

30 Apr

09 Apr


I thought you guys wanted a Mirage buff? 😁 In all seriousness, this is really bad and we are looking at it as we speak. Sorry about this.

04 Apr

04 Mar


Originally posted by Bennisboy

This changes daily right?

No, the loot is the same throughout the event. The plane path and the final circle location change daily!

01 Mar

08 Feb


We actually did, for a long time during development! The problem was that he was too hard to shoot while in that pose, vs a standard crouch. It was very creepy tho, maybe we can show some footage some day.

25 Jan


Brings a tear of joy to my eye. 😍


This is so amazing.

I mean... now it is... through the lens of many months of time

24 Jan


My favorite post (not sure where it was) was someone saying "this cant be real because it looks SO BAD. Respawn would never release this garbage etc etc."

Cue my tears as I work late that night adding loot and rocks and ziplines.

08 Dec

02 Dec


Originally posted by mogop

If you're coming from Refinery and going to Epicenter there are 3 bins on top, the one on the left is pushing you and you can't move around it.

Yep, that fix is in and will be in the next map patch. Thanks!

29 Nov

08 Nov


Originally posted by Arkayb33

Haha thanks. I don't think someone who's played 150 hours total with a k/d ratio of like .2 is really on Respawn's radar, but I appreciate the support!


03 Nov

31 Oct


Originally posted by [deleted]


This is our LAN party room. It's just set up for playtests and random things. We don't work in here. We have nice chairs and desks, etc :)

04 Oct


Originally posted by Iinzers

Hey theres another issue I ran into

I dropped into train yard and went on this platform here and got stuck

I went into the centre of that tower with the little platform around it and got stuck. Wasnt able to get out at all and could barely move. I died because of the countdown and my death box was up there, this was about mid game.

Gotcha, will take a look. Thanks!


Originally posted by synthetic-herb

Hey Monsterclip,

Don’t normally comment on this subreddit (but always lurking and appreciating) but I feel the need to let you know this happened to me yesterday: I was looting some buildings west of Lava Fissure and the circle was all the way southeast at Lava City, and as soon as the storm started closing for Round 1, it appeared instantly on top of me and then some. Could you look into this? Thanks!

Yep, we are working on a fix for that right now. Thanks!

03 Oct


Originally posted by Tridente13

Keep an eye also on kings canyon at relay, between the rectangular structure and the mountain on the east side. There is an hole back there where once I fell in and got stuck. It costed a victory to me as well

Yep, thanks. That is already fixed!


Thanks for posting, I'll get this looked at.

02 Oct

