Thanks for the report, the team is looking into this.
Thanks for the report, the team is looking into this.
Thanks for the report, the team is looking into this.
This is a lot of issues and will take some time to get through. If you have videos or screenshots of any of these issues happening it would be great to have.
If you're still having issues, reach out in a DM and send me your Username so i can pass it along to the team and have them look into it.
New bug.
About half of my legendary defenders are missing 1-2 perks now.
My 3x crit damage sniper defender is now a 1x crit damage defender. And all my 2x crit damage sniper defenders are also just 1x now.
Edit: In fact, after looking at all my defenders, it appears that the bug is that defenders can no longer have two or more of any single perk.
This was reported to me in discord earlier and looking into it. I suspect this is a bug as I wasn't informed of any changes when writing up patch notes but looking to confirm.
u/FreightTrainUSA, sorry to bother you but it looks like we've got a new bug here.
Defenders of all different classes are now missing perks after today's update. So far, it seems that Epic and Legendary rarity Defenders are affected, but I can't say for sure yet that lower rarities weren't as well.
This was reported to me in discord earlier and looking into it. I suspect this is a bug as I wasn't informed of any changes when writing up patch notes but looking to confirm.
Catching up on some reddit stuff. Will definitely share this out and see if our team is fully aware of everything you put down or can get a repro. Thanks for the detailed write-up.
I didn't make this map and I'm not on their team. That's the Chapter 1 map recreation by Atlas Creative. It's also happening to other players afaik. Is this something that i should report to the creators of the map too?
Thanks for clarifying. Being honest there isnt much I am going to be help out with here since it seems tied to their specific map. I would reach out to atlas twitter or how ever they prefer bug reports and send it over.
That team has contact with our Creative community managers and can help provide any logs and other info required if this is something on our side that needs to get fixed vs a bug they have on the map.
I recall them saying they had some memory issues and were near the limit, this could be a situation of that happening randomly.
I'm not on PC, I said that i play on Xbox One in a comment
Sorry about the misunderstanding, with UEFN edits only being available to PC I made a presumption. Who made the map using UEFN on PC, I'm guessing this was done through you being on their team. Is it also happening to them?
Since you're on PC can you send me a message on Discord with your game logs so I can pass it over to the UEFN folks.
If you're in the FN discords you'll see my name as [Epic] FreightTrain #6330
Here is how to get your game logs:
Your best bet is to join the FN Creative Reddit and join the FN Creative Discord to chat with other developers and get help! You can also check out the UEFN site for more help.
This is a great question! You're best bet is to join the FN Creative reddit and join the FN Creative Discord to chat with other developers and get help!
Did signing out and signing back in solve the issue or is this still occurring?
Thanks for bringing this up, ill raise this with our team to investigate.
Thanks for the report, we've seen a few other threads and are working towards a solution.
Thanks for the report, we've seen a few other threads and are working towards a solution.
Thanks for the report, we are looking into these texture issues.
This was brought up and known internally at this time. We wont be able to hotfix the lobbers off or have any quick fix. With all the quest days changing this slipped through the cracks in terms of when the lobbers should leave. The lobbers will be active until the end of the season.
In the future we're looking to make sure to avoid this from happening again, any specific enemies that are tied to certain quest should and will be removed once those quest end. Exceptions include some holiday ventures where its expected specific Husk stay longer.
Will the typo be there too?
I can only hope so
This is the first time it’s happened.
Well that is good news at least! If it does happen just follow those steps of a bug report and let me know, thanks and enjoy the new season!