

28 Jan


Wassup, I do indeed!

Hostilius is sadly not in active development and technically never was as it was a personal project of mine so I wouldn't expect to hear anything on it I'm afraid.

We showed it off as part of a RuneFest talk by the combat council but it was in a section titled "TAPP" and it was what we were playing with in our personal time as we thought attendees would enjoy some behind the scenes info on the council. This is why it was part of a council talk and not part of the main stage "what is coming" talk.

While Hostilius is cool other initiatives have fit in schedules etc better and as such it isn't something we're likely to take on. Things such as the casual/story mode and group size scaling did get folded in to other bosses however which is cool!

I'm very happy that the concept has some hype around it but in the interest of open and honest communication, don't hold your breath for it I'm afraid.

18 Aug


Wow, it's been a while since I've fixed a stall! Let me see what I can do :eyes:

30 Mar


Originally posted by awsd-7

NVM, its different kind of bug, ability reset is not applying if altar asks if you want to switch to normal prayers


After looking at the code i'd say at a guess that you're clicking out of the boxes rather than space barring past them. This will cancel any code that runs after the box as you've clicked out.

I'll swap the order of operations so the ability reset happens before the prayer restore call so it isn't prone to click out either way.


29 Mar


Originally posted by ItsLuckyDucky

/u/JagexPi With the changes to area loot, if you're trying to chat and press "space" it loots. Could this be changed, A little annoying for spam reasons and looting everything when you don't want to.

Seems to be a bit of an oversight indeed, i'll add it as feedback ty!

Update: https://twitter.com/JagexPi/status/1376531510631743490


Originally posted by JagexHooli

Mod Pi was mistaken on that one when he mentioned it on stream - it's with one of the next Ninja Strikes.

I believe the words "don't quote me on it" were said ;)

The update needs a bit more QA but it's still on the way.

03 Mar


Originally posted by LtLukoziuz

Thanks for the response. With the way you called out "you don't have to ask for this anymore", it sounded like it was already crunching through the QA, not still being in active development.

But great to hear it's still aimed at Q1

Ha, no. That comment was in reference to me saying that we wont turn auto-retaliate on for area looting for years as the player moving and closing the interface was too disruptive. It was meant to be a joke around how often i'd get asked it. 99% of the time if I sound like that, it's a joke of some sort.

02 Mar


Originally posted by UnwoundTime

Why do fixes need a hole in release? Just add it to the next build when it's ready??

Sadly that's not how releases work in software. Each thing added to a release requires time from multiple teams to support it. It also adds a level of risk to each update and we can only support so much risk and keep the game stable.

Due to this it needs a wait for a "hole" it can slot in to.


This (and the other fixes) are still coming, it finally has a release date, I cannot share that with you due to expectations setting of course but I can say that we're still good for Q1.

I totally get the frustration of time from teaser to release but you have to take in to account that this bunch of fixes were shown while they were in active development and the road from there to release is longer than you may expect. It's a round of polish, 2 rounds of QA and on top of that finding a hole in the release schedule for it to fit in. You have to take in to account that I yolo'd these fixes in December with no planned release date on them and they have to fit in alongside whatever else is actually planned.

That all said, I am super excited to see you guys using it :D

08 Jun


Originally posted by Jevaneaux

Thank you for checking on this, so I'm assuming you meant to say 8 times more common than off-task then?

As chance would have it personally my rng did catch up somewhat and I finished the uniques at 15k last night (6 uniques total).

If I could bother you with one more question about the WildyWyrm: any chance you could tell us how the 1 per kill restriction is applied? Because it appears that everyone who attacked the wyrm has that 1/512. What I mean is that if you kill the wyrm in large groups, you'll actually see the wyrm drops far more frequently as a whole than if you were to solo it. So is this intended? And how does it pick which person to give it to?

Appreciate the time you've taken to respond and appreciate the work you do!

So unlike most bosses, rather that iterating through a list of players in the order in which they did damage (most to least) the wildy wyrm finds every every player within a 20 tile range that did damage to the wildywyrm and gives each person a roll on the drop table. This is done to bypass hte max player limit on direct damage tracking which is 16 players as the boss was designed to support massing.

If at any point a weapon piece drops then it will no longer roll for a weapon piece for subsequent players. I would expect larger groups to have a better drop rate purely because they get more rolls for a weapon per kill.



Thanks for raising this, don't want my brain farts leading to invalid information!

The wildywyrm is a flat 1/512 chance (although luck rings do work) with a "1 per kill" restriction on the drop table. . I have edited the linked post to reflect this.

I also briefly checked the code for wyrm cluster tasks for the improved drop chance and it appears this is plugged in correctly for the lava noodle drops, it was fixed with a bugfix on the 6th of January.


Corrected some task-specific loot script that didn't always check against all NPCs' Slayer categories (Revenant dark beast...

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29 Jan


Originally posted by holydamned

  • Thanks Daddy Obo for all your wacky ideas, you're truly one of a kind, you embody what RuneScape is, you think out of the box and that isn't something most people are able to do. You keep things fresh and entertaining and your enthusiasm is infectious. Your writing is also a wonder to behold.

  • Thanks Mod Jack for your detailed work and your ability to listen. You are able to come up with solutions that truly solve the heart of the issues that face the community and the game. You are detailed and measured, a quality that every successful team needs.

  • Thanks Mod Ian for your passion in music and sound. Your role often gets overlooked or passed over in discussions on discord or reddit, etc, but this is due to the impeccable quality of your work. Thank you.

  • Thank you Mod Pi, you're legendary. The impact you've had on the game is legendary, truly it is impossible to name all the contributions you've had on the game and community and...

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Aww, thanks for the lovely words <3

03 Dec


Originally posted by Ted50

Slaughter is still not being cleared from bar with freedom/roots. Is this patch coming? Reaper neck buff was fixed last monday, but not slaughter.

Looks like it's still waiting to me merged in to a release, I'll see if I can get it pushed in to mondays update.

13 Nov


Hey I've just fixed the following issues and sent them to QA:

  • Slaughter wasn't cleared with freedom/roots/seren armour
  • Slaughter wasn't turned on when nihils perform slaughter
  • reaper neck buff wasn't removed when it is removed.
  • Weapon poison buff wasn't cleared on death.

If there are any more please do let me know and i'll fix them up!

29 Oct


Going to look at this today for you.

02 Sep


Originally posted by shakikoko

how would it interact with both solid like sailfish and jelly? first in inventory?

The mechanics of eat food are simply: "Eat the first food I can eat in the lowest slot of my inventory"

So in this case it depends on the position of the sail and jelly fish in your inventory.


Originally posted by mporubca

Does this ability also work for specialty food such as Brews or Jellyfish? Does it put "cooldown" on food or you can use it similarly to Combo Eating (eating food+brew+jelly in 1 tick)

It is specifically food so jellys yes brews no.

15 Aug


Originally posted by jorgelucasds


There is a job for a set of improvements to the loot interface of which this is a part.

Sadly the team have not had time to look at that job yet as they have been working hard to get you some pretty exciting stuff, some of which I have shown off on live stream in the past (buff bars, improved bar binding etc).

I'll poke a few people see if we can get this looked at soon.

27 Jun

12 Jun



There was somewhat sound reasoning behind the priority bump when a potion timer gets low. The bump in priority is because a potion with it's long timer has quite a low default priority which means if you have a small maximum number of buffs on screen (i.e. on mobile) your potion can drop off screen to more important buffs. Bumping the priority when it is in the final 30s ensures that the buff icon is there when you need it the most.

I get your concerns however and have placed a feedback job in to add an option to force static priorities for buffs which would mean they retain their relational position. No promises that we will get time to do it before we release it though I'm afraid.

16 Apr

