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Vincule sua conta da Wargaming à Amazon para receber um contêiner Wargaming com recompensas! Leia no portal
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Missões de combate, um encouraçado para completar as Diretivas e contêineres com recompensas esperam por você! Leia no portal
¡Misiones de combate, un acorazado por completar Directivas y contenedores con recompensas les esperan! Leer en el portal
Combat missions, a battleship for completing Directives, and containers with rewards await you! Read it on the portal
You mean the bounty events?
Ya know....
Folks, firstly, please don't be that "well actually" guy, if someone is asking a question, answer the question, be helpful with the community, don't do what you are trying to call someone out on.
But I digress.
If a player says they are going AFK because of X, Y and Z then please submit the replay in a CS ticket for "Unsportsmanlike Conduct."
That being said, just because you may see someone go AFK, doesn't mean they meant to on purpose. This could be happening for any number of reasons. Real life aggro is primary! Many of us have lives outside of gaming and often those things can pull us away at a not so great time.
Their internet could have crashed or the game itself, these things occur.
At the end of the day, send in CS reports if someone actually says they are going AFK and let them sort it out.
It's worth it! I bought it as a birthday gift to myself! And it is HUGE! I actually have the Yamato, Warspite (or bae as I refer to her) Graf Zeppelin and Scharnhorst.
IMPORTANT! Because the Update is still being tested, the information in this Bulletin is tentative and reflects the state of game development at the time of its publication. Some changes and new features may be removed entirely or implemented differently by the time the Update goes live. Screenshots, specific values of certain characteristics, and details of in-game mechanics will not necessarily be relevant after the Update is released.
U.S. Battleships: Part 2
Please note: the rewards for activities on the Public Test server may differ from those on the live server. The new U.S. battleships will not be available to research on the Public Test server.
The event in Update 0.9.10 comprises combat missions, Daily Shipments, and a new collection dedicated to the U.S. Navy. It will inform you about the main batteries of battleships, admirals, medals for service in World Wars, and the main uniform types of enlisted men of the U.S. Navy duri...
Read moreStandby for words from the Chief.
Shipmates, if you encounter any bugs or technical issues during the Public Test 0.9.10 - Part 1 session feel free to report it in this thread.
Please follow this template for submitting bugs.
1. Description Short description of an issue with required details. Example: spotting-aircraft doesn't work on Iowa battleship
2. How to reproduce
Exact steps need to be made to reproduce the issue
Example: 1.Take Iowa battleship with spotting-aircraft equipped 2. Go in battle 3. Try to launch spotting-aircraft
3. Result
What's the result of the issue.
Example: after pressing spotting-aircraft activating button you can hear an aircraft sound but nothing happens, the aircraft stands still.
That is all.
We have stated this numerous times.
Over the past year we have changed the rules for MM several times (see various patch notes).
Currently tier VI-X are capped at 2 and IV at 3 (assuming the queue times are not long enough to over-rule this)
There are so many people playing CVs at the lower tier that MM has to do what it has to do to make matches. This is why we have also changed the XP required to go from IV to VI.
People will progress to VI faster and there are more people playing VI-X battles so the number of multiple CV battles isn't as bad (unless you play in off hours).
But I digress.
This is NOT true. You do NOT need to have those ships to complete the directives.
Mission Group 1 was "Complete 6 of the 8 missions"
Mission Group 2 is "Complete 6 of the 8 missions"
Mission Group 3 will be "Complete 6 of the 8 missions"
And Mission Group 4 will be "Complete 5 of the 8 missions"
There are optional/additional missions in each group for those that DO have the ships.
El evento "Acorazados de EE. UU.: Parte 2", la colección "¡Siempre Audaz!" y un nuevo tipo de batalla temporal: las Batallas Clave. Leer en el portal
O evento "Encouraçados Americanos: Parte 2", coleção "Sempre Destemido!" e um novo tipo de batalha temporário—Batalhas-Chave. Leia no portal
The "U.S. Battleships: Part 2" event, "Always Courageous!" collection, and a new temporary battle type—Key Battles. Read it on the portal