sometimes there are bugs i don't pass on to the devs. this is one of them
sometimes there are bugs i don't pass on to the devs. this is one of them
Ra ra Rasputin
neck and legs when?
this is some pre alpha armor that was reallllllllly bad quality and incompatible with our current system. it's not gonna come out, tbh it's easier for our devs to make new armor than it would be to fix this stuff
Patrolling The Pit almost makes you wish for Mountainpeak.
meta af
Sssshhhhh dont wake the devs
I really like the fights in the king on Netflix
The fights are brutal, relatively short, and have alot of grappling
yeah just grapple straight to cronch, some good sh*t. not as sexy as this though.
Marox best dev
yea marox is the real homie
he's also the guy that pays me so i might be a bit biased
I'm almost 200.
I accidentally left my game on in a private horde server and got 120 levels by the time I got back.
lemme get ur steamID and i can reset that for ya ;)
Oops deleted my comment lol
How far your spine can bend (torso lean angle) shouldn't be changed, but yeah something like the squat actually changing your hitbox is intended afaik
thanks for letting us know, we're working on it. if you can pm me with steps to reproduce if you know how, or just any extra info that would be highly appreciated
Yeah f**k whoever says this should be removed. Not only is this drag just hot garbage because half the time people try and attempt to pull of they miss, but you literally just have to look the opposite side you would normally parry and you can block the wessex. You should only try this move in duels, nothing else.
So it's bad, but takes a lot of skill - and with that being said, it's super unfun for the person that has to defend against it. A lot of the comp players don't like how certain drags are just 50/50s at the moment as it reduces the skill ceiling.
what if you remove the wes from wessex 😳
Haha just kidding.. Unless?
Looks like Hounskull and Bascinet had a child together rofl.
it's a great bascinet in the picture as far as i know. adding things like that are hard due to immobilized neck and the possibility for absurd amounts of clipping
we are looking into some things to make certain drags less wonky and more readable.
can't say yet as of know what exactly we're doing, since it isn't set in stone. but the next update should have some meaningful updates to the combat 👍
he already made a frying pan :D
jesus christ cswic you madman
i wish terrible memes were a bannable offense rn
I can respect that there is reasoning behind it, and not having strict chat moderation can be refreshing. That being said, I would at the minimum make the chat filters optional to disable instead of enable. Any new player won't have a clue about the optional chat filter and be confronted with this type of chat in a commercial game.
I mean if you go to type there's a chat filter checkbox right above the chat box itself. that being said I have no clue why we didn't make the filter enabled by default
trying to not lose sales in another country is cool and all but please try as a community manager to not suppress your community
I don't care what China thinks about us, but Mordhau and its social media platforms aren't a place for politics.