

23 Aug


Originally posted by For_Answer

Chance of these things hitching a ride on the droppod?

I kinda want to delete your comment so the designers won't get any good ideas.


Originally posted by LieutenantFreedom

Nice! Pretty sure I suggested this

You probably have to fight a whole crowd of other dwarves to get internet credit for this.

22 Aug


Originally posted by indarien13

Do new Mutators mean new Milestones and Perks? :)

What's the reasoning behind that train of thought?


Originally posted by fuzzychair

This is revenge for all those moving turds I murdered isn't it. I knew it would come back to haunt me...

You better believe it.


Originally posted by Thahat

please tell me death by fire stops the danger noodle from spawning?

Only if you don't stop burninating.


Originally posted by GloriousQuint

My Alien Swarm ptsd is tickling



Originally posted by NeuroCavalry

Well, at least I'll be able to sleep tonight.



Originally posted by NeuroCavalry

Oh great, parasitic worms!

What's next, a Zombifying wasp?


Well, maybe.

But no.


Originally posted by BrocoVoyager

an everyday team meeting in the life of a dwarfveloper I suppose :D

It's not that far off :D


Originally posted by BrocoVoyager

So, there is a genius out there who said "What if we put alien IN another alien, like alienception" and everybody was like "rock n' stone to the bone" ?

hype and flamethrower activated

"We need to give back to the community?"

"Yeah, but what?"

"Danger noodles."


"You heard me."


Originally posted by Secretly-Hidden

Literally found the password to this account to log in, in order to tell you that there's a chance that these are the Deep Dive rewards, so yeah.

Full on RNG here brother, considering the beards are gonna be locked behind the rewards from the deep dives (which are weekly limited if you've forgotten) . So yeah. not to mention the almost 100 weapon overclocks, bosco skins, and weapon skins seemingly, you're gonna have some real low chances of getting these early on.

So yeah, sorry to disappoint but this is a possibility out here.

Cosmetic rewards are planned, but no "full on RNG". We'll have no duplicates, and last I heard (the design process is very agile here) there will be certain options to counter classic loot drop fatigue.

We'll reveal more on the system very soon.


Originally posted by ShroudedInLight

From a long time vermintide player who recently was disappointed with Winds of Magic, what is this wizardry? Free cosmetic items freely obtaininable with in game resources in an order of our choice?

Such power.

Fun fact: The founders of Ghost Ship Games originally considered the name "Slim Herring". not an actual fact


Originally posted by Something_Syck

Left one looks kinda like Corvos mask in the Dishonored games

Someone else said orc helmet.


Originally posted by MrPigZz

In launch bay. I tried to get it but people went mining and somehow I was teleported in side the pod before getting my hat.

Now I cant look fancy in the dark without it.

Don't worry. Everyone looks fancy in the dark.


Originally posted by breadedfishstrip

Important question

Will there be a Naedocyte shocker hat? This is a deal breaker

Obviously either not existing or not revealed.


Originally posted by Wesley_H

To easily show your mates where you're downed to get revived for the 10th time.

"The Beacon"

21 Aug


Originally posted by MrPigZz

Where is my tophat?

Where do you remember seeing it last?


Originally posted by Altomckee

Could there be a beard option that just adds more rolls to your chin?

Limitless chins, you say?


Originally posted by stormtrooper1701

Did you start recording these clips way back in those earlier versions of DRG, or is there a way to somehow play older versions of the game?

He got a bit of help.