hey, thanks for posting about this - it's unintentional so i'll get a fix done for it (fwiw nulodion still works if you have the cannon set up, so yeah it is just when it's in your inventory :()
hey, thanks for posting about this - it's unintentional so i'll get a fix done for it (fwiw nulodion still works if you have the cannon set up, so yeah it is just when it's in your inventory :()
hey, we're aware of this - there's a fix awaiting QA as i type this comment :)
yep, that's the elite mob that can spawn from engineers :)
And the dragon slayer perk and ability works - just checking if this is intended right?
There are 3 other dragonkin bosses in the game - Abomination, Taraket and Ambassador. Will this retroactively be changed for them?
intended yes :)
no plans at the moment to retroactively change these guys
just making sure this is the actual feature and not a bug:
do we need just 90+ con to man the siege cannons or 90con AND 90 thieving ("sabotage siege cannon")?
90 con to only repair the engines (so you can then man them), 90 thieving only to sabotage the cannons
why didnt yall give him 3 :( make this even harder
then there wouldn't even be a fight :P
Kerapac is not affected by my Dragon Cluster task, is this intentional?
unintentional! we will be fixing this
does kerapac still have the mirror, or did he give that to another dragonkin? (as he only uses needle and siphon in the fight)
yes he still has it
does dragonslayer perk work on them
it's still the siphon, it being referred to as the conduit is a lil mistake that got through
Not a bug, please delete your post before jagex sees
too late
Do the Nodon Dragonkin count towards Dragon Tasks? Or do we need the (i presume) new dragonkin slayer task?
they do count towards dragon cluster tasks
Does this mean that the 3 will combine into 1 item and we get to choose which one we want to use when we place it down? Or is this simply combing the parts of the cannon into 1 unit like oldak coil and kinetic cyclone?
the latter
New bone type? Dragonkin bones? Looks like Hardened/Reinforced but with black coloring
Hoping you can clarify on the post whether the cannon upgrade will be limited to 1 upgraded type at a time, or if you'll be able to upgrade all variants.
you will be able to upgrade all variants :)
I think that area is instanced, so it almost certainly won't be an issue
the dungeon will not be instanced
there's some work that needs to be done to make them all 1 item, that will be coming out after the initial release :)
so, maybe never, but good news if it does happen! wonder if the extra damage will cost 5x cannonballs or something
no, not never! I will make sure it happens, just can't give a date right now :)
(and no, the extra damage will not be 5x cannonballs, it will require an upgrade item for each cannon type)