

19 Jun


Originally posted by Jsnbassett

I am a rampart (masters) and I do find thst though her kit is severely underpowered + couldnuse good QOL additions... she is often a 1v2 god. I have clutched some insane 1v3 but usually it is because peoplebjustbdon't find enough ramparts and the shields throw them off. It is quite hilarious to watch.

I will say, in ranked the higher you climb, you begin to flex more. It's that same scenario where your legend can literally have people leave mid fight and blame your pick to truly skilled players d3+ just having IQ to make your abilities useless in anything but end game too often. Rampart sucks versus third parties ans truly holding areas down due to her serious lack of reactive power.

People don't want to play around you. With wattson, people can freely maneuver about. The walls restrict your teammates to a playstyle that isn't common. Whereas with wattson, they can freely move in and out of fences. Wattson can also significantly deny more area, giving more play room...

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Good suggestions here, thanks for writing it up. We have some good Rampart updates coming mid season 10. You'll know it when you see it. :)

18 Jun


Jeeeez that was disgusting. Awesome plays man. I'm a Rampart main too, but I don't pull off stuff like that.

01 Apr

22 Jan

06 Nov


Originally posted by [deleted]

Whats up my dudes! I wanted to show some appreciation for the new look of the challenges UI... Also...the remake of the EA intro...gorgeous, and the sound finally doesn't explode my eardrums!

My question: It seems like the start of the past few seasons, the drop ship routes have been done in a somewhat restrictive way that seems to limit the spread of everyone. Usually these change after a couple weeks and the gameplay settles as everyone can spread out. I just wondered if these kind of things are intentional during the first couple weeks to kick off the action and grab data? Not sure who would design flight paths, but maybe u/Monsterclip knows :)

We almost shipped Olympus with a much lower dropship path, and raised it right before shipping Season 7 based on internal feedback. So, we like that you can't get everywhere easily from the drop, but we'll listen to feedback and look at heatmaps, etc. to see if it needs to change in any way. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Beppu-Gonzaemon

How does the SBMM algorithm work?

Read respawn lies below. We caught them in their scumbag EOMM directives and yet they still lie and try to weasel the community. Look at your own games. How many times are you fighting 3 stacks with sub level 200 teammates? These games are rigged from the start.

As a game that requires 60 people to play, we prioritize making matches quickly over creating "the perfect match." This is mostly noticeable in small regions or late night sessions. (this is why I don't really identify our system as "SBMM") This is why you'll see some variance in who is in your match. We assume you'd rather play a match than sit in a queue for 10 minutes. This goes for Ranked, too. We wait longer to make more fair matches here, but eventually we want all our players to actually play, so will merge ranks to start a game. To be fair, I don't think this system is flawless and we are discussing improvements.

I don't believe it's any secret that I won't share with you exactly how our matchmaking system works.

For a few reasons! It's probably exploitable if you tried hard enough. Even if it's not exploitable in any meaningful way, it doesn't mean players wouldn't try weird stuff to try to exploit it.

It also changes often! We can make tweak...

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Originally posted by Hacked_Base

Hey, I just wanna know can we expect more finishers for some of the characters that only have two (examples like Crypto, Octane and Wattson) since Horizon got three

This is not the answer you're looking for - but probably not.

They are require a lot of dev time and we've seen people don't use them much.

Now take this compared to skydive emotes... we think that design space has gone pretty well and the data shows that people want them and use them, so we make more!


Originally posted by BigDongRetard

"we're still exploring ways to allow a solo experience" what did you mean by that and should we expect solos or an alternative to solos to be implemented at some point in the future ??

Yeah! I said this in a dev stream and we are still following up on it.

One solution we want to implement is No Fill. We think this will give lone wolves the ability to get in there and complete challenges, get some kills and generally show off their skills without disrupting other people's games.

There are some more creative solutions we're exploring that I don't want to say just yet, but it won't be Solos. We are a team game.


Originally posted by Carlboison

I really enjoy the new map, imo it's the prettiest one.

I have a question regarding map design.

On KC you have loot ships and loot bunkers

On WE you have Vaults and Bloodhound trials

What was the thought process on not including such "gimick loot locations" on Olympus?

I mean, the Rift has a pretty neat hook. Bonsai Plaza has some pretty significantly different layout designs than previous maps.

Some of your examples came later, in the form of town takeovers or map updates. We usually use those to inject new gameplay in the form of PoIs.

Some cool stuff coming to Olympus soon. :)


Originally posted by dmarti14

Is there any kind of timeframe on when we will see Quads!? Hard to get buddy’s to try out apex when we have to drop one of our squad mates.

We don't have any plans to release Quads. We needed to decide this early on in testing. Trios is the magic number for us. That's when the legend composition really shines and the X-Men vs Avengers fantasy starts to shine through. When you play Quads, which we tested early on, the combat becomes nearly untrackable. It's chaotic in a negative way.

This wouldn't be a total deterrent for a limited time mode if the rest of the game wasn't designed around Trios. Our lobby, for example, is designed for 3 people. Our loot distribution is designed for 3 people per squad. Even something like the banners placed around the map don't have room for a 4th. These are all technically solvable problems with enough effort, but because we feel that Trios is the sweet spot we aren't pursuing Quads currently.


Originally posted by GoingHamzoBTW

Hmm. I see what you're getting at here, but honestly, I feel like I prefer WE to both either maps for the sole reason that moving across it is slow? If that makes sense. Not saying that Olympus is bad, it's stunning and so well designed, but I will say that the Phase Runner especially makes for a lot of toxic scenarios, and that probably isn't able to fixed. Caustic and wattsons will just set up next to the place you exit and there's nothing you can do about it.

It's true and totally makes sense.

The beauty of BR is that you can avoid that area if you don't like the gameplay there (most of the time). Unlike balloons, people can't just land on you from nowhere - they're gonna come out at a very predictable location.


Originally posted by MANvsMerik

I am going insane over people leaving the game the second they get knocked or sooner. It happens in 80% of matches with randoms. Can anything be done about this?

We hate this too!

Clubs design is meant to tackle this exact problem, but I think it needs to be tackled from many angles.

The question we need to ask is - why are people doing this behavior?

Does the challenge system reward queueing back into games more than trying to win?

Do these people even really want to play a BR to win, or do they just like our combat and play solely for that?

Do these people have any intention of playing a team game at all?

We are always talking about ways to combat the leavers without being overly punishing to people who are just playing the game the way they want to play.
We want to look into providing those people with ways to play the game the way they want. We have some ideas. Some stuff is in the works.
It won't be solos, as I've explained in the past! (we are a team game. flag planted)

For now, if you're a team player, try joining a club that prioritizes teamwork. You don't ...

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Originally posted by Repptar

Early playtime in Olympus has shown a high rate of 3rd party fights.

Was the intent during Horizon's design to sculpt it more like KC or WE?

The additional movement option of the Trident appears to lend itself to more 3rd parties during fights.

Some of the original goals of Olympus were providing map-wide rotations. We've always been pretty liberal with rotation options (big long slides, jump towers) and we think a lot of the fun of Apex is in the ability to move through the level in a quick and fun way.

Vehicles and the Phase Runner give you options to get past some of the sticky parts of the map, like certain chokepoints, but they also help people find fights.

It's a tough balance that we are mindful of. I think part of playing Apex is knowing when to fight, and when not to fight. In pubs, you get a lot of w-key warriors, which is a fun way to play, but it's not the way to necessarily win.

29 Oct


Hmm... good idea here!

09 Oct

24 Sep


Soooo cool

22 Aug

31 May


This is amazing! Awesome work.

06 May


Originally posted by Monsterclip

I love it :)

So this didnt age well