

23 Sep


Originally posted by JagexJack

I don't really know much about it. My point is that it does need consideration by people who know more about it than me.

We're looking at it in the coming gamejam


Originally posted by so_says_sage

No, Ramen. Just no. This isnโ€™t game dev itโ€™s just Jagex dev. ๐Ÿ˜‚

As a game dev, working in game development, having learned about developing games during my 10 years of game development. It's game dev.


Originally posted by egoistisch

I saw a jmod talk about there being a max/comp/trim version of the 120 all cape a few months ago. Are you allowed to share insight in this?

I can neither confirm nor deny these absolutely outrageous claims.


Originally posted by abhishekghosh

Yo ramen ๐Ÿœ will the p2 blight bar be fixed soon or nah?

I will be able to find time next week to have a peek at it. Just finishing up Master Max capes work this week so haven't been able to react properly to Solok changes

20 Sep


Originally posted by Thaldrath

Will it have anything special over standard max cape or is it just a cosmetic upgrade?

Depending on the answer, I may have to grind harder for those 5 skills that aren't 120 yet on my main.

It's far sexier?


Master Max Cape = 120 in all skills


No one asked for such a dumb and foolish thing

The other 5%?

18 Sep


You've been barred.

Except. The owners of the Falador pub tend to mix up what being barred means...

16 Sep


Originally posted by Devdeve

So Ramen when we getting this change, we were promised for months from an offhand jmod comment :)))


Originally posted by JagexSponge

I don't want to put words in his mouth but IIRC Ramen was considering this for a game jam fix. It wouldn't need engine support afaik. And would allow you to move it like any other on-screen element.

Jesus wept /u/jagexsponge. Now it's on Reddit. Now I HAVE to do it or I'll get messages for the rest of my life.


It's such a shameful misplay that it's better to say that the witch managed to kill you.

15 Sep


Originally posted by WateronRocks

Are the remaining 10k for a special update?

Figured I'd save them 10k for the new Yak Pack pouch coming.

08 Sep


Originally posted by Mr__Perfect_

It's a good idea but no jmod wants to touch it. The code base for construction is so bad that making slight changes is a huge headache which nobody wants to touch. Without reworking the entire skill (which they said they won't do) there is little hope.

It's a good idea but no jmod wants to touch it.

Untrue. There are a lot of people very passionate about Construction.

05 Sep


I donut think that is supposed to be there.

26 Aug


Originally posted by HughLaurieTF2

how much did you pay ramen

That's under a strict NDA I'm afraid.

23 Aug


Originally posted by God_Savitar

Could I have a gamebreaker title as a trading deal
