What about the weapon mods - are they for the class you're playing as or any class?
We've talked about weighing the options you choose from, but I'm not sure where we ended up on that.
What about the weapon mods - are they for the class you're playing as or any class?
We've talked about weighing the options you choose from, but I'm not sure where we ended up on that.
Are weapon cosmetic rewards procedurally created or are they handmade? Example: the random cosmetic you get can have spikes, or any other addons at random, and then also random color patterns, like how No Man's Sky generates weapons and ships, or is there a limited number of skins, each with its set color and physical addons?
I'm still not sold on exactly how the overclocks & skins get earned ... feels a bit too RNG to me. This isn't an MMO I want to grind for hundreds of hours to get the good stuff (I'd rather want to play for for hundreds of hours cuz the gameplay is that slick, and it is).
There will be an element of choice, and no duplicates.
If you had to compare the normal and elite deep dives to hazard levels, where would they fall?
The hazard levels are the ones you know from the normal games - the increased difficulty lies in the sequence of the stages, that gets increasingly harder, and carries over your progression regarding health, ammo, and Nitra.
When you play a normal mission, you might want to skip picking up some Nitra, because you won't need it - but in a Deep Dive, you might need it later, so you'd want to find as much as possible, before you progress. Same goes with your health, as it carries over to the next stage.
I’m not a serious dwarf but do you still get rewards from hazard 2....and do you usually get better at any hazard once you keep trying
You'll get rewards from all the stages on both the Deep Dives, and practice makes perfect!
Sorry, I guess I was unclear. What I was wondering is where the enemy stats for the deep dives fall relative to current hazard levels. So for example maybe the regular deep dive uses the Haz 3 enemy modifiers when the Elite version uses the Haz 5 modifiers.
From memory, The Elite Deep Dives are 4, 4, 5. Can’t remember the regular difficulty.
Aw, I was looking forward to machine events for Update 25. But if it's not crafted at the Forge properly yet, it's not crafted yet. Wouldn't want Deep Rock to invest in garbage equipment now, would we.
Can the "ghosts" in the Haunted area actually be killed, or are they just unusually resilient?
Any chance for an "ultra deep dive" where you have to do all the missions three times (all four mission types instead of just two), for a massive reward?
Can't be killed. It keeps you on your toes.
No plans for that. Yet.
So, you can definitely only get one mod per week? Also, does the mod go to the class type you played the mission with or is it truly random, even past the class?
Two overclocks and two cosmetic rewards if you do both difficulties, as it currently is.
What are the difficulties of the Deep Dives compared to the current Hazard levels? Obviously the inclusion of mutators will up the difficulty but I'm curious as to where the base difficulty (i.e. enemy counts and stats) falls.
Hazard difficulty is consistent, but the carrying over of ammo and health makes performance important. Mutators might also up the ante a bit.
What's the difference between normal and Elite Deep Dive in terms of rewards?
Currently none, but you get rewards for each of them.
Will Deep Dives "stack"? That is to say, since you have 2 seperate difficulty options of Deep Dive, can you do both to get 6 cores? Or will you still be limited to 3 infused cores / week total (until U26) ?
Rewards are per difficulty, so completing both difficulties yields twice the rewards as it is.
Jacob MVP. Still missing bottom chunk of the update on the picture though.
Argh, did it break?
Can these Deep Dives be completed repeatedly? Can you get rewards for every completion? Can you try again if you fail a Deep Dive or are you locked out after one attempt? Lastly, what are the reward differences between normal and Elite difficulties?
One completion of each difficulty. Repeats should be possible, but not for the initial rewards. Probably only resources, but unsure.
The bit about "infusing an empty Matrix Core" in Update 26's machine events.
So you get an infused core in a deep dive, expend it to make an overclock/cosmetic, which leaves you with an empty core that can be re-infused in a machine event to get a more rare/particular subset of overclocks?
Do I understand that correctly?
The core you use will be spent.
The blank cores are meant to be infused in the Machine Events that were pushed to Update 26. So, in Update 25, we're pre-infusing them, but in 26 you'll get blank ones too. We'll talk more about this later, as that system is still under development.
Ahw no date yet :(
Reddit post with link to Steam update with more info and Imgur version
Last time I remember someone couldn't visit Steam due to a firewall, so here's an imgur version of the Steam update.
Edit: Full image
It'll be here in 90 minutes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o4olNe83KX0
Any idea on when this trailer is going up?
Four hours from now at 4PM our time.
Wasn't going to say anything at first but the Louis guy needs to find a second hobby. Dude sounds like an entitled nutjob.
He just likes the game and wants more. It's okay.