

26 Aug


Really glad you enjoyed Clash. I had a blast too!


We are definitely looking at this. Part of the reasons we do betas like this is that we need lots of data to figure out exactly how to break tiers up. Thanks for the feedback!


Glad it worked out for you! My day one was pretty close and we went 1-1. Day two was a little rough because I am bronze I and was playing with some high gold so we were overmatched. Still pulled out 1 win though.


Originally posted by Arikushii

It was the complete opposite for me, my team was 3 silver IVs, one gold II, and one plat III. we played two games, but both games we went up against high gold's and plats

This seems like it was working properly. It's not an average, the team MMR skews towards the highest player.


Originally posted by -Puffin-

Just wanted to do a shoutout, I see you answering questions regarding clash all over reddit and as a user, it’s very helpful. Thanks man!

Thanks! Glad it's helpful! :D


So I checked a few places and it seems like the banners are spawning correctly. If you still aren't seeing yours, drop a ticket to player support and they should be able to sort it out.


Gonna check into this


Originally posted by acbalint93

Clash could maybe use an mmr system like TFT.

Just to clear out how i imagine this: R1 winners go to winners bracket, and winners bracket would also have a 3rd place decider for the losers of the R2 winners bracket.

R1 Losers would go for consolation bracket, but the teams losing in R2 would still play for 7th. This helps with getting more accurate mmr, and also out of the 8 team 7 would have at least 1 win and kind of feel good about themselfs. (at least better than losing all game)

So now you have an accurate result from 1st to 8th place.

(Also props to you responding to almost every clash post, however small they are.)

Yeah this would help us for accuracy for sure, but only if everyone plays every game. We are trying to balance it out. I think when we saw a lot of players not playing in consolation we decided it wasn't something they wanted. Seems like that desire has changed a bit so we will revisit it.


Won't be in NA next week. After we assess the beta we will have more information around when you can expect it to be back. When it's out, Clash will be a couple times a month


Originally posted by Ranigad

Sorry to latch onto this reply but what if we need to replace someone between games on the same day? Can we kick and add someone else?

Not on the same day

25 Aug


Yeah we have this on our list of things to solve. It's definitely a problem right now.


Are they the highest rated on the team?


After NA is finished we will assess and see what's next. Stay tuned!


You can just remove them from the team and add a new player. The two days are separate so you don't need subs. You can change as many people as you want.


Originally posted by Fluffasaurus89

Also, I didn’t see anywhere but what’s the plan in a theoretical perfect world, where clash doesn’t crash and performs perfectly. Will it become a permanent game mode or will it be accessible every week for a few days?

Ideally Clash is available a couple times a month for a couple of days each time.


Originally posted by Fluffasaurus89

How’s clash looking so far in terms of performance on NA?

Yesterday was really good! There seemed to be an issue with high ping for a few players but we aren't sure that it is related to Clash. For the most part everyone got through it pretty smoothly. Today should reveal even more information so fingers crossed!


Originally posted by PraiseTheStun

Is EUW next up for clash testing? Also, are you guys going to release a feedback article about the results of this clash test?

Probably won't do a feedback article about this specific test, maybe something after we complete more regions. As far as EUW is concerned we have to wait and see how NA finishes up before we can make decisions about the next regions.


Originally posted by nizzy2k11

No matter what, when I go into clash I should be playing as many games as everyone else. It felt bad that a team with the same record as us got to play another game and we didn't. And I don't know if that did get them more prizes but if it did that is off too.

Definitely didn't get them more prizes. It's hard for us to guarantee the same number of games for everyone but we can definitely look at the 3rd place match. Historically we saw a lot of player not wanting to play more after losing which is why it isn't in today, but that doesn't mean we can't revisit. Thanks for the viewpoint!