

05 Mar


Originally posted by RoskatRS

Mimic kill token is blue too for some reason even it's only 10k at ge and always gives lootbeam..

Coins counts as stack for color.

Yea, the kill token triggers the loot beam value override.

I did indeed allow coins specifically to take stack in to account as they do elsewhere in the game.


Originally posted by skull48211

Loot is also color coded no idea what the colors mean yet, can't be price or rarity as infer ashes drop green while 10x noted herbs are white

It's value but in the drop log it is a per item value not a per stack value as a lot of people don't clear it.

Values are like so:

  • <1k - white
  • 1k-1M - green
  • 1M-100M - blue
  • 100M-1B - purple
  • 1B+ - orange

There are overrides for specific items which follows the loot beam overrides, for instance an effigy uses a mid sized loot beam so appears as a purple.


I have a feedback job currently in for this, will add this to it.

17 Feb



Sorry this has only just caught my attention, i shall investigate as soon as i can.

The deadclick issue sounds like the anti spam mechanic misbehaving so I'll start with that and then move on to the other issues raised i this and other threads.


11 Feb


Originally posted by Arlitub

Please give us the ability for it to 'snap' in place too, so we can have the buff and debuff bars next to eachother on the same height.

This is a tough one, I can but due to the behaviours of the type of interface this is, it deliberately doesn't snap to allow for free form positioning. If I forced it to snap now it could end up causing some serious "jankiness" when it goes live and mess up people's interfaces as it is forced to re-arrange everything to fit itself in as it sees best.

Jury's out on this one but for now I'd go for the cautious approach and maintain the behaviour for now rather than mess with interface setups.


Currently refactoring this for mobile, I think I can make this happen :)

24 Jan


Originally posted by Vex_rs

So thats why my queue’d ability doesnt go off after using concentrated blast? Thats dumb...

/u/shaunyowns /u/jagexpi


Hey, this is being looked in to atm so you should get the expected funtionality soon(tm)


Originally posted by Wistrum


if you queue an ability instantly after using concentrated blast, the queued ability will not go off until concentrated blast completes its full 3 hit channel. This happens on revolution. This can kill you if you queue freedom after conc blast to clear bleeds at vorago because freedom doesnt trigger!

This has been picked up by another dev as I'm swamped atm. So hopefully it will be dealt with soon <3

21 Jan


Originally posted by Wake1

will do, also is it supposed to be that barge does not give adren when entering combat? or already in combat?

E:So anytime an animation is done - you cannot move until it is done. THis is what i have now found out if this helps any. everything else is great just so you know, i guess im just confused to what its doing but yeah i guess it just freezes when an animation is going off and needs to finish

another E: slaughter seems to be the only ability were it does it the most, since before you could move intanlty while it was going off, and now you cant really untill the animation is fully done.

We've found something with slaughter so we have something to poke at, seems to be queueing related though, if I do it without queueing I can walk graador fine.


Originally posted by Wake1

will do, also is it supposed to be that barge does not give adren when entering combat? or already in combat?

E:So anytime an animation is done - you cannot move until it is done. THis is what i have now found out if this helps any. everything else is great just so you know, i guess im just confused to what its doing but yeah i guess it just freezes when an animation is going off and needs to finish

another E: slaughter seems to be the only ability were it does it the most, since before you could move intanlty while it was going off, and now you cant really untill the animation is fully done.

Just tried barge against the combat dummies on a live server to initiate combat both queueing and via the book and it gave me 8% adrenaline.


Originally posted by Wake1

This dont seem right, it is a lot harder to move around now while in combat, ive noticed my character dont wanna move even if im spam clicking. Think of it sort of like aftershock going off constantly.

Hmm, that's odd, the change actively removed interruptions so it's rather odd that it would add more. You should see a significant difference in the amount of animations you see play out now due to them no longer being interrupted but mechanically you shouldn't be forced to turn and face the opponent as much any more (still have to fix crackling/aftershock).

Can you inbox me your RSN so we can have our QA department give it a go with your loadout?

11 Jan


Originally posted by killer89_

Tomorrow's? o.O

Tuesday* no idea why i said tomorrow...


Originally posted by ImRubic

Tomorrow's stream?

Tuesday* no idea why i said tomorrow...


Originally posted by FacetsRS

Read more

No, they're deffo coming soon! Check out Tuesday's stream :)

EDIT: tomorrow?? Why do you think it's monday? Its Friday Mod Pi.... I'd say go home you're drunk but i am home and super sober so i cannot even use that excuse.

19 Dec


I've been sent this in the office about 3 times already, well done :P

17 Dec


Originally posted by Shaunyowns

NP sweet cheeks, happy birthday! <3

10 Dec


Originally posted by TheHotstreak

/u/jagexpi fix this

Chased a few people up this morning for you as stuff was already in progress. Hopefully you'll see something soon :)

26 Nov


Originally posted by wrongburger

The Tsunami ability now casts in the direction of your target rather than in the direction you are facing.

Not gonna lie, I thought it would take a lot longer for this and the other bugfixes /u/JagexPi made to go from dev to release.

Goddamn that man is quick.

That's what she...no wait...work account!

The speed to get it released is far from just me fixing it, /u/JagexIago did the WIP QA quickly, /u/ModEasty moved it to RC and released it and another mod tested it in RC too. All of them are required to get you a fix super quickly so #GoTeam!

22 Nov


Originally posted by ImRubic

I just want to make it clear I have nothing against you, and I truly believe you do learn from your mistakes.

These were just my observations based on the limited info I had, so I’m very grateful you clarified all of it and explained everything in detail.

I’m sorry if I’ve said anything out of line.

You didn't say anything I wasn't already thinking so don't worry yourself. As a professional I should be able to read critical comments, break them down and learn from them. I don't blame you for any of your observations or conclusions you made, I'd probably have the same given then same information.