

04 Dec

27 Nov


Originally posted by DamnRelentless

Update UE directly to 5.0. I mean they say "it just works" so it has to, right? :D

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Originally posted by lunix57

You have to balance between constantly adding me things like engine upgrades and developing content. There will always be new engine versions to upgrade to. They will lock themselves in perpetual development if they constantly try to keep up.

We do balance that. As said in the video we are upgrading from 4.22.3 (released in June 2019) to 4.25. This is because we prioritised other things over the contents of 4.23 and 4.24. We're now at a point that we get all 3 versions in one update and it comes with tangible benefits including new features.


Originally posted by Sonic200000

How will this effect mods?

it will most likely break them. this usually happens with every update and the modders fix em up

25 Nov

The Steam Awards are here!

It would be really cool if you were to vote for satisfactory! There are a lot of categories and you can only nominate us for 1 so i made a guide on how to vote for satisfactory (if you wanted to) to maximise our chances!

Vote here: https://store.steampowered.com/steamawards/nominations/


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20 Nov

Heyyy content creators!

We're thinking of making a public directory of Satisfactory content creators. If you wanna take part, you can sign up here: ...

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16 Nov

12 Nov

05 Nov

19 Oct

15 Oct


Originally posted by DeHackEd

I'm gonna need a mod that adds a new vehicle - a bicycle with a basket on the front - and redo the last scene with it.

that was the initial inspiration actually lol

03 Oct


Originally posted by Makeyourselfnerd

Also u/JaceAtCoffeeStain, this was me as well: https://questions.satisfactorygame.com/post/5e664ea2559bfff8234394bb

I've put some thought into this, and even tried to be creative in getting the feedback in. I've got a fair amount of experience in software development at extreme scale. I'm not just some guy complaining on the internet.

My hope is that you and Snutt are relaying the good feedback you get, especially when it is well thought through and constructed, directly to the broader team as is and not editorializing. Verbatim feedback lets the team get a feel for how the customer is truly experiencing the product. I bring verbatims to my PM's and EM's all the time to help ground them and pull their heads out of the bubble that we all tend to live in when in high pressure tight timeline development.

Hopefully you all have a Teams channel d...

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We don't relay Q&A site stuff to the development team, the development team refer to the Q&A site directly themselves.


Originally posted by Makeyourselfnerd

This was pretty big, at least to me, and it took ages. Especially because it was done a long time ago now before mods existed. I died numerous times making this thing because I couldn't fly via mods yet :)


When I was done building that, I was indeed satisfied. But I also was burned out on the game because I had just spent many many hours placing foundation after foundation and wall after wall. I had earned my manual stripes, and now I wanted to be more efficient in my next projects. Something that I think Ficsit™ would support. But those tools are not available...

To me, when you transition from building big one piece at a time to building big with blueprints, you're choosing as a player to focus more on the macro as opposed to the micro. Can I make these now large scale systems wo...

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Cool computer! I think i remember seeing it way back when.

This is crude but basic human nature - if this one thing I did was fun and satisfying, I want more of it and usually at larger scale. If all I do is the same thing over and over, I tire of it and move on to other things.

This is exactly what I was referring to in my previous post. "big" is dependent on the tools and resources you have, not the physical size of your factory. Giving you another tool won't solve that issue of "I NEED MORE" that our brains tell ourselves.

If you had blueprints at the time you built your Supercomputer factory and made exactly that factory, there is a high chance you would not have shared it here on reddit (less Sense Of Pride And Accomplishment™) and you wouldn't have "earned your manual stripes".

Those game devs optimize as much as they can, but also tell the community "you did it to yourself".

uh, y...

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02 Oct


There's a community merch competition running at our forfansbyfans store. Please submit this maybe if you want to. It's f*cking amazing and cute and i want a black version (with white lines) on a hoodie right now.


Originally posted by Makeyourselfnerd

Having to manually build every last single piece of every single thing makes the game not fun for me anymore. It bites both ways, and the community is simply asking you all to factor that in.

Jace's many references to game modes could be the answer here - give us some form of faster more automated building in a mode dedicated to it. Keep it separate from the main game if you all feel strongly about this. Take away achievements, or whatever else you feel is necessary to keep the vanilla game pure. The mega builders among us don't value those things regardless. We want to build BIG, but we don't want to spend ages clicking the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over to do so. :/

But what is "big"? And how much does it weigh? Hey Vsauce, Jace here.

"Big" in vanilla is "many hours spent building one piece at a time". Whereas "big" with blueprints means "many hours spent building with the inclusion of blueprint functionality". That will of course result in different scaled factories. But... then we haven't solved the problem of allowing people to build "big" factories. We've just moved the goal posts.

(And also what snutt said if we get too big the game/your PC dies.)

13 Aug

31 Jul


Originally posted by Ralph_hh

After all that enthusiasm about mods I hope that we will still kepp gettin new stuff from CSS themselves. Feels weird that a developer is happy about a feature like half fences, signs erc, when at the same time CSS have not yet managed to develop this. No offense meant, it is a great game though.

tbf we had to make literally the rest of the game