

03 Jul


No matter what I do, I can't replicate that result.

How on earth did you manage that? Voodoo? Witchcraft? Both?


The drills are currently a tool for accessing areas, not for gathering.


It's good. You can find people to play with on our Discord (, but you can also just join games in progress. People are generally very friendly.


That's just a bonus animation.

You get the same if you try to reload weapons with a full clip, or weapons that don't require reloading at all.

Try it with the Minigun or the Breach Cutter. :D


Originally posted by dkncus

I'd like you to explain this image in words, and then be allowed to decide if you get to keep your kneecaps.

Hey now, don’t de-knee any more people. I’ll be out of a job real fast at this rate.

02 Jul


Originally posted by AHeroicLlama

What was the reasoning behind that?

I can’t remember all the details, but some of it was most likely trading, some changes to the inventory system and refunds becoming a thing.


Originally posted by Bjorn_GSG

He Sprints, he Drills, but most importantly, he kills!

You just meme'd.

I'm screenshotting this.


Does this only happen with DRG?
Have you tried other Unreal engine games?


Steam got rid of the 4-packs back in 2015. The only games that have those, are games that added them before that.

01 Jul


Originally posted by vizthex

I'm sad that isn't still a thing tbh

I saved the build with that particular bug in it. :D


Originally posted by Snakekitty

Hmmmmm gravity?

My nemesis.


Originally posted by torbjorn_bradda

Wasn't there some hilarity back in the day about how the early playtesters were only given 20 flares for the whole session?

Hey, those things cost money.

That was probably a result of “seemed like a good idea at the time”.


Originally posted by Koksschnupfen

That thing we can't talk about yet:

Ammo is now only purchasable with real money (the devolopers just couldn't afford a 2nd supply drop)

“Please buy our game, so we can buy ingame ammo”


You’re churning these out at light speed!


Originally posted by ZeroSignal_

Sounds like Jacob alright :D

Heeey! ಠ_ಠ


Originally posted by RamboMans

Thanks for the reply. I think I will play solo until Im more experienced I like to take my time to get familiar with the mechanics. Then I will probably try co-op with randoms since the comments all agree that most ppl are nice here :)

Also I have seen a lot of good reviews of this game and watched gameplay too. To me it looks really fun and optimized (Im on PC) wich a lot of early acces games can't be said about.

Im not reallly a fan of the early acces format due to a lot of unoptimized games and I just wonder, What areas in the game right now are the most looked in to? For example: I noticed that there are not a lot of primary weapons for each class (2 correct me if im wrong), is that a thing which will be expanded upon in the near future? like when you added more enemies with update 23.

The designers are constantly tweaking things and looking at feedback both in the forums, here and on Discord. The artists are working on a lot of sweet visual stuff including beards and enemies and other cool things to come. There’ll definitely be more content coming, both in the next Update that adds Endgame, but also in those that follow. On the obvious to-do list is the space rig and a lot of Quality of Life stuff and polish. We got a lot of stuff in the pipeline, and most likely some of it will be more of what we have, since the systems will be in the game already.


The bug that made aquargs zoom around at high speeds if hit by an impact axe was absolutely ridiculous.


Oooh - I was absolutely blown away in more than one sense the first time I played against the bulk detonator. That crater was ridiculous.


I accidentally spawned 50 infected Bet-Cs while playing around with Ansel’s photo mode in a debut build.