

15 Feb


Please leave feedback here folks:


Acorazados italianos con Acceso Anticipado, Batallas de Clanes, Temporada por Rangos 2, Peleas actualizadas y muchas otras nuevas cosas. Leer en el portal



Please leave feedback below!

If you have any bugs to report, you can submit them here after the patch goes live.



Encouraçados Italianos no Acesso Antecipado, Batalhas de Clãs, Temporada Classificatória 2, Brigas atualizadas e muitas outras coisas novas. Leia no portal


Early Access Italian battleships, Clan Battles, Ranked Season 2, updated Brawls, and many other new things. Read it on the portal

12 Feb


Yeah, I will put this feedback in, unfortunately because of the nature of the turn around with the seasons right now the timeframe is shorter.




AH! I understand now, sorry @Sabene I didn't understand what you mean. Yes unfortunately when the sprint restarts you will no longer show that you ranked out, however, players can see this on your profile.

I will put in a feedback request, maybe some kind of marker to show how many times you've ranked out or something along those lines?



The STEEL and Research Points you would get for completing the combat mission groups are rewarded if you got the DY ship early.

The reason behind this is, you built the ship, but the "build level tokens" and combat mission groups are still there, so this is the reward for essentially still playing through these.

If you play through those missions then buy out the required build levels to get her, your reward is the significantly reduced price of the Tier IX Premium ship for playing through the build levels vs buying them.



Well TBH, I haven't ever paid attention to this, as far as I know, the "Gold Star" will stay next to your name (like it shows in battle) because you are still in the "Gold League" if that is what you mean.



When the sprint restarts, you stay Gold league so you can get the Gold rewards again when the next sprint starts. That is the point of the restart.

So essentially you go Bronze, to Silver, to Gold, Rank out in Gold, get all the rewards for the entire sprint. The new sprint starts and you stay in Gold, but you can play through Gold again, to get the rewards again.

Not sure if that makes sense or not, hopefully it does.



if you have further issues with this, could you run a WGCheck and put a ticket in?



As I said in another post, make sure you give her AP a try! Her AP is VERY good, especially vs DDs. Don't play her like an Akizuki as she has quite a few differences. Namely that her HE doesn't have the pen that an Akizuki does, but she has better AP penetration than Akizuki, and her torps are BB/CV only torps and her AA is pretty troll as @Ensign_Cthulhu said.





Make sure you give her AP a try! Her AP is VERY good, especially vs DDs. Don't play her like an Akizuki as she has quite a few differences. Namely that her HE doesn't have the pen that an Akizuki does, but she has better AP penetration than Akizuki, and her torps are BB/CV only torps and her AA is pretty troll as @Ensign_Cthulhu said.





All times on the schedule on the article are in UTC, this is to better coordinate globally.

Typically, at least for the NA streams, we have a little notification on the WGC like you see in the top right of my WGC with a countdown until the stream




Love seeing comments about players enjoying some of our oldest content (well IJN, but not all the IJN ships are oldes, YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN!).

Wish I could talk about these two test ships, but just like you said, I cant But I will 100% have this in our feedback reports!




Open your heart to a Premium ship and she can be yours. Read it on the portal


Aço, Dobrões, camuflagens e outras recompensas para a nova temporada! Descubra como recebê-los. Leia no portal


Steel, Doubloons, camouflages, and other rewards for the new season! Find out how to get them. Read it on the portal


¡Acero, Doblones, camuflajes y otras recompensas para la nueva temporada! Descubran como obtenerlas. Leer en el portal