

31 Dec


FS support so good people come asking for help with other games, too :joy:

26 Dec


Handmaiden has a hidden extra half shield for some reason.
So a hidden +1 stamina.
Not a bug, just a hidden passive.

19 Dec


This is intended, I think.

Crouching while aiming with a bow of any kind makes your aim worse, while it increases your aim with firearms and crossbows. Most likely because of realism.

Edit: Ok but I’ve never seen THAT drastic a difference, and I noticed that when you’re not aiming it -improves- your aim somehow, so it’s possible something is up.


I’m curious about this, too. If the intention was only to nerf dual daggers and sword & dagger, then there’s an issue here.
If the intention was to nerf all bleed, then not only should it say so, it should be explained why.

I don’t think flense was a popular choice over deathknell on WHC. Could be wrong, but I think that was the case, I didn’t see flense that much. This makes it even more of a no-pick.

18 Dec


Mmm, it could be an unfavorable screenshot. I mean, it does look like an egg yolk morphing and sloshing in the air, changing shapes like a floating liquid. Could just be that it happens to look like that in the screenshot.


That thing’s always been there! It’s the whole daemon summoning thing they’re trying to do.


No, you are misunderstanding.
The thp nerf was necessary, period. THP was too good, and it was meant to help people in the thick of a fight, not replace actual health and provide map-wide sustain. This lets it fulfill its role without replacing healing scarcity, making resource management more important.

But thp on cleave was also considered bad in general, so it was buffed.


It’s much better for finding a group. Currently, Weaves is something that you pretty much can only enjoy with a premade group, because the matchmaking for it was horrendous. Quickplay weaves lets you pick a difficulty (so, a range of weaves) and just find a group, which is much, much better and will help people FIND other people to make premade groups to tackle ranked weaves properly with.

17 Dec


Some people in the steam forums have reported that they’re getting beastmen in the Old Haunts map, particularly the later portion of it, despite not having Winds of Magic activated. Not sure if intended or a bug, but I figured I might as well pass this on here so they’re not lost in the steam forums.


:partying_face: :ok_hand: :love_you_gesture:...

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16 Dec


It doesn’t start tomorrow. Tomorrow starts a beta to try out the patch from Season 2 and to test out Lohner’s Emporium, and it won’t have new cosmetics so they don’t get spoiled to us for when Season 2 has a proper, actual release.
We’re opting in to test it before release, it’s not a release.

14 Dec


News have been out for a while, mate.

Season 2 beta on the 16th.

04 Dec


Amazing. Well, we’ve already got the attrition aspect with healing supplies and ammo. I can see it now. Kerillians and Siennas duking it out in an epic ranged battle.
Bounty Hunter erasing them both with a single use of his career ability.

Good thing it never left the whiteboard.


Ok but this name is too golden an opportunity to pass up. Write it down for an April Fools, it’s going to be glorious.

03 Dec


No, I think the problem would still happen, since the 30 second countdown of the anti-grief thing never happens in the chat, so it doesn’t seem to be triggering.

The real solution (although I don’t know how tricky that would be), is to make it so tomes and grims do not stop counting as being in the party’s possession in the few moments between a bot disappearing and the player replacing...

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02 Dec


There’s a few seconds between everyone entering the portal and the game ending.
If someone starts connecting to the game in those seconds, then there’s nothing you can do anymore. Your bot will get replaced, the match will end as soon as the player properly connects to the game, and this will happen inbetween the bot disappearing and the new player spawning in.

Which means you lost whatever books that book was holding/that player should be holding.

You cannot tell me that is intended behavior.

21 Nov


It really sucks that you missed it. The painting is art from Total war: Warhammer 2 featuring Luthor Harkon, it frankly looks dope as hell.
You’re not the only one confused by how it’s presented, however, a ton of people I played with during Geheimnisnacht didn’t even know weekly events existed, much less that that’s what the painting reward was from. Even some of the people that did know the weekly event existed didn’t know that’s where the painting was from.

It feels like something is missing to make the weekly event known to players that weren’t around during A Quiet Drink and checked the events? But at the same time I’m not exactly sure how to advertise that further. Maybe a random daily quest that said ‘complete the weekly event 0/1’ could help raise awareness?

19 Nov


Doesn’t look like you completed the weekly event, since the mission was still in your Events section.

Are you sure that you beat the halloween event with the dark wraith following the group from behind?? There’s a weekly event every week, accessible in the map, above the lobby browser button and under the twitch, and during Geheimnisnacht the weekly event was the halloween mode with the wraith and such, completing it rewards the portrait.

16 Nov


Try right clicking Vermintide in the library, going to properties, beta, and picking the ‘bypass launcher’ option.