

14 Apr


Originally posted by Hanakocz

THis is fun. Loaded some of earlier endgame bases and went to destroy it...However got some "entity nil" errors, It said I have to save the game and send it :)

Warning: I managed to get 12 FPS at max.


Can you send a crash log?


Originally posted by PuddlesRex

Stupid question: How do I attack? I switched teams, ran over to my factory, hit spacebar, and... Nothing.

Mousing over the attack, it says "Unknown key: "item-name.behemoth-biter-player-gun"

You need to use the C key to attack non-aggroing buildings


Originally posted by GetOutsideDrinkWater

How exactly do I command units?

I'm able to switch teams, and I see that if I press alt+m it changes my cursor to presumably move units, but when I try to select units, it doesn't do anything. I can't find documentation of controls anywhere.

There is the select units tool from the BP library or the shortcut bar, which you use to select the units

13 Apr


Originally posted by Sentient2X

I don’t get how to play.

What do you need help with?


Originally posted by WhiteHatWitch

This is absolutely phenomenal. I haven't played it at this date and this is the first that I've ever seen of it but I can already tell that it's something worth playing or at least watching. I look forward to looking into this more, maybe even downloading and playing it. Is there a user guide?

No user guide currently. The mod is quite simple for now, so its not a priority.


Originally posted by ZeruuL_

So what happens if the engineer has a lot of artillery in his base?

You'll have a tough time...


Originally posted by kitty-dragon

``` 971.919 Error MainLoop.cpp:1177: Exception at tick 78393: The mod Hive Mind caused a non-recoverable error. Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event HiveMind::on_gui_click (ID 1) __Hive_Mind/script/hive_mind.lua:353: attempt to index global 'surface' (a nil value) stack traceback: __Hive_Mind/script/hive_mind.lua:353: in function 'leave_hive' __Hive_Mind/script/hive_mind.lua:230: in function <Hive_Mind/script/hive_mind.lua:230> (...tail calls...) __Hive_Mind/control.lua:46: in function <Hive_Mind_/control.lua:44 ```

Thanks for the report, I have fixed it now.


Originally posted by Taylor555212

Wow, nice job Klonan. This looks really good. Glad to see you doing cool projects. Do you think this will make it to the main game? I assume you’ve spoken to Kovarex about it already.

Right now I don't think the concept it fleshed out enough, even remotely, to be good enough as a main game addition.

It would also slow down the 1.0 release, which nobody would want.


Originally posted by booomhorses

Awesome work Klonan. We will definitely look into hosting a game at Comfy. I've been dreaming of such a game mode for a long time. Not only PVP but also allow admins to "role play" bit biters and wreck havock among humans..

If you need any help or want any features in the mod to make it possible, let me know. I would love to see it run on a big server


Originally posted by Alittar

Idea: Add a system to limit the amount of players who are in the hive if it doesn't exist already. That way you can have 1 or 2 people as part of the hive vs a bunch of factory workers

There is support to limit the number of 'Hive players'. For now I have it just limited by the max number of forces the game can support


Originally posted by pigguJ

This may be a stupid question but how do you actually swap teams?

There is a button in the top left you can click to join the hive. (If it doesn't show up, let me know).


Originally posted by EffectiveLimit

Oh god, I always asked for this. But is there some kind of AI from the side of humans?

No... I would be lost for many moons if I were to try such a thing.


Originally posted by S3trak

Is the factory prebuilt, or do you first play as the builder and then switch over?

You can switch to and from a hive at any time. For this demo and for testing, I just loaded a save game and switched teams.

There is an intention that people will play PvP, where some players build a factory while others are controlling hives to try to destroy it.


Been working on this mod for a while, with thoughts of it for a long time.

With 0.17, I had all the ingredients to make it work, I hope you will enjoy: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Hive_Mind

12 Apr

    Klonan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Read this post on our website[factorio.com]

Rail building changes The problem with rail building is that it has too many states. It depends whether you start building the rail with shift, to use the ghost mode or not, and then it also matters whether you still hold shift, to ignore trees or not. Moving from manual building to ghost rail building means cancelling the whole rail building and starting it again with the correct modifier.

The problems were reaching the surface from time to time, and Twinsen even drew a nice little state diagram of the rail building system.

It kind of peaked with ... Read more

05 Apr

    Klonan on Steam - Thread - Direct
Read the blog on our website[www.factorio.com]

we are still focusing most of our resources towards fixing as many bugs as possible so we have stable release in reasonable time. In the meantime, the preparation for the continuation of the work on the GUI rewrite is still happening:

Character GUI mockup The character screen is one of the most used GUI screens in the game, so we need to really try to do it right. We are moving towards the final version of the mockup, so we can start implementing it soon.

Crafting tab

Left frame
  • (1) Inv...
Read more

29 Mar