

04 Jun


Developer Bulletin 0.8.5 - Part 1

Start: Thu. Jun. 06 12:30 PM ET / 09:30 AM PT

End: Mon. Jun. 10 11:30 AM ET / 08:30 AM PT

In Update 0.8.5, the Public Test server will offer you the chance to try out a new battle mode pitting four teams against each other on the same battlefield. This is the Post-Apocalypse!

Can you survive the Post-Apocalypse and stay alive to the end of the fight between four teams? Test the updated shell penetration mechanics and take part in a Ranked Battle Sprint!

IMPORTANT! Because the Update is still being tested, the information in this Bulletin is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Some changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the Update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the update is ...

Read more

03 Jun


Ahoy Kunra_1,

Can you reach out to the Support team and provide the following information:

Run a check and repair from the Game Settings menu

Go to the "?" menu and create a WG Check report

Save the screenshots you provided here

Provide this information to the Support team (

They should be able to work with you with the provided information to isolate the root cause.



Captains, devido à manutenção, reiniciaremos o servidor em 03/06/2019, 15:00 UTC.

Jogadores no porto serão enviados para outras instâncias do servidor e jogadores em batalha esperarão a batalha terminar.



Capitanes, debido al mantenimiento, reiniciaremos el servidor en 03/06/2019 a las 15:00 UTC.

Los jugadores en el puerto serán enviados a otras instancias y jugadores en batallas tendrán que esperar el fin.



Comandantes! Na Atualização 0.8.3, alguns de vocês podem ter encontrado um problema que os impediram de receber suas merecidas recompensas (bandeiras de sinalização) por suas conquistas. Este erro já foi corrigido. Estamos cientes de que vocês se esforçaram bastante para obter suas conquistas heroicas e honradas, por isso, ficaremos felizes em informar que as bandeiras conquistadas com muito esforço serão creditadas em suas contas muito em breve.

Muito obrigado por sua compreensão.



¡Comandantes! En la Actualización 0.8.3, es posible que algunos de ustedes hayan encontrado un problema el cual evitó que recibieran sus merecidas recompensas (¡Comandantes! En la Actualización 0.8.3, es posible que algunos de ustedes hayan encontrado un problema el cual evitó que recibieran sus merecidas recompensas (banderas de señales) por sus logros. Este error ya ha sido corregido. Estamos conscientes de que pusieron mucho esfuerzo por obtener sus logros heroicos y honorables, por lo que nos complace informar que las señales obtenidas con tanto esfuerzo serán acreditadas a sus cuentas muy pronto. Muchas gracias por su comprensión.) por sus logros. Este error ya ha sido corregido. Estamos conscientes de que pusieron mucho esfuerzo por obtener sus logros heroicos y honorables, por lo que nos complace informar que las señales obtenidas con tanto esfuerzo serán acreditadas a sus cuentas muy pronto.

Muchas gracias por su comprensión.



31 May


Make sure you are running the most current version before launching the game:


30 May


*pictured - Admiral Nikolay Kuznetsov onboard the Soviet cruiser Kirov in 1939*

Which new additions to World of Warships poses the greatest threats to you and your Fleet?

Whether its the introduction of Soviet battleships or the new legendary commander, Admiral Kuznetsov, new content = new threats and weapons at your disposal.

Or do you believe existing ships of your Fleet, including updates to carriers, hold the key to both being your greatest assets or adversaries to you and your teammates?

Of all of the new and existing ships, commanders, aircraft, and weaponry now available, which one poses the biggest threat to the Fleet?

"There are leaders and there are managers...know the difference!" - Nikolay Kuznetsov, Soviet Navy




After the Schors is sunk, you get another directive to save the captain to recover that star.

If you do that, you can still get 5 stars for completing the rest of the objectives.


29 May



Check out this thread specifically for our Steam community!




28 May


SuperTesters are recruited for their ability not only to play the game but to find bugs, do quality assurance, and enjoy testing new contents and evaluating it with detailed narratives, insight, and recommendations.

While it is helpful to be savvy with game mechanics and be able to carry your team to victory, this is not a requirement nor is it expected.

Here's an FAQ about the SuperTest program and what we look for in our STs:



Ahoy Fleet!

The Update 0.8.4 is here, so please provide any bug reports you may encounter here.

Please also check our little guide on how to report a bug here:

For each report Please make sure to attach WG Check tool report to your reports! That will help us to better understand the nature of the issue you're experiencing.

You can find the instructions on how to use that tool here:

If you're trying to report any technical issue, please make sure to attach WG Check report to your posts.

If you'd like to leave feedback on the latest content or updates, you can drop them here!



Os servidores estarão indisponíveis, enquanto a nova atualização está sendo preparada.

de: Quarta, 29 de maio - 03:00 AM (PT) - 7h no horário de Brasília

até: Quarta, 29 de maio - 06:00 AM (PT) - 10h no horário de Brasília

Tamanho da atualização: 790 GB

Artigo com mais detalhes sobre a atualização:

Agradecemos a sua paciência e nos vemos em alto mar!


¡Atención, Comandantes!

Los servidores no estarán disponibles mientras la actualización está siendo implementada.

de: Jueves, 29 Mayo - 03:00 AM (PT)

até: Jueves, 29 Mayo - 06:00 AM (PT)

Tamaño de la actualización: 790 MB

El articulo con todas las informaciones sobre el update:

¡Les agradecemos su paciencia y nos venos en alta mar!

17 May


Thanks for the heads up! I sent it up the chain of command for editing!



I saw the same thing too, it's been submitted to the team for review!


16 May


The second battle you were able to finish without any problems?

13 May



The Support team will be able to assist you with getting this resolved:

You will need to provide a WGCheck report file so they can see what is happening to your game client.



Round 1 of PT 0.8.4 ended early this morning.

Round 2 of PT 0.8.4 kicks off on 5/16/19.

See you for the second round of Public Test!
