

19 Oct


Originally posted by badgehunter

i am curious: was these 2 refrence to mod wolf?

You'd have to ask mod Raven or mod Zura! Greg's been in the game since February this year and Ed was referenced in his dialogue there :) that's all I know


Originally posted by Grovve

Great job on the models, the hard work paid off. honestly most of the art in RS is done really really well.

I do want to point out however, it does not make the community feel great when it’s only the appreciation posts that get J-Mod replies. Seeing the J-Mods not communicating with the player base over constructive criticism from people who only want what’s best for the game because they care (a lot), just does not feel good.


I understand the feedback, I can only speak for myself here, but I'm an artist and I respond to art bugs and art praise and do what I can internally to address other issues related to art, like when people have fashionscape related concerns. This is reflected in my comment history. Anything to do with balancing, non-graphical bugs, etc. is outside of my area of expertise and I don't have anything to offer when it comes to those discussions so I stay out of them :) We all have our own areas of expertise.


Originally posted by ThtGuyTho

they've sewn them so they can expand when they transform

That's pretty awesome, just makes sense lore-wise but I never thought about it until now. The models simply look really good, but a lot of thought went into them as well!

Yeah! Can thank Mod Iroh and Zephusees for that one, and everybody else on the concept art team :) Thanks!!


Originally posted by Ashendant

Canifis clothes always looked a bit loose so I think it works.

Anyway, great job! I hope to see more of your work in Runescape in the future.

Thank you!! Yeeee some more stuff coming up soon :D

18 Oct


Originally posted by Ashendant

I don't use twitter, but checked it and your artstation. These look pretty amazing! I do wonder how long does it take to make a modular model like this?

I do have a small issue with it. The original model of Canifis werewolves had ripped clothes from transforming unexpectedly, but what I assume to be canifis werewolves on twitter have completely fixed clothes.

EDIT: Or maybe it's not a canifis model and I just assumed it was because it had a skirt and haven't checked the event yet.

Thank you!! It really depends on complexity of the design, these had a pretty short turnaround and took 17 days I believe!

That was a deliberate change actually, they are Canifis models :) The thought was that because they're a proper werewolf society and they're used to transformations happening, rather than their clothes ripping and constantly having to put on new ones, they've sewn them so they can expand when they transform. Hence the pleated look!


Originally posted by Ashendant

They look great!

I do have a question. Are these one-offs or are they modular enough you could just create new clothes for them and "equip" them?

Thank you! They're modular, if you check my twitter (also jagexsel) there's a link in there with the base models as well


Originally posted by Wolvian

When is much better than if, but now I'm curious about what's going to receive an update next, if anything. That is of course if you're willing and able to share that.

Wish I could say! There's something I'm trying really hard to make happen right now tho :)


Originally posted by Duded94

Wow that's awesome! Great work on the models, your effort really showed <3 nice to hear we'll be seeing more of them!

Thank youuuu :> Yesss!


Originally posted by Wolvian

YES That sounds great! Do you think the ones in gwd can be replaced as well? They'd probably need a bit of a different look from the Canifis civilians due to being in a warzone though.

Yeah they would need to look a bit different. It's something that can be added to the list but extra time needs to be factored in so it'd be a later step, don't know when that might happen


Originally posted by Duded94

I like these new models a lot!! they're very... wolfy to say the least xD hopefully they replace older models with this one!

Thank youuuu that makes me super happy <3 Worked really hard on the models! The hope at the very least is to have them replace all of the werewolves in Canifis and keep the style for werewolves going forward

22 Sep


Originally posted by SarahAndBeyond

NGL I reckon these new pets were gonna be graphically reworked summoning familiars and then upper management saw dollar signs and said nah let's make a pet which has no lore ties and will just give us money.

Noooo! There's some really awesome creatures and design opportunities in summoning, so we remake them when we can because we think they will look cool and players will like them. After seeing the design I thought it was really awesome and asked to work on it as my next project several times hahah

The reason they're not updated right away I don't know if I can elaborate on, but it takes time to put stuff into the game and sometimes more art is also required to make different variants etc :)

26 Jul


Originally posted by the01li3

I dont suppose theres any news on this, good or bad? just rememeber about it when tryna get a white towel, loving the new overrides too btw.

Hi! Late reply as I was on holiday but I believe it's either fixed now or will be soon :)

18 Jun


Originally posted by Swords_and_Words

yeah the basic color theory makes sense, but this is seriously over done.
If your gonna go for that, at least put darker shading in the creases? or add some roughness to the texture?
Like you said: smooth surfaces usually refract and reflect differently that rough ones, so it is particularly off putting that this looks like dark grey silk rather than black cotton.
It being monotone kinda ruins the purpose of tying to make it react with light in any realistic-ish manner

Putting darker shading in the creases isn't the right way of working with an albedo map, and there is roughness variation in the textures but it's difficult to get right when your gloss curve in-engine is sensitive, shaders have a base roughness value, and you're working on a 256 map that then is further compressed into what you end up seeing, making it super difficult to get the variation to show properly. We're working with a lot of restrictions here and it's hard to appreciate that until you see your own work in engine :)


Originally posted by TheHotstreak

Pure black being a no go is fine and understandable for the reasons you gave here and above.

However - and sorry if this sounds weird - what we have for black now, is that as dark as you can go?

A good example was how people were unhappy with the changes that were made to 3A Sirenic and Tectonic. People loved the contrast between black and white and what we have now is a washed out grey color where black was.

I mean, the Archaeology cape (and master cape) were released last year and it looks f**king amazing. That's the white and black people are asking for.

I'd have to check the arch cape to be sure, but if I'm not mistaken it still uses a different system than we do now. That being said, we could probably go a lil darker here and there! Just not in recolourable assets as that's a set palette. I do understand that people love it, it's cool!


Originally posted by WateronRocks

My man, I didn't know you were the shit. This is awesome communication.

Thanks 😊


Originally posted by riker-watts

First off: your English is extremely good, don't bash yourself for it being your second language, could've fooled me as your primary.

Secondly, I know the cubemaps are pretty finicky right now, some outfits still have the same sort of problem in places like prif, where the light there is pretty radiant. Is there any way for us to submit locational feedback to you guys? Seeing as some locations might have been missed in the process.

Third- and I know the answer is probably no but- do you, to your knowledge, know if players will have more freedoms with recolorable assets? I.e. ozan's armor can be recolored, but only a certain channel changes color, and kril's armor too. A good example of color channels is Warframe, where every part of them can be recolored, using 4-6 color channels that will change the specific parts on them.

Haha no worries I'm not bashing myself, I've got a proficiency certificate in English, I know it's good. Just dunno how to talk about physics.

Feel free to send em over to me, I'll see to it that it reaches the right person if there's something wrong. It could be down to some other factors in the specific environment as well though, I can imagine that happening in Priff.

That's what we want as well, working with channels in that way is a lot more artist friendly! Hopefully in the future.


Originally posted by the01li3

Found a can of paint at my old place labelled "eggshell" so presumed the white in the house was all that... but its never that easy, so I feel the tester pain trying to find the right one.

A reason is always going to be better than no reason personally, helps understand why it was never that way and/or if its ever possible.

Ahahaha just comes down to colours being the devil :(

Yeah absolutely! Understanding also helps with finding possible solutions if it is possible


Originally posted by iZant

Thanks for the insight Mod Cel ❀️ It’s super exciting to me that RS is now using PBR materials!

Anytime!! :D Also it's Sel, there's another mod named Cel actually ahaha


Originally posted by jlahjlahjlahblah

Hi Sel, will the heroic leap animation teleport be released to the oddment store from the kerapac batch? It seems to be missed out

Hi! I can ask about this :) not sure


Originally posted by MrStuffNThings

I hope this is the case that you can get this changed. White should be white not and off white. It’s been like this for many many years and refuse to color anything white in game due to not being correct.

Yeah I can't promise anything but I'll ask about it, there might be a technical reason why only off-white is possible (like what if the lighting in-game is slightly yellow? That'll automatically make something look less like a purer white). We'll see!