

06 Sep


Try restarting steam - sometimes steam bugs out and fails to properly report that you actually own and have enabled the DLCs. A restart fixes it usually. If it keeps happening, contact support.

29 Jul


Opening every single box you ever got is indeed the proper way to handle gear progression, please do not reset your progression for this lmao.

Also, please do tell where you heard this rumor, it’s an infuriating rumor that hasn’t been true, useful or good advice since over 2 years ago. And yet people keep showing up completely believing it.

18 Jul


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13 Jul

11 Jul


Depending on what you do, sometimes the hands around the hilt of the weapon don’t follow the hilt properly, as seen in the screenshot. This is most noticeable when turning around to the right, but can happen in other situations such as when jumping.

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(notice the left hand hovering away from the hilt instead of following it properly - right hand is correct)

09 Jul


I think only the non-shield bash heavy attacks.


Then I don’t understand why you care about the nerf to the crit chance of these weapons light attacks. You don’t use light attacks to kill bosses, you pop an ult and heavy attack them, and the heavy attacks are untouched. Shade’s dual dagger monster damage potential is basically untouched with these changes, yet the dual daggers’ and sword & dagger’s ability to deal with hordes (which they do by spamming light attacks) is diminished thanks to these changes.


I disagree with this approach for nerfing the executioner’s sword, but I agree with the intent. I’ll have to see ingame to give proper feedback, but my first impression is that this tackles the problem of the executioner’s sword wrong, as it hurts it in absolutely all aspects and probably makes the weapon just feel unsatisfying to use (which is the worst kind of nerf - when you nerf how fun it is to use rather than its actual effectiveness)

Its main problem is, precisely, that it performs well in all situations, and I’d say we all agree that it’s the absolut...

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I’m loving these changes! Specially the talents, holy hell! It’s Hero Time looks -amazing-!!

wait, is this permanent for the match? Holy hell that’s huge
There’s some other talents that also look like they work as a permanent buff that you work towards and it seems bloody amazing, I love it.

As for the weapons, I agree with most of them, but not all, I’ll have to see those in particular that I disagree with.

08 Jul


Found another respawn bug. This happened in Empire in Flames. The slayer died past this point of no return, and respawned behind it.
The point of no return is after the first tome, before the first grim.

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01 Jul


Ah, neat. Did they fixx the movement speed passive text as well?

29 Jun


If you only get this issue when connecting to another player, then you are accidentally in the Modded realm, instead of the Official realm, like Julia said.

If you get this issue no matter what you do when you open the game, then it’s possible you have a mod enabled that used to be sanctioned, but no longer is. Disable all mods and see if that works. (Or unsubscribe from all mods)

23 Jun


Ahhh, that’s an awesome fix :heart:

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18 Jun


Hahaha, we were all so engrossed with ‘rainy righteous stand’ that I think nobody even commented that on chat!

17 Jun


Kruber may have served in an army in Ostland, but he grew up in a Farm in Ubersreik.

Which is in the Reikland, which is right next to Bretonnia.
Also, the whole thing about the accent sounds like a joke, mate...

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Nice, I was waiting for the supreme lore behind all o’ this.

I buy it! Been nervously waiting for the stream to bombard you guys with questions about it but this pretty much clears almost everything up. I still wanna hear more details about Ze Lady approaching him and why she chose him, but that’s probably something we’ll hear from Markus himself through voicelines.

Thanks for the read!

29 May



I stared blankly for like 5 full seconds at the concept art until it finally clicked! That’s gonna be such a good hat! I love it!


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28 May


Paintings exclusive to a Blood for the Blood god event sound like they’re going to be some gnarly, metal as hell paintings! I’m in! :sunglasses:
Saltzpyre better not hunt me down for worshipping Khorne…

08 May


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Just salt in the bloody wound, I swear to god

29 Apr


New classes are 100% confirmed, and we’re 100% confirmed to get at least one of them before the end of 2020, and two if we’re extremely lucky.