

23 Jan


Originally posted by Adot18

Why not doing a ep system for bh like before? If they attempt to boost atleast regular pkers with high ep can hunt them hopefully forcing them out. Also high ep boosting was never a forsure good drop and not guaranteed money like bh2 and 2. Plus maybe can be modified drops if kill someone on same ip?

If it's boostable in any way, I suspect we'll eventually run into the same problem.


Originally posted by TheGoldenHand

Did you guys extend your legal relationship with the Wiki team?

That's a very specific question. The nature of our relationship with the Wiki team didn't have to change in order for this to happen. We would have done it sooner, but the team responsible have been busy with improvements to the opening game experience.


Originally posted by AntonMikhailov

You guys will need to focus on situations that include actual PvP and not just PKing. From there, you can encourage matchups between players of more equal skill. Bounty Hunter was a great first step in laying the groundwork for this, exploits aside.

As it stands right now, there's this constant cycle where PKers complain about the Wilderness being dead, content is added to the wilderness designed to lure non-PKers to the Wilderness, then said content dies because nobody wants to be killed by random PKers. The PKers aren't happy because this hasn't provided any long term benefit, and nobody else is happy and cry about it on reddit. All this does is turn the community against each other, and the current state of PvP is the result of that. Based on the polls, there's at least a solid 15% of the voting playerbase that actively votes no to every PvP update. That's not a problem, that's a symptom of the problem. The fact that there's a significant portion of the playerbase that f...

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There's a conflict of interest when it comes to the polls for sure. In terms of matching players based on skill, that's not easily done. ELO can still be boosted/sold. But I agree with the sentiment.


Originally posted by josephgt

BH area like the old crater, pay for entry(150-250k?), pick a build (like in tourny worlds during the ashihama rewards testing) and getting a kill earns you 95% of your opponents entry fee. The point system is easily exploited. Make it zero sum for bots as well as a gold sink. Lets anybody pk how they want without having to spend months creating an entire new account strictly for pking. Stops the killing pures for like 50k loot problem as well.

Doesn't force players who have no interest in bridding to do so (lms) and guarantees loot for killing another player while also removing gp from the game, while keeping the playing field level, like lms. I love bridding, but obviously the edge style pking is the most popular among the community. Minimize risk, incentives for managing to kill another player. A simple coffer system would do, stepping into the portal/door/whatever deducts the cost of entry, kills add the coins to your coffer. Also stops the problem of dealing with loote...

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I like the concept - that's a nice starting point to design from. My would be that it's not very enticing for new PKers who would lose a lot of GP initially. Maybe this could be fixed with an option to pay a lower fee. Obvious the reward you get for a kill would be reduced accordingly. One other problem is that replacing drops with pure GP might not feel as exciting or capture the essence of PvP in the way we're hoping to.


Originally posted by CarolinafanfromPitt

PvP will always be abused if you add external rewards other then drops. Players will find exploits. It was abused in bh1 and will be in any future bh.

This does seem inevitable.


Originally posted by sloth-says-what

"Last destination" on charter ships would be amazing if each ship had it's unique last destination. It would solve the problem of going back and forth charters, or if I tele for zulrah over and over. Definitely something the team should consider if the engine allows it.

A great point. I'll ask the dev team about that.


Originally posted by Disc_Golf

Any chance herb sack can be added to tithe rewards? As a skiller it would be really helpful but is currently unobtainable.

Sure, I'll ask.


Originally posted by BioMasterZap

To add on to this, the current stat screen neglects to show weapon speed. Since that is kind of important, it would be nice to see that added, especially before trying to show stats elsewhere. To a new players, they might see a longsword is higher stats than a scimitar and think it is better, not realizing speed is also a factor that just isn't shown.

A great point. I’ll pass this along to the team.


Originally posted by rudyv8

I think there is a bug with the new Twisted Armor sets. Why isnt the Twisted Cane included in the Relic Hunter T3 set? It came with the purchase of the T3 set from the store but its not part of the GE set?

edit u/JagexGambit

Thanks - I’ll raise it with the team.


Originally posted by GabberGod

Well then, shouldn't the website be fixed to show the correct poll results?

Ideally. But other work is currently taking priority - we don’t expect it to be fixed soon.


Originally posted by akaNorman

Am I the only one that thinks adding more stuff to PvP is what made it fail in the first place?
I think PVP is dead because 99% of players can't do it. If you don't have the absolute best build + gear + know how to flick and tick eat perfectly, you have 0 chance.

No amount of artificial inflation by adding external sources is going to fix it.

PVP was best when it was simple and anyone could give it a go

There's no doubt that the standard has increased since "the golden days". People are much wiser about protecting their items and using optimal gear/techniques which raises the barrier to entry for new PKers. It's not obvious how to fix that.


Originally posted by Magyk4

It's really awesome to see how much Jagex has done to support the wiki and integrate it into the game. It's such a key part of the game to look up guides and items, compare, want to know the drop table of the boss you're killing quickly etc and to have it integrate so nicely is a big plus. Really glad to see things like this make their way into the game :)

Much love for the OSRS Wiki guys. They're a great team and offer a huge service to the community.


Originally posted by Astatos159

Awesome thing youre starting to move 3rd party client features into the vanilla client! Im really looking forward to see more of this!

But I have a suggestion to improve this feature for mobile. On mobile, its a bit weird to use since you get logged out after about 2 seconds or something due to energy savings restrictions on android (and ios too i believe, not sure though) when the app is not in foreground. I'm pretty sure, you are aware of that but aren't able to change this behaviour. Since the link opens the browser, it minimizes the game, which leads to the described process. It would be very helpful to let the wiki open via overlay, like the bond store on mobile to make it actually usable.

Note: i have my energy settings changed, so i don't get logged out. in my case it's okay when im using chrome as default, since it opens immediatly. but since im using firefox, its a bit weird to use again, because the browser can't push itself in the foreground like chrome c...

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Thanks, that's very useful feedback! I'll make sure it reaches the dev team.


Originally posted by [deleted]


It passed the poll. If you're checking the results from the website, they incorrectly factor in the skipped votes (diluting the yes votes). Accurate results can be found via the poll booths in game. -


Originally posted by [deleted]


I do. I'm sorry to hear you think it was half-assed. There's a lot to be discussed about our approach to PvP content design as well as what PvP should look like for Old School overall.

For BH in particular, more scoping at the beginning would have highlighted certain issues earlier. Things like any system where two accounts can generate wealth will always be boosted, the conflict of interest when it comes to polling PvP rewards, and the issue of moderating and enforcing anti-boosting rules should have been realised sooner.

It's not clear just yet what the solutions are, but we'll focus on them until we reach a point that PvP content designs are viable.


Originally posted by KimGFL

Hey love the Wiki integration, such a great step!

However, if an entity is far away you will start running towards it, aswell if you can't reach it, you can't "look it up" if it is at a bit longer distance. This is possible through runelite etc.

Is it intended this way?

Unfortunately this is the only way it can work for now. We're aware that doing it from range would be better and I understand it's being looked into.


Originally posted by huntedmine

Does new open herb bag works with herbiboar ?



Originally posted by TheCount69

rip ppl that got bonds for their BH2 alts during the last 48 hours

anyway glad it got dealt with sort of swiftly after the Torvesta vid.

I don't feel that sorry for them.


Originally posted by CaptaineAli

The more Runelite Functions I see being added to the official client, the happier I get. I'd rather see more things like this each week than anything else. OSRS deserves a better vanilla client.

Slowly but surely! This is one of the biggest steps we've taken for the vanilla client.


Originally posted by LordGozer2

While everyone is talking about BH, I just wanna appreciate that we're finally getting wiki integration for the official client and therefore mobile also. Would be a great help for all kinds of players since the game generally doesn't like giving away info about how it works.

On that note, can we have a "stats"-option in shops and in the buy screen on GE, where you can look up stats on equipabble items before you buy them? Currently there only way in-game to find out the stats of an item is to equip it, which ofc requires you to own it first. I mean, wiki integration would help here, but it isn't wrong for the game itself to give that kind of info to you instead of searching up everything.

I'm glad you're excited for the integration! This is a huge deal. Thanks for the feedback about showing stats in game - I'll make sure it's considered/investigated.