heavily," we mean almost the entire team has been focused on it. What could that mean? Alongside bug fixes, work has continued on prisoner camouflage, puppet sleepers, and puppet encounters. The team is still hard at work on quest systems, NPC reload functionality, turrets,... Read more

04 Nov

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello there, SCUM people! Here's a new dev update to help you get over the hangover from the weekend Halloween parties!

Before you delve into the new dev update, make sure to check out last Friday's BTS video, which features one of our character artists!

Our code wizards are working on a variety of tasks. They’ve been conducting various graphics optimizations and introducing fixes for vehicle attachments. The team has also been extensively bug-fixing and working on the upcoming quest system, as well as making additional tweaks and improvements to the encounter manager and the drop... Read more

28 Oct

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Salutations SCUM people! Here's a new dev update fresh out of the oven, along with a sweet new community announcement!

Before the read, if you have not already, make sure you check out last Fridays BTS video!

Our programming team is steadily preparing for the implementation of new features and additional improvements. Aside from bug-fixing across the board, work has progressed on enhancements for indoor lighting and the Cruiser motorcycle, and the base-building turret is nearing completion. The dropship has also been further refined. The dropship encounter that is triggered with th... Read more

21 Oct

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there SCUM aficionados! Hope Monday's treating you well. Here's this week's dev update for you to sink your teeth into.

Our programmers have been hard at work on a variety of tasks. To start, they’ve been working on optimizations for post-processing effects, cloud shadows, and volumetric fog. Dropship encounters were also refined, and work has progressed on the armed NPCs. They’ve also continued to focus on the turrets, quests, quest world markers, and the cruiser vehicle. Additionaly the ladder-connecting functionality is being worked on. Last but not least, a lot of bug fixing was also conducted.

The level design t... Read more

15 Oct

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there, everyone! You know how it goes. New week - new dev update on your favorite hardcore survival game!

Our code wizards have been hard at work on a variety of things, ranging from the very technical, such as researching rendering performance and optimizing post-processing, to the very specific, like the headlamp, armband, and turrets. As for the upcoming features, work has also progressed on the new NPCs, and significant strides have been made with the implementation of the quest system and its corresponding user interface. The encounter system is also being further tweaked, with a greater focus placed on the basebuilding encounters. Last but certainly not least, it goes without saying that bug fixing also made up a significant portion of last week's workload.

... Read more

08 Oct

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there SCUM community - it's that time of the week again(+1)! Here's a new dev update for your reading pleasure!

The programming team is working on a wide variety of features and tasks. They are working on everything from weapon malfunctions, armband and headlamp items, turrets, quests...and I even heard the sound of a familiar female AI assistant voice somewhere from their room. Apart from that, the team was also researching some of the level-of-detail discrepancies in the game and has been optimizing the rendering of the map. Last, but definitely not least, the team was also working on the base building ladder connecting and on additional anticheat functionalities.

Our level designers are still at it with some of the already mentio... Read more

24 Sep

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey hey everyone, happy Tuesday! Hope you are all good! Let's get this week on the road with a dev update!

You got a lot of news last week with the progress of the programming team, and mostly it continues on in this update as well. Work continues on quests and armed NPCs. With a little bit of bugfixing, mmore work on foliage simulation there is also something new brewing. Or better to say the return of the old. With the support of the animation team done, work has finally started on reintroduction of weapon malfunction. Will keep you posted on the progress.

Level design working hard on those optimizations and map reworks. Including sorting textures, replacing old assets, and touching up on POIS including airport, castle, etc.

... Read more

17 Sep

    Fratman on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hey there prisoners! Hope you're having a great Tuesday! We've got another hotfix today with a significant number of fixes and improvements to make your day even better.

  • Fixed the issue with the flickering ground textures.
  • Fixed the issue with wrong nutritional values for cooked food.
  • Fixed the issue where you were not able to fill containers on wells.
  • Fixed base building wells.
  • Fixed an issue where the cargo drop would not work as intended in singleplayer.
  • Fixed an issue where you could not disarm suicide puppet when the mines and traps setting was off.
  • Fixed an issue with the collision on the RIS plow.
  • Fixed...
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