Hey there! I'm John Depa, the Executive Producer of the LEC!
Was lurking around Reddit and saw this post. I have experience with this— so I can definitely chime in! Ahaha.
I'll start with why things go wrong. Super TL;DR - A lot of reasons that are not related to the game, and it's getting better with time!
We've been talking about building an improved HUD since 2018. For a few years, we utilised a graphics system called Viz Trio (which we use for most of our other show graphics) to design and render our HUD over the game, but we found that it was ultimately too limiting for what we envisioned for a great HUD display for our game. And so, after awhile, we decided to simply build a new tool from the ground up to run our HUD. We test this tool regularly whenever we roll out new features, but ultimately, because we're building it ourselves, we don't benefit from the sheer amount of user testing that larger graphics systems benefit from. This is what ended up ...