

15 Dec

13 Dec

21 Nov

05 Nov

05 Jun


Demos for all SPL games are publicly available! Check r/smitepro, there's a thread with a link to the demo files and instructions on how to use them.

25 Apr


Originally posted by LaughingStarfish

Some skins are banned because skin effects are sometimes hard to see or are too intense and make it hard to see things clearly in combat. As well as sound effects could throw players off.

https://cms-esports.smitegame.com/2020/04/24/smite-pro-league-list-of-banned-skins/ The website has a list of banned skins for Season 8.

idk how you managed to get to that jank CMS link but here's the real one ;) CMS link won't be as reliable with updates as the live environment link


07 Apr


April 23! You can find the full schedule at smiteproleague.com

02 Mar

10 Feb


Originally posted by ConstructionAnnual92

where can i find them?

Here's the website for SmitePrime and the Twitter account for Vulpis Esports! And if you need a link to official SMITE Discord you can find that ...

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Check out SmitePrime and Vulpis Esports! They run a TON of tourneys throughout the year.

You can also visit the official SMITE Discord and check out the amateur channels in competitive category to connect with other tournament operators.

05 Feb


Originally posted by TheInnsmouthLook

Not sure how they landed on the prize pool amount, but I love it. $66,666 in prize pool for end of phase tourneys.

s p o o k y prize pool


Originally posted by LegendofSleek

We really are just re-inventing the format every year huh? I don't know if that's a good or a bad thing. I assumed that for the last few years they were just feeling out ideas until they found one they really liked and settled, but I am starting to wonder if there is a philosophy of "keep it changing, keep it fresh," floating around league ops. I hope it's the former. A set year-to-year format would make an annual relegation tournament more feasible, and might just be nice for my piece of mind. I know constant changes can be a sign of growth.... but they also make me worry that the money people might not be happy with the way the SPL is run.

I'm sure they know what they're doing. Probably. I'm just a worrier. Probably.

An overwhelming majority of the changes we make from year to year are based on pro player feedback and community feedback. Every year there's room to improve, so we like to make minor adjustments where we can! I feel you though, I'm a worrier too. (Worrier gang rise up)


Originally posted by TurtlesNToad

Excited to find out what the teams will be. I still think at the very least yearly relegations would be the way to go. I understand the job security argument and think that given the status of the world right now they are making the right choice to still not have them this year. I just don't see any other way to fairly allow new talent into the league. I think one relegation phase at the start/end of a season once per year wouldn't be too unfair for the players.

31 Jan


Originally posted by WISoldier

u/hirezauvey Time to squash?

Forwarded to QA so they can investigate and squish!

15 Jan


Originally posted by UltimateX13

Honestly didn't expect any replies on this, much less from you Auvey lol.

Psh, I'm always lurking here. I see everything. >.>

14 Jan

12 Jan


Seems like a lot of people are really curious about this so I'll share some extra info with you all!

We did pre-record yesterday's finals, a few hours before the games were shown on broadcast. All other games during SWC week were played live with a three-minute delay, and it was our original intent to play the finals live too. But we ran into a pretty significant issue with a few players' travel arrangements that required us to play the matches earlier than planned.

A few players on PK have visas that expired at the end of the day yesterday. They had to make it out of the country before their visas expired, so it was imperative that these guys make their flights on time. With the understanding that finals could be a very long set, especially given how long other PK sets went during the week, the league ops team and the team captains for both Ghost and PK collectively decided to play the match earlier in the day. As you've probably guessed, we also prerecorded the ...

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10 Jan


Originally posted by rizombie

Thank you for the reply.

Please specify if it's indeed my timezone next time because it was super confusing.

Just a small (GMT) on the side would be enough !

Have a nice evening!

Noted! I'll add that to our changelist for the next round of QoL fixes on the site.

09 Jan


So the esports website auto-corrects to your specific time zone! If you're using a VPN you may not see the correct times, but other than that whatever time you see on the website is the time the match happens for your time zone. :)

Ghost vs RNG is 12:45pm ET today, which based on current time conversions is indeed 5:45pm GMT your time!

04 Jan


Originally posted by basikally

man cannot wait for those dreamy collegiate players to compete!

i've heard GSU's support is a beast