

26 Apr


Originally posted by Ventrical

So that’s a no then on the honor defense?

Because this is pathetic.

Pointing out stuff you said in the past won’t fix the future, you’re right.

But it should serve to remind that the community thought DICE were being undeservedly smug and arrogant at the time, and were ultimately proven right.

So for the next game I wouldn’t post about it on twitter either, and this and all the other bullshit lying tweets from Sirland and that Niklas ass should serve to remind DICE in the future that the devs aren’t the brightest when it comes to responding to the community.

Thank you for reminding me why I previously decided to not respond on this subreddit anymore. I was hoping in rough times like these, we could find nicer words or at least have a civil conversation even if we are upset or disagree. Yet, you have chosen the insulting and aggressive way. :(

Anyway, I will go back to read mode only. I hope you and your family are safe and that you are doing okay. <3

25 Apr


Originally posted by hongshen

Thanks for your answer but I have a hard time understanding your last sentence. Is canning the game the ultimate right direction you are heading towards? Is it a sacrifice to make way for the next game?

I am not sure if we are sacrificing one thing for another. This is not a question that I could or should answer, but yeah, this comment was in regards to the things we are working on now.


Originally posted by viv1d

I for one will not bash you and hope BF6 will be filled with many great infantry maps. Good luck!

Thank you. This is very much appreciated. <3


Originally posted by hongshen

Do you care to tell us what's your personal feeling on your company's decision to end content support for BFV?

We are all just humans. This whole project was an up and down in feelings for everyone involved, you and us. I think a lot of things we did were great, but I also know lots disappointed some of our audience. There is a lot to learn from the last 2-3 years and act on that learning. Of course when I look back, I see a lot of stones unturned. As a dev you always have something more you would like to do, even if you would have been at a game for 10 years. But I believe we are heading in the right direction and I am looking optimistic and excited into the future at what comes next.


Originally posted by Total-Cook


Care to defend your honour?

Not even news worthy. At the given time that was true. 4 pacific maps, Al Sundan, Underground, was Marita out already? The 5v5 levels. Firestorm updates. Probably even missed something. That's more in simultaneous development than before. I think the most we had in development at once before this was 6.

I understand some of you are frustrated with the recent news, but pointing at stuff I said in the past won't change that. I retreated from posting about BF on twitter already. So fear no more, this won't happen again. :)

22 Jan


Originally posted by ImperiousStout

Let's say you join a server that already played most of your favourite maps, you obviously wouldn't know and would most likely not notice until it is too late.

That's only a problem if you don't surface that information. The server browser could easily display which maps are still available for voting and which are out of the pool until it resets, or you could display that info upon connecting to the server, inputting a command, or during the map vote screen at the very least.

You can also provide more than just two maps to vote on, giving players more choice in what comes up next rather than suggesting they server hop to play their favorites. It also says a lot about the current state of Battlefield when you're assuming everyone only likes a couple of maps and that's why the stale static rotation is best.

I prefer variety when a game is full of good maps. Set rotations are fine, but not when it's like BFV where every single f**king server is exact...

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Exposing this information would only work if you could quickly see it before joining. Otherwise you introduce new problems. You would have a lot of servers where people join and leave after checking the information. Not really a smooth experience and it would mess with the matchmaker which are most people using anyway. Currently, if someone joins via server browser they know what they are getting into. So it's unlikely they leave immediately again. Sorry mate, but I actually thought this all through a long time ago. :)

Also: Millions are playing every day/week -> the game is not fun. :O

I am sorry if you don't have the greatest time, but please don't paint your experience as everyone's. There are plenty of games I don't play, but they are successful as heck. Maybe it's the same here for you.

21 Jan


Originally posted by iBurnTires

It would be nice if map voting was an option in private games. Let the player decide if he wants to be in a server with map voting or not.

That one I am totally for. Not the highest priority in terms of features for private games yet, but absolutely something that I could see in there. I feel like private games should be the place where players can go nuts like they do in BF3/4. That's the place we want to get to and much further over time.


Originally posted by mrbig974

And voila !

Plain and simple, thanks you.

That doesn't work as plain and simple. Sure, if everyone stays on the server it's cool, but that never happens. Most people play 2-3 rounds. Let's say you join a server that already played most of your favourite maps, you obviously wouldn't know and would most likely not notice until it is too late. So you spent 2-3 games on maps that you don't prefer. Then maybe get sick of it and leave and join another server with the same chance.

Where as if you have a predictable map rotation you are in 100% control of your experience.

I mean at the end of the day it is up to you. Ask yourself, what do you prefer the random system or the one where you have control?

Either way, there is currently no plan for a map voting system. Sorry.


Originally posted by Ijoinedtoroastpewds

Luckily this feature is gone. Over the weekend I played a bit bf4 and guess which maps I got to play? Metro-Caspian-Metro-Caspian-Metro...

Basically this. One person wants it, the other is happy it's gone. Seems like people are very split on this topic.

I hope one day all games go in a direction where everyone can build their preferred mode/map list and a matchmaker moves them between rounds. This way possibly everyone will be happy.

Until then we go with predictable map rotations and a server browser. So you are in full control even though it requires some extra steps.

10 Jan


Originally posted by [deleted]


As you can see on the title in my name, I work with Maps and Modes and I clearly referred to content as maps. If Pacific wasn't to your liking and you think it was bad "content" then I don't think any of the work my department is doing will brighten your day and I am sorry for that. Yet I feel like I need to defend the guys who worked on the Pacific maps and say that they didn't deliver broken content. Just wanted to make that clear. :)

I would also kindly ask you to calm down the language as insults get us nowhere. :/


Originally posted by ElvisT

Your response is the epitome of what is called survivor bias.

That's exactly what I would expect the data to show. The people who use it to travel wouldn't be in that area of the map as much as the people who travel through it.

I feel like before you guys continue to use data to back up what you want to see, you should look at what you're not seeing.

Take a look at where this survivor bias comes from.

I feel like even when you guys think you get it right, and you use data to back it up, the general feedback is what really matters.

There is a lot of assumption here. Yes, if the data is really limited and for example just a heat map, you might be right, but we very much can see the difference between movement, stationary, stance, combat, kills, deaths, etc. So I can only show locations of stationary people killing with certain weapons on certain ranges and in contrast compare to people moving along and so on. The fault is rarely with the data, but how you use it.

Btw, I love that story of the WW2 planes. It's such a great example and makes for a great story, but it also known since WW2 and therefore considered. As much as someone might like to think we are a bunch of amateurs looking into data not knowing what we are doing cause it fits their narrative. I assure you we have people that do this full time and are well educated in the topic. If one believes that humans generally can't read statistical data successfully then I won't be able to change that opinion here and now.

On a last note I wou...

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Originally posted by solid_x1

Well, it is true to a certain degree, however narrowing the map is not ideal, maybe adding more transport vehicles could fix that problem. I like aerodrome a lot, but I feel like there could be a trench network on each side just to hide from snipers and tank campers.

Yeah, I absolutely agree with you that flanking on this map is rather hard. We extended cover on both sides and the situation improved, but lot of the problems still remain. I still hope to find time to give it a proper pass one day, but currently all map resources are on new content. So no time for it.


What you painted there is an exaggeration. It was maybe half of that and data has shown that this area was mostly used by either snipers or tanks camping on the sides and shelling people that actually flank. If you preferred that play style I can see why it's upsetting to you, but after seeing the change in action, we believe it has done good to the map and the overall playtime on it has increased. So it looks like the majority of the players find Aerodrome a bit more fun now. :)

28 Dec


Originally posted by AngooriBhabhi

Community figured it out: Incompetence



Originally posted by [deleted]



27 Dec


Originally posted by WaterErmine862

I've had this happen to me twice.

On this map and sector? Trying to figure out how this can happen.

17 Dec


Originally posted by L0ngTmeLurker

So how do you know what the wider communities opinion is on all this? Since links to the polls were posted on Twitter and reddit but no poll was taken in-game. That means it's the more hard-core fans that take these polls and it almost feels unanimous that pre 5.2 was better.

Are we just in an eco chamber? If we are please at least tell us and let us know what the wider community thinks. Show us the data that you're using and let us understand how and why we're the vocal minority.

I think alot of the disdain comes from the core community apparently agreeing on something but dice seems to do the opposite without explanation.

If the game has been seeing an uptake in popularity or player retention because of 5.2 specifically (and not just because this happened near the Pacific) please let us know. I'd rather be told I'm wrong and why rather than being asked my opinion and then seemingly be ignored.

Optics just look so bad because it feels like the game...

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I can't speak much on the direction of soldier and weapon gameplay things as it's not my area. I have insights, but I am not a spokes person on this. So I will not even try to cover that topic.

On the "how do you know" and "echo chamber" topic tho:
We, like most other games on this size, do audience research in a lot of different ways. EA has whole departments doing just User Experience Research (UXR) and they go wide (weekend games, person who played for 10h and then dropped, hardcore gamer, veteran, professional player, etc). So that's about that.

Is Reddit an echo chamber? I don't know. I know too little about Reddit and how it works. Are you an extremely dedicated player if you go on social media to talk or write about it and engage with the game and it's community? Absolutely.

I am here reading this Reddit not just because it's my job, but also because I am heavily interested in BF. In the past weeks I clocked down close to 100h in CoD and got ple...

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12 Dec


Originally posted by _C0RE_

Sorry no vid and cant quite remember what it said. But i think it was something like "couldnt find entry point". And ye im sorry for that emotional outbreak but i feel like you guy just dont care about us anymore and the game gets more and more frustrating to play with each day.

Oh and on the performance thing. I think so far we are not tracking any major performance issues and I don't see too much mention of it online, but if it changes we will fix it of course as we did with Operation Underground.


Originally posted by _C0RE_

Sorry no vid and cant quite remember what it said. But i think it was something like "couldnt find entry point". And ye im sorry for that emotional outbreak but i feel like you guy just dont care about us anymore and the game gets more and more frustrating to play with each day.

Got a link from this thread. We have someone looking into the issue.

And about the other stuff: Rest assured, we care very much. At no point it is or was it in our interest to harm this game or the players enjoyment of it, but you have to see that there are millions playing this game week by week and not all share the same opinions. So some changes might make some people more happy than others and the other way around.