

17 Dec


Originally posted by onlygladiat0r

That look in Gambit's eyes like "oh boi imma get fired so f**king hard"


12 Dec


Originally posted by Merdapura

How will the team approach adding a mage offhand with mage damage bonus?

When (if) we look at this slot again, we'll consider how it'll affect current BIS way in advance and work that into the design. We're also going to get the community's opinion on introducing new BIS items generally in an upcoming survey.


Originally posted by Eternalrs

Hey Gambit, how come there is no snow in Lumbridge this year?

I don't think there's a particular reason other than the snow in Varrock indicates where the event is.


Originally posted by Kaeldiar

I see that Mod Oasis is also a fan of amateur baking... My gf and I loved seeing that reference :D

Nice spot :P


Originally posted by Spooxky

Were crystal tools ever updated from the poll a few weeks ago?

A lot of that stuff will have to wait until early next year since there's so much to dev and test.


Originally posted by driftedpred

Any chance you can give pet hydra a party or santa hat like the other pets?

Maybe in the future! We couldn't commit that much of the graphics teams time to putting hats on more things this year - they're very busy with the other big projects we have going on, like the Morytania expansion.


Originally posted by n_Gh

quick question. can you add twisted horns onto any colour variant of slayer helm? eg the black KBD one ?

Hey n_Gh, I think you'll have to add it to a base Slayer helm because it counts as a unique variant.

11 Dec


Originally posted by heytomsmyname

Can't believe that you guys put in a new best in slot shield without it polling? how times have changed..



Originally posted by panzercampingwagen

I get on fine with the kitchen boys, they're great guys. It's just that after faceless guest # infinity says the same thing it starts to become meaningless. As a company serving so many customers you can pretend to care about individual opinions but it's not really true.

Glad to hear - I was a waiter/barman before Jagex and I know a good relationship with kitchen bois makes a world of difference.
I hear what you're saying, but it really is my job to let the developers know how their content is received. Every morning after an update we meet to discuss it. I might not mention every username of people that commented but the messages get through.


Originally posted by panzercampingwagen

That's what I say when people say "compliments to the cook" when I clean their table.

I very rarely do.

Maybe I get on better with Oasis than you do with your chef :P


Originally posted by KreayshawnFeetPics

Cant get the rewards until tomorrow? And django has nothing for me either

If your account is brand new, you'll have to wait.


Originally posted by Seniorjerry


Been waiting all year for more snowballs. Also just finished the Christmas quest love this years item. It's the best by far and wanted to say keep up the good work.

I'll pass your appreciation onto Mod Oasis :)


Originally posted by simeonlg

Nothing about graceful update?

Not this week - there are lots of changes from that poll to develop and test, so the majority will likely come after the New Year.


Originally posted by IcyViking

Gaddam, dragon threshold is ~12k?
Y'all been working hard. Thought I was up there with my 8k pts...

The previous thresholds only showed claimed points rather than earned so there was a jump this week. Probably a steadier increase from now to the end of the league!


Originally posted by Seniorjerry

Saved 10k snowballs from last year time to get 10k more.

Whatever floats your boat.


Originally posted by cojustin

what on earth? not thursday, just got into a raid, didn't know there was an update today because there was no warning???

Sorry for the inconvenience - we did post about this on Twitter beforehands and give the usual countdown timer.

01 Dec


Originally posted by Reveille88

I'm assuming the Ashihama raid will be a dangerous death for hcim?

It’s a single boss rather than a whole raid, but yes.


Originally posted by Korobenicky

Thanks, I appreciate you taking time to explain, I'm less steamy about that moment now.

But please, there is a new generation who almost exclusively use mobile devices, or developing countries that mobile devices are more accessible. This game is one of the best on the Google Play store, and MMOs in general, help us and people around the world play it as originally intended.

My hopes of runelite mobile bringing it won't happen, so we need you to be our champion.

No worries, thanks for understanding. I can continue to make the case for this one, but I don’t expect it to be moved up the list.