Please make some kind of mechanics list page, where every mechanic would be listed and explained in detail. I'm not sure if a new player, or a player that had a break and missed a patch or two, has all the info he needs if he doesn't go through several patch-notes. Right now there are only loading screen tips and a tutorial, and those don't cover everything i think, especially the newer changes and stuff that changed a few times, things like:
Does a kick still do more damage with T3 legs? Does it do set amount of damage every time, or does armor mitigate kick damage? How exactly do clashes work? When exactly is early/late release and how can i tell? Does stamina drain and negation affect chambers or only parries? Is there still some kind of active parry going on, or did it get completely replaced with riposte hyperarmor? How exactly do shields work, do they still have the blocking thing while riposting, and does it take into account the 1st or 3rd person shield animation?...