

28 Jun


Originally posted by nanananBananana

Do you daily challenges stack like weekly challenges? Can I come back after a week and complete all of the daily challenges together like I can do with the weekly ones?

Nope - dailies are you use it or lose it


Originally posted by RickHasselhoff

“STARS do not contribute to account level” does this information even matter? Account level progress means nothing once you get to 100.

A lot of players still aren't level 100 :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


Daily challenges are randomly selected from a pool of 200+ each day for each player individually. So you and I are very, very, very unlikely to have the same 3 challenges on a given day.

The weekly set of 7 challenges are all hand crafted pools, so each week you'll get 1 of the remaining pools. First week you get a random pool of 13, then 2nd week you get a random pool from the remaining 12, etc. By the end of the 13 weeks, players will all have experienced the same pools, just in different orders.


Originally posted by mateuszmag

What stars do?

Stars are essentially battle pass only XP that levels up your repeatable weekly challenge that says "Get ____ match XP and/or Stars to get a full battle pass level". This challenge requirement starts low, so it ensures you make greatly accelerated progress each week when it resets


Originally posted by iChazGaming

Love the idea of daily and weekly challenges but got a bit confused with the explanation. Probably just me but still hyped!

It makes a lot more sense when you're just doin' it :) Long story short - Click on the challenge tab, do those challenges, level up! Repeat next week when you get a fresh set


Originally posted by Rando-namo

These challenges range from “Deal 200 Damage in Bunker” to “Play 1 game as Lifeline” and are intended to be achievable in a short play session.

I assume these are cumulative like the weekly ones? i.e. you can do 91 dmg in bunker one game then 109 next game to complete it or must you do all 200 damage in one game?

A few of the challenges are "in a single match", but most carry over between games. If they are single match, they'll say so


Originally posted by Zzmax12

I think it means your dailies are being pulled from a pool of over 200. Not that there's a list of 200 to all complete. So you may get "Deal 200 damage in Bunker" multiple times over the course of the season technically

Zzmax12 is correct!

05 Jun


Originally posted by BritJamison

Hey, look, A dev! Thanks for the great update and awesome skin!

Glad you're enjoying the event!!


Originally posted by Arrow_Flash626

What animates about it???

Some of the snakeskin

30 May


Originally posted by dassomepoopy

I actually like that the skull faces you when you weild the gun. The glowing green eyes are a nice touch too.

Yeah the eyes will glow / pulse actively


Originally posted by mikeytlive

If this is what we can expect in season 2 in terms of skin quality. Then sign me UP

Can confirm - skin quality improving :)


Originally posted by DoctorOzface

But will we also get the coins like we do this season?



Originally posted by Deranged1337

Are the daily tier skips for the whole 2 weeks? or only due double xp weekend?

Every day for 2 weeks. So you can get up to 14 free levels. Then, there’s double XP weekend which is ADDITIONAL XP on top of the above bonus for account and battle pass levels.

19 May


Hi All,

We’ve seen some threads asking about what happened in the store with the removal of recolors and just wanted to give some quick context.

We had an issue with the store which meant our next batch of recolors didn’t get in the build in time, so we weren’t able to do the next rotation of recolors. Our options were to just show some number of standard skins or to rotate old recolors back in.

Since we previously said that recolors won’t rotate back into the store for an extended time period, we wanted to avoid putting previous recolors back into the store so soon after their initial release.

The AC only items layout is temporary until the next batch of recolors gets into the build.

EDIT: Patch is / has gone live, so recolors will return as normal on Wednesday after the timers for existing items expire. We didn't want to abruptly switch availability for current items, in case players were making plans based upon the stated end ti...

Read more External link →

22 Apr


Originally posted by Leeeeeee-RSPN

He has a pretty solid win rate (unlike the 2 thicc boys we just buffed), so no planned changes in the near future.

Lots of good discussion in this thread! Love it. To clarify, we do look at win rate across skill levels, as well as pick rate, kills per game, ability uses per game, aesthetic appeal, etc.. I condensed all we do into too short of a reply, sorry about that :)

I agree with a lot of what's said here. When I said "no planned changes" I was (unclearly) referring to major reworks such as a new ultimate or whatever. That type of change competes directly with our ability to create new characters, and we think that's a better focus for the time being, given that he's in the "solid" category. That being said, in the short term, we are definitely open to tuning value level changes - things like "invisibility" opaqueness, invisibility length, ability cool downs, decoy health, etc. He could definitely use a little nudge upwards.

TL;DR - In the shorter term, he's likely to get tuning buffs (while Wraith and Lifeline get some gentle nerfs ;), but Mirage is unlikely to g...

Read more

19 Apr


Glad you’re enjoying the changes!

16 Apr


Originally posted by xXingmanXx

🦀🦀🦀 Mirage is still god damn useless 🦀🦀🦀

He has a pretty solid win rate (unlike the 2 thicc boys we just buffed), so no planned changes in the near future.


Originally posted by ragingseaturtle

I agree but I also thought about how many times you could run a wingman with a level 1 mag and be fine all the way to end game, whereas other weapons, while good without a mag early on are generally difficult to use later without one.

Yeah this is pretty much why we made the change. The gun was “end game ready” pretty much stock.

20 Mar


Originally posted by Fire42uck

The biggest difference is the fact that every BP level takes the same amount of exp as opposed to the steady ramp up of the regular levels.

The next biggest difference is the bonus xp mechanics. Overall, it shouldn't take you that much longer than getting to level 100.

It should take less