Could we at least get drip fed overclock changes. Cause these little changes go a verrrry long way. Engineers been feeling lonely seeing other classes get reworked guns and overclocks
Could we at least get drip fed overclock changes. Cause these little changes go a verrrry long way. Engineers been feeling lonely seeing other classes get reworked guns and overclocks
I've suggested this myself, but we also don't want to cannibalize Season 5.
Hey Jacob, would it be possible for the team to consider ending season 4 or perhaps confining the rockpox to a single area? A lot of us would be okay with the wait but we feel the pox is too distributive gameplay wise in its current state. It would be nice to play without worrying about it. Thank you!
I'm definitely on Team End Season 4, myself. We're still discussing how to approach this internally.
I mod my own sub, my guy, I know how it works, I know a flagged account can require approval, you can auto-delay posts with keywords. You Are Either Lying Or Were Lied To, because it doesn't log approvals only, and you didn't speak up until after it appeared so I suspect you weren't here to approve it. Check with your mods who are lying to you about leaving it to sit until I made a fuss. Cuz someone is lying, and I can do math, AND I understand how the mod dashboard works
nah you know what, do your thing, I ain't gonna spend my time wishing my favorite game had the same transparency that made me love it, or waste time with your moderator's delicate feelings. You will reap all you deserve, and I don't have to do a thing. Way to go from THE Developers setting bars to another company that can't be trusted.
POSTS from a flagged account require APPROVAL because it's REMOVED.
Your account is not flagged, and your post contains nothing that warrants it.
I can see the logs. You're seeing ghosts here.
Then why did it not appear on the sub in an incognito tab, or log a single view for an hour with 1700 people online?
It's not my first week here, I can read stats
Maybe because there was a lot of activity besides your post? You shouldn't feel special enough to think we'd hide your post specifically. Posts that are aggressive and toxic get removed. Posts that are critical of either the games or decisions we make do not get removed. All feedback is fair feedback if it's not containing any personal attacks or aggressive wording. Yours did not.
The only filters that are active in the auto moderator are there to combat spam from cryptobots + spam from memes and that's it. When the filter is triggered, the post is temporarily removed, and the mods get a message. It's all removed/approved, and it gets logged.
That seems like it took far more than it needed to. I'm still out. You can't be trusted.
1: That there will be lore that ties into what Rogue Core is.
2: If you don't like the DRG universe, I don't know what to tell you.
3: Nope
4: We're aware of this, and we're looking into it. No promises. And again, if you're not interested in DRG as a universe, I don't know what to tell you - but it is a thing, and it's not going away because you don't like it.
No? See, that's a lie, sir.
Cuz reddit tracks mod filtered posts and suppressed posts with the analytics details, one, and two it did not appear on the subreddit until I made a fuss, as per both an incognito and an alt account login and check.
So... I think you're lying, or your mods lied to you.
I am literally staring at the mod log and there's been no posts approved or removed for the last 12 hours.
We can't hide posts outside of removing them and then approving them, and it would show up in the logs.
External link →Yeah, I just had to tag mods directly on two platforms for an hour to get my post out of the mod filter. You know, the sort of thing where you hide a post until it appears somewhere else and there's no reason to hide it anymore.
It was not in the mod filter.
203040+ minutes in the mod queue before it's allowed to post says more than enough.Is it that someone thinks they're special and should be able to squelch concerns and suppress posts they don't like, even if they don't break the rules?
It'll sit at 0, and we both know it. Let me get my downvotes so I can farm r/agedlikemilk posts in the comments. Either I look foolish, or I'm right to be concerned.
Betcha a whole Enor Pearl that it's An Unnamed Moderator.
Yep. After 48 minutes of this never popping up in the sub, I can only assume that my days of loving DRG are over. When you suppress people's concerns, deliberately, so you can turn a game into an advertising platform without anyone noticing, that's all I need to see. Refusing to let the questions even be asked? That's just shady EA stuff.
Like I said. You play maid simulator and clear the way, I'll dig you 5 as a ~real~ Dwarf.
Your post has not been caught in any filters or been in need of any approval, so pack up the conspiracy theories, please. Also, please edit your post - naming and shaming are not allowed here.
New posts are stuck in the new section until they get enough traction to go on the front page of the sub. The quality of your post is the issue, not the moderators.
Your game will no longer be receiving financial support from me. I was happy to support what I thought was a great developer but I guess I was wrong. When GSG shuts down in a few years and you're out of a job look back on today when you decided to kill DRG for no reason.
I can promise you that I won’t :)
Take a break from killing your game, friend.
You first
stop working on a shitty roguelike no one asked for and focus on the main game
Take a break from posting, friend.
So, is GSG working on 2 rogues right now? Survivor AND rogue core? I understand that they play differently but what about survivor development?
Survivor is made by our friends at Funday Games, but published by Ghost Ship Publishing. No designers/programmers/artists at GSG are working on DRG: Survivor.
We can maintain and fix game outside releasing a season. The stingtail fix is already fixed internally, but is held back until QA gives the go-ahead. It was going out with the localization stuff today, but to ease the workload on QA, we held it back.
Sorry, I just remembered, I was also thinking of the board game expansion. Seems cool however.
True! We’re only working on Rogue Core ourselves
Okay I'm sorry, is this the third spinoff or am I high?
Second? First one we’re doing ourselves. It’s also not a spinoff in the same way as Survivor. This will have similar DNA.
Anyone know if Survivor or Rogue Core will come to console version of early access?
Sucks that no major update for basically a year, but atleaet I can get to work on my backlog lol
Nothing announced, but I don’t see why not
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