Battlefield V will end it's life cycle with less maps than BF3, BF4, or BF1. Just another giant lie.
So that’s a no then on the honor defense?
Because this is pathetic.
Pointing out stuff you said in the past won’t fix the future, you’re right.
But it should serve to remind that the community thought DICE were being undeservedly smug and arrogant at the time, and were ultimately proven right.
So for the next game I wouldn’t post about it on twitter either, and this and all the other bullshit lying tweets from Sirland and that Niklas ass should serve to remind DICE in the future that the devs aren’t the brightest when it comes to responding to the community.
Thank you for reminding me why I previously decided to not respond on this subreddit anymore. I was hoping in rough times like these, we could find nicer words or at least have a civil conversation even if we are upset or disagree. Yet, you have chosen the insulting and aggressive way. :(
Anyway, I will go back to read mode only. I hope you and your family are safe and that you are doing okay. <3