

26 Jul


Originally posted by Zhunter5000

Wouldn't this create a convoluted messages screen if there's BR/Creative/STW all in one? I know it already sort of does this now for specific things like when Survive The Horde came out, but having so many at once would be weird to manage, unless it will filter it out if STW is selected (Which this used to do for Creative)

I cant really get into specifics on how the message of the day system works but i dont really think this should be an issue. If it does seem to become one or if I see folks not getting the right news or anything weird, ill be sure to bring it up to the team that manages this system and see what adjustments can be made.


Hey folks, just as a quick heads up the team is aware and tracking this issue. Its very likely to get fixed in the next update.

25 Jul


Message of the day post occur on login when you first enter Fortnite. The messages in STW were very outdated as we moved towards the messages to the frontend vs inside STW. In the future, we're looking to remove this screen UI.

28 Jun


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

I have sent you a request, the name's ctrlaltkill

You should be able to just message me if your in the server. It should just be a message request vs a friend request.

You can now create Daily, Weekly, and Seasonal leaderboards in any of your Discord servers and have leaders assigned top roles! It is also available on all of our official Fortnite Servers.Get the bot here:

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27 Jun


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

Can I send it over your discord? If that is okay.

Btw, what's your status regarding fixing Totally Rockin Out team perk? Its been broken since patch v25.00 was released.

But if you have logs, sure you can send them to my discord. Im in the OFN server, the user name is epic_freighttrain


Originally posted by Glory_To_Atom

Can I send it over your discord? If that is okay.

Btw, what's your status regarding fixing Totally Rockin Out team perk? Its been broken since patch v25.00 was released.


Originally posted by i_was_dartacus

Hi u/FreightTrainUSA, I try not to tag needlessly but I wondered if this had been noted yet - it's been reported by others but this post has got good video of the bug and there is another good video in Digidadda's comment.

Rockin' Riff, and therefore Totally Rockin' Out, is definitely not working like we are used to seeing. Duration doesn't refresh, certainly the healing can only be triggered once RR's effects have fully decayed even if there's some evidence to show that CR buffs are still being refreshed.

Are you able to say whether this is on your/the dev team's radar yet? It's a very popular team perk, so it would be good to have some clarity about this.

Many thanks.

Thanks for the tag, ill see if our folks can get a repro on the issue and look to fix it.


Originally posted by RaediantOneSTW

Yup, the melee heavy attack bug has been in the game for about a year now. And I have tagged u/freighttrainusa multiple times over the months about this bug and have never received a reply to let us know that Epic is aware of the bug and is working on it. And the bug has never appeared on the Trello board. So who knows if Epic is even aware of it. 🤷‍♂️

So annoying because I main melee weapons 😑

These type of issues can be tough to reproduce at times for that team. Its all system and starts off typically with our internal team being able to reproduce the issue and sending the data to the team that attempts to fix it.

If you're playing on PC you can provide your game logs directly to us that we send along. These typically help even if our team cant get a repro. You can find PC logs here:

Ill send this thread over and see if our folks can get a handle on it.

20 Jun


Originally posted by AuveLast

So Epic, why didn't you fix the hero selection phasing and TRO bugs but yeet our login rewards?

Epic: yes

19 Jun


Originally posted by kamehamequads

f**king over founders and people who just got the game, great job. Don’t even have a full story mode either. Y’all are f**ked up.

Founders are maintaining the same avg vbucks earned normally through normal play time.


Originally posted by SkupperNog

Please. Please please PLEASE. Have something that continues to track days logged in.

With the removal of the daily login rewards screen the tracked days counter is no longer going to be available. I asked about this but the work done to remove the screen and other changes don't allow for the current counter to stay.

We could add a new counter to the game but once the update goes out everyone would be on Day 1 for all purposes.


Originally posted by Shaho99

Listen if they can calculate it and we get the same vbucks I’m alright with it but I don’t think that will be the case

Unless someone wants to do the math and prove me wrong then I will be very happy

The blog goes over all the info you'll need. Founders will be earning vbucks at the same rate.\_source=MOTD&utm\_campaign=FN3538


I strongly encourage everyone to read the blog vs just the social media post and title.

The blog goes over all the changes, the TLDR is that while the daily rewards and screen are going way, all the rewards are being moved into the game and still earnable, if not even more then before.

23 May


Hey folks! Thanks for bringing this up, as a heads up we've actually swapped out the week 3 bounty board quest. Jump into the game and complete that new quest now!

20 Apr


Originally posted by Professional_Ad_6463

u/FreightTrainUSA are you aware of this?

Will make sure this gets sent in and looked at.

17 Apr


I know Dragon slash is already being looked at. I can toss this over and see about having some folks look into the other reports.

12 Apr


Hey quick update, we think we've resolved this issue with a server update. Can you give the mission another shot and let me know if you can proceed?


Hey quick update, we think we've resolved this issue with a server update. Can you give the mission another shot and let me know if you can proceed?