

22 Aug


Originally posted by HeyItsChase

I have a question. Hopefully here is a good spot for an answer.

One buddy is diamond one buddy is bronze can they play together?

You can! Be aware though that the matchmaking will heavy favor the Diamond player (it's not an average) so your bronze buddy will be out of their element.


Originally posted by Banterscc

I havent played in clash since beta when there was a bo4, bo8, and bo16. Is this not a thing anymore?

Yep, it's just one 8-team bracket now

21 Aug


Originally posted by Banterscc

so we'll only play 4 games max? Or on sunday night will the rounds go later?

Sunday should be basically the same. If you win the bracket you will have played 3 games.


yeah it depends on the length of the games but 4 hours would be about the maximum it could go.


The times are the same on Sunday.


We'll know more after NA is complete. We don't want to announce new tests until we can do some analysis on the current one.


Originally posted by B3bby

Hijacking this reply; is the phonenumber tied to your account "world wide" ?

I play actively on both NA & EUW, I want to know can I play on EUW for a clash test in within the next 6 months or not?

The number is per server so you should be fine.


Originally posted by wideshapiro

Is this going to be the only tournament for the beta test?

This is the only tournament for the current announced beta. They may be more to come but we have to see how this goes first.


That is totally possible!


Not for the test! This one is on us.


You can lock in whenever up until 8 PM.

20 Aug


Sorry about that. The icons should be showing if you click on your summoner icon (like you are going to change it). Unfortunately, these don't appear on loading screen either. We just missed it. It will be fixed next patch and appear everywhere they are supposed to.


Originally posted by TeeFellaLava

Okay thanks for the answers. I had additional question about Elo. If all my team is silver, could we end up playing high Elo like plat, diamond, etc? Or will they be roughly out Elo?

Roughly your elo. Maybe a little higher or lower depending on how many teams enter but our goal is to keep the elos fairly close


Yep you just need to be honor level 2 and ranked in solo/duo or flex

  1. Yes
  2. Yes, and scouting data is provided in the client so make sure everyone has some back up picks!
  3. Players roles are not shown
  4. It's not double elimination but you are guaranteed at least 2 games so if you lose in the first round you get a consolation match for slightly better rewards. Lose in the second+ round it's over.
  5. You can play both days
  6. Unfortunately no.

13 Aug


Originally posted by xXdimmitsarasXx

I feel like this post is missing the "What are eternals" paragraph. There's a lot of why how and when but no what.

Lots of good info about "what it is" over here

30 Jul


THIS IS AWESOME. Lulu forever.

18 Jul


Promotion series aren't perfect. Losing never feels good, losing a promotion game feels worse. However, for the most part, players like promotion series. What promotion series allow us to do is stuff like demotion protection (which TFT doesn't have) and they make the general feeling of ranking up feel like an accomplishment for games on Summoner's Rift. We are looking at ways to make them feel better, but there is no plan to get rid of them. TFT is a different type of game and so the ranking system was developed to reflect that.

27 Jun


Originally posted by C0n3r

Is TFT disabled? Because I’m 99% sure when they say TFT will be disabled in this article they are referring to PBE.

Updated the post to reflect this but definitely meant TFT on PBE will be disabled

04 Jun


If your friends are playing on accounts that have never played in Ranked before then this should not be possible. If you could send me their account names/server I can take a look