

03 May


Hey! Without more information, it'll be difficult for us to reproduce this. I'd try squireongles idea. If there's anything outside of the game that was changed, I'd try to change that back and see if it solves it. If that's the case, please let me know so we can figure out if that's intended or not.

22 Feb


Originally posted by Fountain_Hook

/u/HiRezLiterOCola could we have a single response from hi-rez? I've been messaging people, tagging them, here and on twitter, opening support tickets, for SIX MONTHS and you guys don't give a single reply...

Hey! I've sent this over to the team to take a look. I'll get back to you with any info/updates.


Originally posted by TheJan11

SICK! Thanks LOCola! <3 I know i was invited in your DM's for reports, i got some more real BROKEN stuff for you. I am planning on posting it on yt but itll be live on tuesday, in the meantime i can send you the bugs so its reported and well?

Sure, feel free to DM me with the pertinent information. QA also combs through the bug thread on Reddit as well so you can post there as well.

19 Feb


Thanks for the report! We're aware of this issue and expect it to be fixed soon :)

03 Feb


Hey all, we're working to get this fixed ASAP. We're hoping to have something soon


Originally posted by Murusama

Xbox One

Thanks, we're investigating


Hey! What platform are you on?


Originally posted by Thatniqqarylan

No problem. I saved the video but it had cut off the moment it happened so, I don't have a whole lot of info except that it was a scorch and it was round 1, maybe round 2.

No worries, we were able to reproduce this and have it in our system. The team is working on a fix now :)


Originally posted by HiRezLiterOCola

Hey! The team is aware of this issue, it's currently our top priority. We're hoping to get it fixed here soon.

This should be fixed now!


Thank you for the report! We're investigating this issue now.


Hey! The team is trying to reproduce this but we're having issues. Can you DM me some more information please? General location and in-game name should be enough. Thank you!


We're working to get this one fixed now. Sorry for the inconvenience!


Hey! The team is aware of this issue, it's currently our top priority. We're hoping to get it fixed here soon.

19 Dec


Radar posted an update here on removing Surrender option based on time. Now you'll only be able to surrender after a player leaves.

17 Dec


Hey! We're currently investigating this issue. We're having some problems reproducing it internally but we're trying to gather more information so we can send it over to our programming team.


Originally posted by Koheezy

Was in a party of three, random fourth tried to surrender and my teammate said his button was auto filling to surrender without his input. Whole team that was beating us surrendered before that so I assume the same happened to them

Thanks for the additional info! Which game mode were you playing in?

16 Dec


Originally posted by ValuableIndependent8

Just 3 of us together and then a solo guy we was on round 3 and it happened on high castle I voted and it happened to us all

Thank you! We'll continue to look into it.


Originally posted by Antitenant

No, PS4. It's happened a few times now. Sometimes the opposing team, sometimes my team. When it's been my team it brought up the vote, but "Yes" was already auto-filling and then the team surrendered.

Gotcha, thanks!


Originally posted by Antitenant

I just came 'round here to check if anyone else had this happen. Same thing, it auto voted yes and we surrendered in 2 seconds.

Hey! Were you also on PS5?