

03 Oct


Originally posted by cornbope

We need Romain (paging u/Khagneur) to tell us who's stronger: BB or Hylissang!

AFAIK no one has every beaten Hyli in arm wrestling, not Romain, Broxah, Youngbuck...

He's even broken multiple tables in the past, BraumIRL xDDD

Hylissang > all Not only he has muscles, but arm wrestling also requires a lot of technique and Hyli has been playing this game for way too long!

08 Apr

03 May


Originally posted by DarthVeigar_

Too expensive. This whole month was expense after expense.

DM me

26 Apr


Michal is one of the LEC backstage GOAT! Always smiling and happy, he knows how to make players feel comfortable and he takes banger pictures.
Thank you for immortalizing all those crazy memories Monsieur Konkol, to many more!

13 Apr


Originally posted by EUTriaged

Hey there! I'm John Depa, the Executive Producer of the LEC!

Was lurking around Reddit and saw this post. I have experience with this— so I can definitely chime in! Ahaha.

I'll start with why things go wrong. Super TL;DR - A lot of reasons that are not related to the game, and it's getting better with time!

We've been talking about building an improved HUD since 2018. For a few years, we utilised a graphics system called Viz Trio (which we use for most of our other show graphics) to design and render our HUD over the game, but we found that it was ultimately too limiting for what we envisioned for a great HUD display for our game. And so, after awhile, we decided to simply build a new tool from the ground up to run our HUD. We test this tool regularly whenever we roll out new features, but ultimately, because we're building it ourselves, we don't benefit from the sheer amount of user testing that larger graphics systems benefit from. This is what ended up ...

Read more

Depa is the GOAT

10 Jan


All the teams logos with a chance to win the World championship 2023, and the leagues logos on a map

Same version for EMEA Masters (Europe+MiddleEast+Africa, an even crazier ecosystem) with a map.

External link →

04 Jan


Hey G2.Romain here, does anyone know those guys or has any way to reach out to them?
We would like to play versus them.... for science

05 Nov


Hey, G2.Romain here

We've always said the buyout was negotiable and we dropped it quite a lot when teams asked us. What the article doesn't mention is a player of Jankos' caliber also cost a lot of money (salary) and it seems like most orgs are not ready to meet his expectations. I know the narrative of "G2 jails its players" is popular but that's not what it is about here

Offseason is not over yet

14 May


Originally posted by SkeetySpeedy

Live audience members.

It’s not just the cheers and the hype, but one lucky fan is chosen before each tournament and taken to the G2 compound to be killed, and prepared for Caps’ meals.

This is the way.

17 Feb


Originally posted by syotokal

I thought I heard somewhere that he didn’t think he was playing well enough to have full CAPS and thought he had to earn his was back letter by letter. Could be pulling this out of my ass.

this is the real first reason why he changed it. and I hope he soon deserves a big A and then a big C again.

10 Jan

10 Dec


Originally posted by Kinkyyuumi

To Romain : Will we be lucky enough to see you on stage again this year, this time dressed as a samurai?

Hello KinkyYuumi. If there is a stage, there will be cosplay !

09 Dec


Originally posted by n0n0man

To Romain(u/Khagneur): Are we going to see you in any content pieces/livestreams/live events next year? J'espère! :)

Probably yes!


Originally posted by Noatz

For Caps: Do you feel like it's harder to perform a clear level above other mids in the region like you did in previous years?

For Jankos: You're now one of if not the most experienced players in LEC - do the seasons begin to blend together for you now, and how important is it to find a new sense of energy from somewhere by changing things in the team?

For Romain: Any chance you'll work the stage at all this year (covid and crowds permitting) or are those days behind you?

I will proudly represent my team on stage if we ever get to see one. Let's hope the pandemic goes easier on us for 2022 !


Originally posted by amicaze

To Romain, what exactly are you responsible for in this org ?

It's a dual job

  1. Be the interface between G2 the org and G2 the LoL team : Make sure every department can generate the best value possible from the LoL crew and help us in the best way possible : content, legal, admin, finance, event, marketing.... Because G2 is a big org with a lot of people and pro-players have a limited of available time outside of training, the interaction needs to be efficient and smooth so everyone is happy. It's a really fun job.

  2. Make sure the boys survive through the day and smile at the end of it A happy player is a performing player, so your job as manager is to make sure the boys are happy, talk to one another, are on time, smile, are rested, are fed, keep focus on training and performing, communicate, share their feelings, etc I'm living inside the gaming house with everyone for maximum impact on their lives


Originally posted by TSM_Rulok

To Romain:

What are some things you can say right away, which you will change for the better?

Internal communication


Originally posted by kaspercold1

To u/Ra4fk and u/Khagneur can you guys explain your roles exactly in the team ?

It's a dual job

  1. Be the interface between G2 the org and G2 the LoL team : Make sure every department can generate the best value possible from the LoL crew and help us in the best way possible : content, legal, admin, finance, event, marketing.... Because G2 is a big org with a lot of people and pro-players have a limited of available time outside of training, the interaction needs to be efficient and smooth so everyone is happy. It's a really fun job.

  2. Make sure the boys survive through the day and smile at the end of it A happy player is a performing player, so your job as manager is to make sure the boys are happy, talk to one another, are on time, smile, are rested, are fed, keep focus on training and performing, communicate, share their feelings, etc I'm living inside the gaming house with everyone for maximum impact on their lives


Originally posted by scorflesque

u/Khagneur, est-ce que tu as le droit de garder ta moustache chez G2 ? Est-ce que tu va convaincre Ocelote de se laisser pousser la moustache ?

Je la rase régulièrement pour mieux la retrouver haha, j'aime bien changer de visage. Carlos veut pas du tout d'une moustache! (je viens de demander)