Heróis lendários do romance clássico estão de volta ao World of Warships! Alguns deles são novos, outros você provavelmente já conhece. Leia no portal
Heróis lendários do romance clássico estão de volta ao World of Warships! Alguns deles são novos, outros você provavelmente já conhece. Leia no portal
Legendary heroes of the classic novel are back in World of Warships! Some of them are new, others are probably already familiar to you. Read it on the portal
¡Los héroes legendarios de la clásica novela están de vuelta en World of Warships! Algunos de ellos son nuevos, otros probablemente ya les son familiares. Leer en el portal
Because this is a specific drive, the rules of the drive apply to the event.
This may not happen for everyone if you have your privacy settings set up a certain way.
This is the best way to shut these off, I have gone through on my system awhile back and set my privacy settings for notifications to pretty much off. And haven't seen them either, but I know they are there and they can be annoying.
This feedback has been sent up however.
Yep, this is a known bug, we are working on getting it corrected.
aaaaaand we're back.
All battle types, except Training room (of course).
Great Question! Lemme find out!
Ein moment bitte!
Standby for words from the Chief.
Shipmates, if you encounter any bugs or technical issues during the Public Test 0.10.1 session feel free to report it in this thread.
Please follow this template for submitting bugs.
1. Description Short description of an issue with required details. Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship
2. How to reproduce
Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue
Example: 1.Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped 2. Go in battle 3. Try to launch spotting-aircraft
3. Result
What's the result of the issue.
Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.
That is all.
For a limited time, get top dollar for each recruit you invite to the game. Find out how to start earning PayPal funds inside! Read it on the portal
Novas missões de combate semanais e contêineres "Journey to the West"! Leia no portal
New weekly combat missions and "Journey to the West" containers! Read it on the portal
¡Nuevas misiones semanales de combate y contenedores "Viaje al Oeste"! Leer en el portal
This is a known issue, we're working to restore it.
I dont understand what you're saying. Please give more information.
I think AA overall, just needs to be looked at. But I don't know that I like the idea of a "cool down" for the main battery being dual purpose.
I think this topic has run its course.
There isn't much need to continue it. That being said, some of y'alls memes might be funny, but if they are off topic, they are still off topic.
Please leave feedback here.
PTS notes HERE
Please leave feedback below!
If you have any bugs to report, you can submit them here after the patch goes live.