

16 Jun


Originally posted by SgtNoPants

Styx Ferrymen has an avatar in store, is the one dropped from stream the same?

Yes! It's the 2023 Ferrymen Avatar

15 Jun


Originally posted by Electrical-Half-4309

Are we getting free win votes all day? Cause the brackets arnt up in the game for voting

Yes! I'll tack some free point claims onto the end of the week for any matches that didn't work correctly due to the format conflicting with voting lock times.

14 Jun


Originally posted by ChrisDoom

So there is a separate team avatar and emote drop for every team? As in you would need to watch 4 hours of POV stream x the number of teams to get them all?

As for the regular masters drops, are those only from watching the official Smite channel or any channel playing Smite with drops on during that period?

Yes -- to get all 8 avatars you'd need to watch player POV streams for every team. Obviously some teams may get knocked out early, but if those players stream at all during masters weekend you'll still be able to increment progress.

Regular drops are on smitegame only!


It's that time of year -- SMITE Summer Masters begins tomorrow! If you haven't been keeping up with SPL or just need a refresher on what this two-week tourney has in store, here's a QnD viewing guide with everything you need to know.

2023 Summer Masters Broadcast Schedule

Summer Masters is a cross-league event that will play out in three stages: prelim matches, qualifier matches, then main bracket matches.

  • Thursday, June 15 (11:00 AM ET) -- Prelims Round 1
  • Friday, June 16 (11:00 AM ET) -- Prelims Round 2
  • Saturday, June 17 (11:00 AM ET) -- Qualifier Matches + Quarterfinals 1/2
  • Sunday, June 18 (11:00 AM ET) -- Qualifier Matches + Quarterfinals 3/4
  • Saturday, June 24 (11:00 AM ET) -- Semifinals
  • Sunday, June 25 (11:00 AM ET) -- Third Place Match + Grand Finals

For specific matchups, hit up ...

Read more External link →

01 Feb


holy sh*t this is the dream crossover i didn't know i wanted

26 Mar


Originally posted by DrYoshiyahu

It's really annoying that this just keeps happening time after time, especially when you've paid for the Viewer Pass—you expect to get your money's worth by having the ability to vote on these matches. I also seem to recall /u/HiRezAuvey saying that this would be something that would be fixed in season 9?

This one is on me, folks. I pushed updated results to PTS instead of Live bc I'm a muppet.
Match 2 should be available for voting! I'll get rewards sorted for Match 1.

08 Jan


UPDATE: we couldn't get the issue resolved in time so we're auto-rewarding a VP bundle to anyone who watches today's sets. Details: https://twitter.com/SmitePro/status/1479843026805538821


We're working to sort this out as quickly as possible so you can get your votes in! Keep an eye on SmitePro twitter for updates.

04 Jan


Originally posted by HeirOfRavenclaw

Thanks for the reply. I’ve gone though the troubleshooting and my account is linked. I’ve redeemed every possible point this year (benefits of work from home). The last two weeks I have claimed all drops, but never appeared in game. Kinda frustrated at this point. I have five stars in Chaac, and seems I will miss the Chaac skin because of this issue.

I'll make sure QA team is aware of this specific issue!


Originally posted by RandomCedricplayz

Is there any direct verdict on Barra? If he test negative? I know you said you want Grand Finals to be lan so I'm assuming that means if Bolts make it there and Barra provides a negative test by then it will be lan?

Anyone who tests negative is allowed to come into studio and play.


Originally posted by AFishNamedFreddie

but if a single player on a team tests positive for COVID at any point during the week, they will not be allowed to play in-studio.

Does this apply to the whole team? Because Barra is positive, do the rest of the bolts have to play from home even if they don't live with him?

If we can confirm that the rest of the team has not been exposed to him at all and they all test negative ahead of their set, we may be able to allow the rest of the team to play from our studio while Barra plays from home. Final call on that will be up to the discretion of our league commissioner and the team captain!


Originally posted by HeirOfRavenclaw

Thanks for the update! I hope viewer points rewards are fixed in time for this weeks streams. Looking forward to tuning in.

From what I understand, the ongoing issue with account linking is a Twitch-side issue that their engineers are working to fix! If you've already linked your accounts previously though, you shouldn't be affected by that issue. So make sure you try all the steps in our troubleshooting blog to see if that fixes your VP problems!


Hey SMITE fans!As most of you are probably aware, the COVID-19 Omicron variant is raging here in the US right now. As I write this, the state of Georgia has 1.4 million confirmed cases since December 20, and it’s just getting worse.

These numbers are pretty concerning with worlds just a day away. Internally we’ve been taking every measure possible to ensure that we can pull off an in-studio SWC while protecting the health & safety of our staff – including stringent testing protocols, updated studio safety protocols, and etc. But before we kick off the event, I did want to touch base with our fans about what to expect from this year’s SWC.

Our #1 goal is to ...

Read more External link →

16 Dec


Originally posted by HiRezAuvey

So I took a look at these weeks and here's a rundown for you:

-- Week 24: Appears to be functional. My UI shows that I was able to vote on those matches and match results populated correctly. If other users can corroborate issues with this week I'll take another look.
-- Week 26: Those matches went live in-game on November 16, so there was time to vote on those matches before they locked. My UI shows that votes were processed correctly.
-- Week 27: That's some random match data that somehow made it to live -- it's not an actual match that happened at all. You didn't miss out on potential points by not being able to vote for that one.
-- Week 28: Matches 1, 2, 3, & 5 so far were impacted by the issues described in this blog. Rewards for those matches (and any others that end up being affected) will be auto-distributed as described in the post.

And you can't vote on Week 29 because that's worlds -- the seeding for those matches haven't been decided yet so we can't input which teams are playing those matches. That data will be populated by end of December so you can start voting.


Originally posted by NovercaIis

", so we will be auto-rewarding 1,500 Viewer Points (or 3,000 VP if you own the Viewer Pass) to any users who voted on the available matches from this week’s event or who voted on any match during the Phase 3 Playoffs."

Man I haven't seen any schedules matches to even vote on and when they finally are up, ITS ALREADY PASSED AND LOCKED OUT!

Like WEEK 24 - never showed up entirely and I missed all those VP points. Yet I was able to get to Week 25.

Week 26 hasn't shown up until this patch, so I also missed out.

Week 27 just appeared this patch, 1 match showing Pending and locked. Dec 8th match....

Week 28 - Locked out 10/12 matches. 6 of them showing Pending, 3 showed X, 2 of em I can vote.. like WTF man.

Still can't vote on Week 29.

So I took a look at these weeks and here's a rundown for you:

-- Week 24: Appears to be functional. My UI shows that I was able to vote on those matches and match results populated correctly. If other users can corroborate issues with this week I'll take another look.
-- Week 26: Those matches went live in-game on November 16, so there was time to vote on those matches before they locked. My UI shows that votes were processed correctly.
-- Week 27: That's some random match data that somehow made it to live -- it's not an actual match that happened at all. You didn't miss out on potential points by not being able to vote for that one.
-- Week 28: Matches 1, 2, 3, & 5 so far were impacted by the issues described in this blog. Rewards for those matches (and any others that end up being affected) will be auto-distributed as described in the post.


Originally posted by RevolverMagpi

So just to clarify, will the point reimbursement be for just the last few weeks games or since the start of phase 2? Because they've been bugged for a while.

I plan to get a full accounting of all matches this season that were impacted by voting issues and include those in this run.


Originally posted by martson2

You do realise people pay real money for this feature? Viewer point distribution doesn't even work properly when watching twitch on chrome. Sometimes I can watch 6 to 8 hour broadcast and not even get 1 block done. What about this system actually works as intended?

If you're having issues with actually accruing points while watching on Twitch, that is likely a Twitch-side issue or an issue with your account link. Here's a troubleshooting blog that will walk you through some potential steps that fix the large majority of accrual issues on Twitch itself. https://www.smitegame.com/news/viewer-points-knowledge-base-troubleshooting/

Twitch has some weird parameters around how they increment progress on their side (like not muting/minimizing streams, etc) that can really mess with accrual sometimes.


Originally posted by Idiosincracy

"In the next few weeks" ? Huh?

So let's say I'm short a couple thousand Viewer Points from getting the skin I want now I have to wait weeks to get it? Will this be done before the VS resets?

How is this ok? You think simply giving the VP later makes up for people not getting them in time to get the items they wanted from the VS?

It's not just being unable to vote, I got locked out of voting for games that legitimately existed in the VS store and happened the next day!! How do you compensate me for the loss of the items I wanted to get due to not receiving the VP. How about the issue with not reeving the VP on time as well? Quite often this year the missing VP were distributed weeks after. Sometimes past the VS store rotation.

Calling the VS store anything but a joke is not doing justice to how how bad it is. This taking into consideration that it's not your first year implementing the VS!!

We do plan to have VP distributed before the season resets. Fans will also have additional opportunities to earn a 25k Viewer Point bundle during SWC as outlined in our SWC/HRS drops announcement.