

13 Aug

12 Aug


Originally posted by Landriff

Thanks, that fixed about half of it. Now they're really small for me.

Yeah, there was some leftover CSS that scaled it with a factor of 0.5. I have no idea what they were trying to do, but it's gone now too.


Originally posted by felega

never used mixer

It apparently also works if clients are streaming, so that's probably it.


Originally posted by jo_shadow

Not sure, but it's one of the top google results when searching for "Deep rock roadmap"

Looks like it was removed back then, and they reverted to doing the blog posts, but with the URL still being active, I see the confusion.

I've updated it manually, and might look into how to get it to point to the blog post instead, but Squarespace is not really my forté. :D


Originally posted by Landriff

.flair {
    background-image: url(//;

This is the image I'm seeing. The spans are also not sizing properly. What browser are you using? I'm on Chrome 76.0.3809.100

Also you appear to have some non-standard dark mode theme?

Same browser, but it looks like it's the subreddit theme that makes it happen. I had it disabled on old Reddit, so didn't get the error, but with it enabled, I get it too. Looks like someone messed around a while ago and just gave up.

Edit: Removed the reference to the background image. Whoever did that was probably trying to add it to the dev flair, but missed the mark with a couple of lines. Gotta check to see if it changed something else, but that has to be later.


Were you streaming on Mixer? The integration lets the audience spawn stuff.

11 Aug


Originally posted by Something_Syck

not related to OPs post but any ETA on when the new patch will go on experimental?

Few weeks? Next month? 3 hours?

August/September ;)

10 Aug


I can't believe no-one has done "POOLO CRAP HERE!" yet.


Currently, it doesn't, but it's pretty much a placeholder put in to make it work. We'll probably do some space rig overhauling at some point, so if it's a bit boring when the update goes live, it will probably get some love later.


For me? You shouldn't have. I like Umanite better.


Originally posted by TheDiscordedSnarl

No Man's Sky drops on the 14th; that'll pull a lot of people out of rocking and stoning and beering and shooting bugs and moving dirt and punching oneself in the nose and going on red sugar benders and jumping in the hoop in the barrel game and dying... is it safe to say it probably won't be ready by then?

We usually do Experimental at least a week in advance of release, so I think you're good. :D

09 Aug


Originally posted by AtomicAlienZ

Read the gun's name as "Doomstick". That's what I'm calling Scout's shotty from now on. If only it had more punch to it...

If only...


Originally posted by rattlemebonesboi

Big enough to fool the local Amish in my community into thinking I'm one of them.

Hey now, that sounds like a national treasure. Don't you dare do anything to that glorious facemat!


I feel like you’ve gotten a few things over the weeks. Not much because summer vacation, buuut...


Originally posted by TyrannosaurusPat

How would that work exactly? Mostly i just play duos would my personal friend and we were roughly the rank

Then it sounds weird. Some people have this happen after they play with someone that’s... overly creative.

Anywho, the menu has an option to revert saves and will use both local and cloud, so you can minimize the damage.


Originally posted by TheDiscordedSnarl

Dreadnaughts in the magma caves. A glutton for punishment, this one...

We may have staged this photo a bit.