

11 Apr

29 Mar


Originally posted by altobrun

Sorry Acorn. I knew I didn’t know all the Jmods names by heart so I was going by the wiki to remember who I didn’t.

As Gee pointed out the wiki is also incomplete. If I figure out everyone I missed I’ll make an updated version :)

The new wiki is complete I believe?


Originally posted by JagexAcorn

When you didn't make the cut :(

Is this a pun?

11 Sep


Originally posted by RsStormy

thanks curse, but for me at least there is no longer an issue, turns out that the 2nd mural i unlocked i never actually inspected therefore the remaining 4 only had examines.

Ah ok cool, I didn't want to jump to conclusions but at least it's fine now. :)

29 Aug


Originally posted by Endeavour_RS

Since when is it all day ;o? I thought it was thursday afternoons...

It used to be, but then got changed to the whole day every two weeks.


Originally posted by [deleted]


What does that means? Looking on google I came up into this:

The way Our former president hacked into the new presidents phones.

So, are you planning to hack into Trump's Phone? (He is not my president, so, do as you wish. I am not from U.S :P)

Not quite, TAPP for us means Thursday All day Personal Projects.


What's your favorite piece of content that you have worked on?

  • Telos is the content I'm most proud of, but I've loved all of the projects I've worked on, to name a few there are; GWD2, Children of Mah, Goebie quest / tutorial island quest (Beneath cursed tides), Raids, Catherby rework, Skilling pets , Menaphos.

Was it your most passionate? If not, what was?

  • Telos, so yep!

What piece of content have you worked on that you weren't passionate about?

  • If you're passionate about RuneScape, and you work on it, you find light in the dark, so there isn't anything I've worked on that I wasn't passionate about.

What's your favorite piece of content that other developers have made?

  • Nex (& Nex AoD), Araxxor, Gower Quest & Shattered worlds.

What's your favorite p...

Read more

25 Aug


Originally posted by JagexOrion

I'm not promising it 100% (something weird could make us change our minds), but we have currently implemented this in development.

Damn spoilers.

23 Aug