All champions are unlocked for all players in Clash
All champions are unlocked for all players in Clash
Shameless plug but is it possible for an option to toggle those fancy animations in clash? It nearly crashed my client just to load the bracket animation as well the result animation slowed my pc down drastically but everything else about clash worked and was great.
We can check it out. All of our testing shows that the animations have almost no impact on client performance so something weird must be going on.
We have heard this a lot during this round of betas. Definitely something we are considering
Can you give an approximation of when you will be releasing the article that tells us about the results of this test and the next steps?
I can't give you any timelines but I would expect a summary probably around preseason
Has destroyed playability for non clash players :)
20 mins for an aram queue when I can only play a few times on weekends, sucks man
We agree and it definitely won't be like this on release.
My team got smashed in the finals by 3 smurfs ranked silver, rip
Can you give me your summoner name so we can check out who you played against? If they were smurfs, we want to know!
I don't have more information all. I've been out of the office and it's not my call to make. Sorry wish I had more info.
i can now earn tokens through tft again. but i have not gotten any tokens for the tft games i played yesterday. missing around 100 tokens i think
Now that it's fixed we will be looking at games missed. It takes a little time for us to restore things and then go back and review.
Just finished a TFT game since the client went back up, still not receiving tokens. Can you guarantee progress is still being tracked? Was planning on grinding tft for them tonight, thanks :)
Edit - they just turned up! I guesd they just got stuck in traffic!
What about missions? Are you going to extend the deadline for them since they’re not being tracked?
They are being tracked but we will figure out what to do once it is fixed.
Any ETA on when TFT ranked will be up?
Sorry, I don't have an ETA
We are working on fixing this issues. The tokens are being tracked so you should get them once it's resolved.
EUW test when?
If I could be more exact I totally would. All I can say is that it will be tested in EUW.
That's not a clash issue, I play on NA from EU a lot, my normal ping is 104, sometimes it spikes to 160ish, it always happens for the same reason. My net traffic for reasons unknown to me routes the traffic differently. Normally it goes Amsterdam -> East Coast US-> Chicago (Riot Servers), but on a few days a year it goes Amsterdam -> East Coast US -> Los Angeles Area -> Chicago. Basically going across the continent for no reason. Source a lot of frustrated trace-routes the first times it happened. This weekend it sadly coincided with Clash :(
Just gonna tag /u/MoreChrono in case this is somehow helpful for reasons unknown to me.
Super helpful stuff. Thanks for the info. I will pass it along to some more informed folks.
Trophies are totally a thing still! Just not for this beta period.
Nothing concrete yet in terms of an announcement, but there should be more information coming up about how it's going, so look for that.
My teammate was silver 2 jungler and was tier 2. My diamond 4 teammate was also tier 2. How in the world does silver 2 = diamond 4? And my plat 1-2 teammate was tier 1 ... how is a plat player higher ranked than a diamond player? If tiers are using mmr then it's really messed up at the moment.
You got a summoner name so we can take a look?
If you don't mind me asking..how did the clash this weekend go?
So far it looks like it went really well. Seems like the games went smoothly and people got to play when they wanted to. We have to do some deeper dives on specifics and look into an issue with ping that may or may not be because of Clash, but in general it was a success! (Note this is just my take, not like an official take)
Hopefully it works on EUW!
Fingers crossed! I am cautiously optimistic.