

18 Mar


Originally posted by lankey62

It depends on how the leveling system works. I know they said it would by xp based, but that could mean the each tier requires the same amount of xp. We also don't know if there is account xp and battlepass xp that is earned separately.

All BP levels are the same amount of Battle Pass Points. It's essentially Match XP + various bonuses = Battle Pass Points that level up the BP level.


Originally posted by xziew

yeah seems that our level will reset to 1 tomorrow. question is, are we still getting normal apex packs from leveling

Your level will NOT reset


Originally posted by Squidbit

Can I get one of these "tomorrow" things today?

Boom - tomorrow answer today :)


Originally posted by glynstlln

Is it separate from account level?

Meaning, is my account level gonna get reduced to level 1 or is the battlepass going to have it's own leveling outside account level?

Completely separate - nothing will happen to your account level (Player Level). It will stay where it is and you can progress as normal


Originally posted by lennyuk

So sounds like the battle pass is purely xp based, not challenge based? i.e. we can just keep playing like we currently do to rank it up?

Hey Lennyuk,

Basically there are now two progression paths - Player Level and Battle Pass Level. Battle Pass Level is earned similarly to Player Level - via playing the game an earning XP, with a few BP only bonuses. Both tracks are separate and independent - so two rewards tracks!

07 Mar


Originally posted by flatout42

I cant tell from the wording. Did they remove it completely from her care package or reduced the chance of it dropping level 4?

Removed. Level 4 items are supposed to come from high risk / reward scenarios (e.g. neutral care packages or supply ships) or super lucky world pick ups.

06 Mar


Originally posted by Clem_SoF

thats promising. I'm just afraid the fixes will help the win rates a bit but do absolutely nothing to their pick rates without ability buffs. will be interesting to see. Serious question: would you say your goal is for the legends to have closer win rates or closer pick rates?

In general, closer win rates than pick rates. There are are lots of other factors outside of game balance that impact pick rates such as aesthetic appeal.


Originally posted by Craesi__

How exactly are you guys going to make it balanced to pick someone like Caustic with a huge hitbox over someone who has a tiny hitbox with high mobility (Wraith)

By turning all of King's Canyon into Bunker ;)


Originally posted by CloudNimbus

Is there a reason for Gibraltar's shield dome to be so tall? Is there a way to lower it that way it's not a complete deadgiveaway as to where he or his team is? He's already big enough ;)

You can toggle it on and off


Originally posted by [deleted]


The hit box changes aren't live yet. They are coming when we launch season 1. The model size won't change.


Originally posted by Clem_SoF

I still don't think the changes to Gibraltar, caustic, and pathfinder will be enough.

We're testing some additional tweaks to have in our back pocket, but so far the hit box adjustments in our playtests have helped a lot.


Originally posted by howmadstha

You said you won't be confirming future features, but can you confirm there will be a report button and also make a statement on the influx of cheaters?

A more detailed post about cheating is coming, so I don't want to steal Jay's thunder, but a reporting feature is definitely on the way.

25 Feb


Originally posted by DittoDat

I love the system and it allows me something to grind for weekly as it's my personal goal to get all of the store exclusives. I do have to say that the price for the required legendary beforehand is a little steep though.

It seems like many people are complaining however and I just hope that if you do act on feedback and end up changing the system in the future, players like myself who have purchased all of the store exclusives so far aren't shit on.

Oh, and is there any chance you could confirm if the store exclusives will ever rotate back into the store or are they a one-time thing?

They will eventually rotate back in, but not sure when. Not any time soon though for sure

24 Feb


We're providing recolor options to Legendaries for grind currency only which seems pretty fair - we don't charge any real money for these exclusive shop recolors.

When we looked at what other top tier F2P games based on cosmetics are doing for recolors, we found they typically (1) charge real $ on top of the base real $ price for a skin, or (2) they sell each version of the skin for full price. They also don't offer Legendary quality skins for grind currency.

The goal of Legend Tokens is to ensure players are able to earn all characters for free if they are willing to put in a reasonable amount of play time per character. You never have to spend real money to utilize the currency for it's core purpose. This currency isn't meant to reward cosmetics (we give away free Apex Packs for that purpose). However, we thought it would be a nice added bonus to offer some recolors for free that would act as a bonus for hardcore players who were also skin enthusiasts.

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