

29 Sep


Originally posted by WastingEXP

it was a really good summary of what's up for the people who haven't read or kept up with the text updates. Great to show friends to quickly explain to them what it's about while trying to convince them to play!

Wasn't as hype as potentially could've been for people who've read up on everything but I doubt they need much convincing to play the mode. The ending where he opens the map and runs off was really well done/hyphie IMO.

great job on it :)

That warms my cold, shrivelled heart, great to hear!


Originally posted by Dawanoak

Launches the day after Shadowlands expansion for WoW, that really hurts Jagex.

Not gonna lie, when I found out about the Shadowlands release date at the end of August I had a little freakout. It'll be the third MMO I've worked on with a big content update right up against a WoW expansion. There are a few of us in marketing who have been in this scenario before and realistically there hasn't been a release window this packed (and vaguely terrifying) since 2013. We'll manage but there will for sure be even more grey in my beard by the end of it.

It's a pain but y'all are loyal right?


Originally posted by bigblagdig

Oh no I only replied assuming that /u/anticommon 's comment was suggesting that leagues would be a fine marketable introduction to OSRS to brand new players via leagues. The video is quality and I had no problems with it :)

Yeah, I realised just after I hit send. But figured I'd let it ride so the rest of you can see a JMod smoothbrain in the wild.


Originally posted by BlitzBadg3r

It's fun.

^What this person said


Originally posted by BalieltheLiar

RS is my favorite game ever but the biannual pull to WoW is strong.

I'm shocked. SHOCKED I tell you. Gotta at least second screen OSRS, or third with mobile if you've got Netflix up!

Nah for real, we are the game that will live forever so if you need a little break I feel you. Trailblazer runs for 2 months, whilst I want to see as many of you in there on day 1 as possible, starting a little later doesn't mean you can't hit most of your personal goals and get most if not all the rewards.


Originally posted by bigblagdig

Isn't it a weird decision to market the game (to brand new players) via a time-limited/seasonal game mode? What I mean is: the real game is actually slow and grindy for nostalgic/staying true to 2007-ish purposes which is the main appeal for most people.

In contrast, leagues are expedited experience rates, contain unique gameplay mechanics, and have cut content from time to time (e.g. no Zeah access for Trailblazer).

I'm not saying leagues are bad by any means (love them), but thinking from the perspective of someone who knows nothing about the game, proceeding to begin by playing leagues, and then learning that it isn't the main game is probably frustrating.

Did this come across to you as directed at new players, as in new to OSRS? I was the lead on briefing and direction of this asset with Mod Archie in charge of production and Mod Surma handling audio. Would be good to hear your impressions on the asset. Generally what I was going for was keeping it quite accessible but mostly towards people who may not know what the whole Leagues business was about but still had an understanding of OSRS in general.

There were some folks internally who thought we needed a bit more focus on explaining OSRS overall but I felt it would be redundant to the majority of watchers, plus I wanted to keep it shortish and upbeat, which I think we managed.


Originally posted by Jamiea88

Seems silly to release it a day after Shadowlands drops.

Don't tell me you're going to leave us for Shadowlands? (;へ: )

25 Sep

03 Sep


Originally posted by TheColor0fMoney

Sounds like they are priming us for a sponsored league in the future. I called it when leagues was first announced, and the original partnership drama was still spicy. How long until a hot pockets themed league with a special reward that replaces a rock cake with a super heated meat pie that burns you when you eat it?

Not sure how I'd feel about it. But the memes will likely be legendary

I'm in charge of marketing for this League and likely the next; the idea of Trailblazer being branded gets a big hard eeeeeeew from me.

Leagues is casual accessible but it's the type of content that appeals mostly to the experienced Scaper. Branding the whole thing up would just make you guys mad and I can't imagine anyone could offer us enough money to make it worth it. Even if they did, I'd be incredibly suspicious because I have a nasty habit of looking any gift horse square in the mouth and that'd be one heck of a show pony.

14 Aug


Janky, low budget TV sci-fi for me. Mid 90's weird stuff beyond Star Wars and Star Trek. Some favourites:

  • Babylon 5 (but everyone loves B5)
  • Lexx
  • Sliders
  • Space: Above & Beyond (this really, really needs a reboot)
  • Space Precinct

Edit: Almost forgot SeaQuest DSV which was absolute nonsense. It had a TALKING DOLPHIN who even gets a credit in the titles! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gg6AsKsPH24

08 Aug


Originally posted by Zeemex

;) Shame Horus Heresy stuff is so scarce/expensive

Have you had any dealings with water effects using resin? I was thinking about getting into doing that for some Idoneth bases

Vallejo have a few good products. What helped mine look a little more real was adding a layer of watered down brown paints and grit then agitating it through with a stick. https://imgur.com/e3ZQdU5

It also helps make the citadel snow technical paint look a little more slushy when poured over it lightly: https://imgur.com/JK1vhU8


Originally posted by Zeemex

Made it myself, bought selection of bases from GW and put some corkboard on it, and some odds and ends I have from kits, I think the pieces on this base are from some chaos daemons kits - however I tend to model and 3D print some pieces too

Then I just painted it up, I spent a long time learning how to do lava a few years ago as I'd based all my Night Lords with lava bases

WELL! You make your own bases AND like Night Lords. Major +1 from me.

Lava is on my project list, ice, snow and water are my specialities

07 Aug


Originally posted by Zeemex

They do take me a while, but I love doing it :)

I'm interested by that base, what kit is it from?

I tend to make my own from corkboard: https://imgur.com/S8m98Mm

04 Aug

24 Jul


Originally posted by KalTheMandalorian

Is your name a Republic Commando reference?

Not directly but it is Mandalorian. Republic Commando is great but the Karen Traviss Republic Commando novels are even better (though we don't talk about Imperial Commando)


Originally posted by GwindiosWolf

Well yeah, reaching (my first) level 99 gives you that feeling!

Never thought someone from Jagex would see this, thou... Glad you liked it!

That's a stance that's hard to miss! Makes me think of some of the great work u/jagexcookie has been doing.

23 Jul


That raw power radiating off that pose tho...

21 Jul